Dr. Jean Darcy

Email:[email protected]
Phone: (718) 631-6302

Office Hours at H428
Mon. 1:00-2:00

Dr. Jean Darcy

Alma Mater: The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Degree: PhD In English

Specialty: American Literature

Teaching Philosophy: Integrative Learning

“The characteristic of artistic design is the intimacy of relations that hold the parts together.”

John Dewey in Art as Experience

Learning begins in deep connections students make with their own creative centers and concerns. Through reflection, students develop the ability to see the habits they use in these creative centers, while at the same time, recognizing alternative habits and approaches in their peers. Through teamwork and research, personal questions can be opened up into an expansive understanding of alternate approaches and assumptions. Once students understand their own alternative inquiry paths and approaches to problem solving, we introduce interdisciplinary models. These interdisciplinary approaches help widen the scope of learning to build on deliberation and choice as part of a personal participation in community and global engagement. A special emphasis is given to the technology that facilitates integrative learning.

National Awards and Grants:

HETS Best Practices Award with Bruce Naples: “VoiceThread,” 2015

Recipient: Innovation of the Year Award. “The Student Wiki Interdisciplinary Group” Queensborough Community College. League of Innovations, April 5, 2011

Recipient: American Association of Colleges and Universities LEAP Award “ National Toolkit Model, Queensborough Community College, SWIG,” January, 2011.

QCC CO PI Fund for Improvement of Post-Secondary Education, Sub FIPSE with LaGuardia Community College. “Making Connections to Transfer.” $450,000 over five years for CUNY transfer facilitation, October, 2010.

QCC CO PI Fund for Improvement of Post –Secondary, Sub FIPSE with La Guardia Community College. “Connect to Learning.” $2,000 national grant with twenty colleges to create national website on integrative learning. October, 2010.

Attended: “Georgetown Crossroads Grant,” Online National Team of Interdisciplinary Faculty, Fall Semester 2006

Chapter in a book:

“Visualizing Discovery: Columbus’s Maps ,” in Writing the Visual. Eds., David and Richards, Parlor Press, 2008.

Peer Reviewed Journal

  • Darcy, Jean. “Building a Sense of Global Identity through Artifacts in a Freshman Composition Classroom.” HETS (Hispanic Educational Technology Service). November 2013.
  • Darcy, Jean. “Reflection and Metacognition in First Year Experience at Queensborough Community College. HETS.
  • Darcy, Jean, Joan Dupre and Michelle Cuomo. “An ePortfolio Virtual Learning Community within a Traditional Classroom Space: The Student in a Global Social Networking Community.” HETS (Hispanic Educational Technology Service)

Creative Writing:

“Marginalia” in “Prosopisia,” 2015

Dr. Darcy teaches EnN101 Freshman Composition, EN102 Introduction to Literature, EN 411 American Literature, and EN103 Writing for the New Media.

Recently, she has offered En 102 on Saturdays as a hybrid online class that meets eight out of the fifteen Saturdays in the semester. Students need not have special computer skills to be a part of the class, but they will need to have internet access from home.

Current Courses: Freshman Composition ENGL 101, Introduction to Literature ENGL 102, Writing for the New Media ENGL 103, American Literature ENGL 411
