Awards & Scholarships Committee
2024-2027: (6 Members)
Faculty Representatives (Name, Department, Term Ends):
- Brannan, Ryan, Academy Advisement -- secretary (2025)
- Keogh, Timothy, History -- chair (2025)
- Carrie Blank, Marketing and Communication (2026)
- Christopher Roblodowski, Biological Sciences & Geology (2026)
- Angela Gmuca (Human Resources) (2027)
- Christine Pagano, Nursing (2027)
- Mark Zelcer, Social Sciences, Steering Committee Designee
- Lukas, Veronica, Student Financial Services, President's Liaison
Bylaws Charges
Section 12. The Committee on Awards and Scholarships
The Committee on Awards and Scholarships shall consist of six (6) members of the instructional staff and one (1) student.
The Committee on Awards and Scholarships shall:
Evaluate and recommend to the Academic Senate criteria and selection procedures for recipients of awards and scholarships.
- Select and recommend to the Academic Senate recipients for College-wide awards and scholarships for all currently enrolled students and mid-year graduates.
Assist the Office of Financial Services and Scholarships in awarding the College-wide scholarships.
- Receive data on all awards and scholarships granted in the College and report the data to the Academic Senate.
Steering Committee Suggested Goals/Committee Goals
- Facilitate Student participation in certain meetings, or parts of meetings, not to review nor vote on student scholarship applications, but to be aware of scholarship opportunities and committee process. A Committee Representation Preference Form will be sent to already-elected student senators during the first week of the semester, and to the remaining roster of senators culled from Club officers by the end of September. Students will be given link to your committee's webpage, so make sure the webpage has chair/secretary contact information on it, including meeting times where possible
- How did coordinating with OAA and Marketing to encourage better advertising go? Let us know if any problems persist
- Work on addressing problem of AI-generated essays -- consider language in application itself addressing that, could an A-generated essay be disqualifying?
- Work with Steering Committee to draft request to OAA to change time-frame of review process so that it does not coincide with Finals Week
- Work on developing orientation process whereby students can be made more aware of scholarships and process to apply. Ask SC to help you communicate with OAA and/or Student Activities (Brian Mitra) on this.
- Please post meeting dates and times for Fall/Spring committee meetings on the webpage.
- Thank you for updating your membership page!