Dr. Moni Chauhan

Moni Chauhan

Dr. Moni Chauhan

Professor and Chair

Research Integrity Officer (RIO)

College Conflict Officer (CCO)

Research Agreement Point Person (RAPP)

Export Control Administrator (ECA)

STEM Academy Faculty Leader

Office: Science Bldg., Room S-443

Phone: 718-281-5573

Email: [email protected]




Office of Research

Research Integrity Officer



1986 Bachelor of Science (BSc)- Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Kanpur University, India

1988 Master of Science (MSc)- Organic Chemistry, Kanpur University, India

1996 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)- Organometallic Chemistry - Polymer and Catalysis, Universite Montpellier II, France

Professional Experience:

07/1997 –07/2000 Research Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND

06/1996-06/1997 Postdoctoral Associate, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, Tsukuba, Japan.

07/91-01/93 Senior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

07/88-06/91 Junior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Courses Taught:

CH 120 Fundamentals of Chemistry Lecture

CH 121 Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory

CH 127 Introductory General Chemistry Lecture and Lab

CH 128 Introductory Organic Chemistry Lecture and Lab

CH 151 General Chemistry I Lecture and Lab

CH 152 General Chemistry II (Honors and Non-Honors) Lecture and Lab

CH 900 level Courses Honors Chemistry Research

Academic and Professional Recognition:


  1. Awarded Excellence in Faculty Scholarship Award at Queensborough Community College of City University of NY, 2016.
  2. Nominated and approved by the College and Professional Staff Congress/CUNY (PSC) to be a member of the University-wide Select Faculty Committee Panel for the teaching instructional staff. The Select Faculty Committee in essence assumes the functions of the College P&B and College president in making an academic judgement when a grievance regarding the college's failure to reappoint, award tenure or promote has been sustained.
  3. National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) National Institute of Health (NIH)Trained Facilitator to Train-the-Trainers.

Research Interests

The trend to smaller and smaller structures, that is, miniaturization, is well known in the manufacturing and microelectronics industries, as evidenced by the rapid increase in computing power through reduction on chips of the area and volume needed per transistor. Our research focuses on Noble metal nanocrystals and its important roles in different branches of science, such as chemical catalysis, catalysts for the growth of nanowires, nanomedicines, and nanoelectronics. Our goal is to control material size and size distribution for catalysis to promote reactions that have high selectivity with high yield through tailoring a catalyst particle via nanoparticle synthesis and assembly so that it performs only specific chemical conversions, performs these at high yield, and does so with greater energy efficiency.

Anticancer properties of Polyrhodanine Copper Nanocomposites (in collaboration with Dr. Sarbani Ghoshal, Department of Biological Sc. & Geology, Queensborough Community College of CUNY)

We hypothesize that the shape-controlled synthesis of Polyrhodanine will provide an exciting perspective for diagnosing and treating diseases, including cancer. We have investigated the synthesis of Polyrhodanine in a single-step oxidation-reduction reaction in the presence of transition metals in the microwave. Two morphologies for Polyrhodanine have been identified depending on the metal: core-shell and nanotubular. Our compounds are tested in a human lung cancer cell line, namely A549, to measure cell viability by the colorimetric MTT (3- [4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay. Our focus is to investigate the cell signaling pathways, by real-time PCR and Western blotting, that our compound could alter to identify the expression of key genes and proteins known to be dysregulated in lung cancer. We are also investigating the effect in other cancer cell lines, including triple-negative breast cancer cells.

Fabrication of Polyrhodanine nanometal composites as antibacterial agents and adsorbents for Azo dyes. (in collaboration with Dr. Bhanu Chauhan, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ)

We are synthesizing hollow polymeric particles which have stimulated an increasing interest in the area of material science owing to these properties: the nanosized spheres find applications in medicine, biology, and industry, for instance, as nano-/microreaction vessels, targeted drug delivery, controlled release, photocatalysis, and synthetic pigments at industrial scale. These materials have large surface area, tunable particle diameter and shell thickness, and low permeability and density. QCC students are synthesizing and characterizing these materials in the presence of metals and analyzing its antibacterial and azo dye adsorbent properties.

New Building Material Synthesis with reduced CO2 emissions (in collaboration with Dr. M Bolhassani, Department of Architecture, City College, CUNY)

Since CO2 emission due to human behavior is responsible for global warming, there is a great demand of making construction materials (cement) with reduced CO2 emission properties. Our goal is to study the chemistry and rheology of geopolymers (i.e. reactivity, compositions, viscosity) and understand the mechanism of polymerization of cement. Additionally, perform studies to find a new accelerator material in order to reduce the setting time of geopolymer and incorporate metals (Ca, Fe) in the raw material to study the physical/chemical properties (solubility, stability) and the setting time of the polymer. We will investigate the location of the metal in the structure of the polymer and the mechanism by which the metals attach to the silicate structures in order to create environmentally friendly, high performance, economical, durable and high setting polymers.

Peer Reviewed Publications:

  1. Kevin Kolack, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, and Moni Chauhan, “Community College Chemistry Instruction and Research in the Time of COVID-19”, Journal of Chemical Education Article ASAP, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00700, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00700
  2. Moni Chauhan, Anjali Gaba, Tao Hong, Evens Esperance, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia, and Bhanu P.S.Chauhan, “Covenient and Template-free Route to One-Pot Green Synthesis of Polyrhodanine Core-Shell Nanoparticles”, ACS Omega, 2018, 3(9), 10974-10979. (QCC students coauthors of the publication), https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00700
  3. Moni Chauhan, Chinara Feizullayeva, Krishna Melepura, Swetha Matam, Aarti Patel, Qiaxian Johnson, and Bhanu P.S.Chauhan, "Controlled Fabrication of Self-Assembled Arrays of Silver Nanoparticles", Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2014, 24:994-1000. (QCC students coauthors of the publication), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10904-014-0097-x
  4. Moni Chauhan “Effects of the Cogenerative Dialogue Teaching Method in a Community College General Chemistry Course”, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2013, 42, 6, 14-18, https://www.jstor.org/stable/43632149.
  5. Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, Swetha Matam, Tejal Surti, Ramani Tekkathu, Hardika Shukla, Moni Chauhan, “First Example of Monomeric Hydrosilane Stabilized Redispersible Silver Nanoparticles”, 2013, 5:247-253.
  6. Bhanu P. S.Chauhan, Alok Sarkar, Moni Chauhan, “Silicone Stabilized Nanoparticles as Hybrid Phase Catalysts for Selective Hydrolytic Oxidation of Hydrosilanes”; Chapter 16 in New and Future Developments in Catalysis. Catalysis by Nanoparticle, Editor: Steven Suib, Elsevier. 2013, 375-400. (Book Chapter).
  7. Moni Chauhan, “Coupling of Metal Nano Particles with Carbon Nanotubes, Synthesis and Applications”; Chapter 17 in Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Editor: Ajay Kumar Mishra, Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2013, 336-363. (Book Chapter).
  8. Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, Moni Chauhan, Lihua Zhang, Chi Kwan Wong, Gurpreet Singh, Eunchul Kim and Esther Ahn, “Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Hybrids of Tris[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] Isocyanurate (TTPI) Capped Palladium Nanoparticles and Single-Walled CarbonNanotubes”, 2011, 3:97-10. (QCC students coauthors of the publication)
  9. Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, Jitendra S. Rathore and Moni Chauhan “Pd-Nanoparticle Catalyzed Poly(hydro)siloxane Grafting: A Selective and Efficient Approach to Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Polymers”; Chapter 3 in Hybrid Nanomaterials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Editor: Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication. 2011, 65-95. (Book Chapter).
  10. Moni Chauhan, Eunchul Kim and Maninder Kaur, “Silver Nanocomposites of Functionalized Polymerizable Silica Precursors”, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. 2010, 103, 60. (QCC students coauthors of the publication), Paper published as proceedings in the 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, August 22-26th 2010, Boston, MA.
  11. Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, Alok Sarkar, Moni Chauhan and Abhishek Roka, “Water as green oxidant: a highly selective conversion of organosilanes to silanons with water”, Organomet. Chem. 2009, 23, 385-390. (QCC student coauthor of the publication)
  12. Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, Rajesh Sardar, Umar Latif, Moni Chauhan, William J. Lamoreaux “Nanoengineering of Metallic Solutions Through Silicone Constructs”, Acta Chim. Slov. 2005, 52, 361-370. (Review article)
  13. Moni Chauhan, Richard Pantano, Jitendra S. Rathore, and Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, “Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Tris (Trimethoxysilylpropyl) Isocynurate Grafted Pd-Nanoclusters”, American Chemical Society Polymer Preprints. 2004, 45(1), 598. (QCC Student coauthor of the Publication), Paper published as proceedings in the 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004.
  14. Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, Jitendra Singh Rathore, Moni Chauhan and Alexandra Krawicz,”Synthesis of Polysiloxane stabilized Palladium Colloids and Evidence of Their Participation in Silaesterification Reactions”, Journal of American Chemical Society. 2003, 125(10), 2876-2877.
  15. Moni Chauhan, Brian Jay Hauck, Lindsay P. Keller and Philip Boudjouk, “Hydrosilylation of Alkynes Catalyzed by Platinum on Carbon”, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 2002, 645, 1-13.
  16. Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. S. Chauhan and Philip Boudjouk, “An Efficient Pd-Catalyzed Route to Silylesters”, Organic Letters. 2000, 2(8),
  17. Moni Chauhan and Philip Boudjouk, “Reduction of Conjugate Double Bonds with Trichlorosilane”, Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2000, 78, 1396
  18. Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. S. Chauhan and Philip Boudjouk “A New Catalyst for Exclusive -Hydrosilylation of Acrylonitrile” Tetrahedron Letters. 1999, 40, 4127.
  19. Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Alain Fruchier and Catherine Reyé, “Evidence for Nondissociative Ligand Exchange within [4+2]-Coordinate Phosphorus Species in Solution”, Inorganic Chemistry. 1999, 38, 1336
  20. Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Alain Fruchier and Catherine Rey, “Hexacoordinate Phosphonium Salts Incorporating two (8-Dimethylamino)-1-Naphthyl Ligands. Structure and Reactivity”, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon, and Related Elements. 1997, 123, 181.
  21. Carré, Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Robert J.P. Corriu and Catherine Reyé, “Influence of the Solvent and of the Counteranion on the Structure of Silyl Cations Stabilized by a Terdentate Aryldiamine Ligand”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1997, 540, 175.
  22. Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Robert Corriu, Ahmad Mehdi, and Catherine Reyé, “Study of Silyl Cations Bearing an Aryldiamine Pincer Ligand”, 1996, 15, 4326.
  23. Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Robert Corriu and Catherine Reyé, “More Information about the Existence of Siliconium Ions”, Tetrahedron Letters. 1996, 37,
  24. Moni Chauhan, Claude Chuit, Robert J. P. Corriu, Catherine Reyé, Jean-Paul Declercq and Antoine Dubourg, “Crystallographic Evidence of Hexacoordination at Phosphorus via intramolecular Coordination of Donor Groups on Phosphane and Phosphane Sulphide”, Organomet. Chem. 1996, 510, 173.
  25. D. Gupta, Moni Oberoi, Vandana Dixit and Maheswar Roy, “Sulphur dioxide Insertion into Organocobaloxime: A True Insertion or A Case of Radical Chain Process”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1992, 430, 197

Teaching Philosophy/Outlook on higher education

Community colleges play a very important role in educating the masses in the United States. It's in the college like ours where we encounter students from all walks of life, some in financial difficulties, some immigrants with English as their second language, some with big dreams and others just being there for some unknown reason. Sciences and chemistry are not the areas many undergraduates plan to pursue. I indulge in many teaching approaches and strive to make my classroom environment welcoming, comfortable and respectful for all students. My goal is to instill critical thinking and problem-solving skills into my students so that they can hypothesize, test and interpret theories and devise conclusions. I provide my students with multiple learning opportunities besides lecturing in the class; mentor them and care for their individual needs. I motivate my students to give their best, teach chemistry with real world examples and inspire them to enjoy learning and seek knowledge.

In developing interpersonal relationships with the students through structured or non-structured dialogue I keep them on task, remind them of homework assignments, quizzes and exams. Like any good teacher I tend to be extremely organized, approachable, flexible, and knowledgeable of the subject matter I teach and yet constantly learning and modifying my teaching through student input.

As Albert Einstein had said “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler”, I see my role and others in higher education to clarify and simplify the content of the course and still maintain the higher standards as desired in this competitive scientific world. We should strive towards developing tenacity, self confidence in problem solving, and building a strong foundation in math and science for our students.


  • “Employing a new construction material and technique to reduce the global CO2 emission”, Co-Principal investigator, Amount: $15000, “CUNY Interdisciplinary Climate Crisis Research Grant (ICCRG)” 2020
  • “Acquisition of a Energy Dispersive Spectroscopic Unit for Research and Undergraduate Training in Geology, Chemistry and Material Sciences and STEM activities in grade 7-12”, Co-Principal investigator, Amount: $60,453, “Major Research Instrumentation Grant (MRI)”, NSF (National Science Foundation) 2008-2012
  • “Acquisition of a Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope for Undergraduate Research and Training in Materials Chemistry, Geological Science and STEM Activities for grades 7-12”, Co-Principal investigator, Amount: $ 70,844, “Major Research Instrumentation Grant (MRI)”, NSF (National Science Foundation) 2007-2010
  • “Siloxane Nano reactors for Functional Metallic Nanoparticles”, Principal Investigator, Amount: $2900/Year, “PSC CUNY Grant Cycle 37” June 2006
  • “Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Composites as Nanoreactors”, Principal Investigator, Amount: $40,000/Year, “CUNY Community College Intensive Research Grant” June 2005
  • “Macromolecular Substitution Approach to Metal Grafted Polysiloxanes II”, Principal Investigator, Amount: $4500/Year, “PSC CUNY Grant Cycle 35” June 2004
  • “Selective Grafting toward Self-Assembled Hybrid Structures for Electronic, Optical, And Magnetic Application”, Principal Investigator, Amount: $60,000/2 Years, “CUNY Collaborative Research Grant” July, 2004
  • “Macromolecular Substitution Approach to Metal Grafted Polysiloxanes I”, Principal Investigator, Amount: $3000/Year, “PSC CUNY Grant Cycle 34” June 2003

Scholarly Presentations at National or Regional Professional Convention

Invited Oral Presentations

  1. Moni Chauhan, Esther Ahn, Chi Kwan Wong, Eunchul Kim, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, “Hybridization of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Novel Metal Nanoparticles”, 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, PACIFICHEM 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 15-20, 2010. [International Meeting]
  2. Moni Chauhan, “Involving Undergraduates in a study of Catalytic and Antimicrobial activity of Metal Nanoparticles”, Borough of Manhattan Community College, BMCC's PKAL “Science for All Team”, NY, April 21st, 2010.
  3. Moni Chauhan “Critical Thinking Issues with Students and Everyday Life”, CETL (Center for excellence in teaching and learning), Section 1 Introduction to Critical Thinking, Queensborough Community College, Feb 27th, 2009. (Guest Speaker).
  4. Moni Chauhan,Molecular Grafting of Metallic Solution”, The 40th American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM), NY, May 18-21, 2008.

Oral Presentations

  1. Moni Chauhan, Anjali Gaba, Yousif Saleh, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia , Bhanu Chauhan, “Green synthesis of Polyrhodanine microspheres and its application for the adsorption of organic dye”, 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 19th -23rd , 2018. [National Meeting]
  2. Moni Chauhan, Chinara Feizullayeva, Krishna Melepura, Swetha Matam, Aarti Patel, Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, “Unique hybrids of silver nanoparticles and tris [3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl] isocyanurate (TTPI): Controlled fabrication, characterization, and their application in catalysis”, 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 10-14th, 2014. [National Meeting]
  3. Moni Chauhan, “Nanoscience research at Queensborough Community College” 244th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, August 19-23rd, 2012. [National Meeting]
  4. Moni Chauhan,Nanocomposites of Functionalized Polymerizable Silica Precursors”, Chemistry Department Queensborough Community College, April 27th, 2011.
  5. Moni Chauhan,How to successfully present your work at the conference (Oral, Poster), What to expect at Judged Conferences, How to get the most out of attending and Networking”, CSTEP and STEM academy at QCC, March 2nd, 2011.
  6. Moni Chauhan, Success story of nano science research at the community College”, 182nd 2YC3 Conference and 42nd Western Regional Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Sept 26-27, 2008.
  7. Moni Chauhan, “Nano science research at the community College”, 178th 2YC3 conference “Chemistry Looking to the future”, Bergen Community College, NJ, Sept 28-29, 2007.
  8. Alok Sarkar, Bhanu P.S.Chauhan; Moni Chauhan and Abhishek Roka, “Functional Bis-Silanols through Pt-nanocluster Catalysis: High Yield Synthesis and Applications”, 39th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting at Collegeville, PA, May 16-18, 2007.
  9. Moni Chauhan, Maninder Kaur, “Determination of Carbon content in Coal, showcasing the sciences at Queensborough, Queensborough Community College, 29th of Nov, 2007. (Demonstration)

Mentored Student Research Presentations (International, National & Regional Meetings


  1. Nickayla Spence, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, Bhanu P. Chauhan,” Methodology and Mechanism of Synthesis of Nanocomposites of Poly Rhodanine and Its Applications in Medicine and Wastewater treatments,”55th Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists (MACUB) Fall 2022 Conference (Virtual), SUNY Old Westbury, NY, November 5th, 2022.
  2. Nickayla Spence, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, Bhanu P. Chauhan,” Methodology and Mechanism of Synthesis of Nanocomposites of Poly Rhodanine and Its Applications in Medicine and Wastewater treatments,” 2022 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS), Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. November 9 – 12, 2022.
  3. Nickayla Spence, Moni Chauhan, “Polyrhodanine Metal Nanoparticles Synthesis and Analysis”,2022 Spring Student Symposium, Queensborough Community College (Virtual), Bayside, NY, May 6th, 2022.
  4. Nickayla Spence, Moni Chauhan, Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Samantha Nieves, Qiaxian Johnson, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “Polyrhodanine Metal Nanoparticles Synthesis and Analysis”, 69th NY ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium (Virtual), Medgar Evers College- CUNY, May 7th, 2022.


  1. Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Samantha Nieves, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “Study of Core-Shell Polyrhodanine Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Application”, 2021 CUNY Research Scholars Program Symposium (Virtual), July 28th, 2021
  2. Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Samantha Nieves, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “Core-Shell Synthesis of Polyrhodanine Cobalt/Palladium Nanoparticles”, 14 th Annual WPU Undergraduate Research Symposium (Virtual), William Patterson University, April 17 th, 2021.
  3. Arnab Sharma, Moni Chauhan, “Core-Shell Synthesis of Polyrhodanine Nanoparticles”, 2021 Spring Student Symposium, Queensborough Community College (Virtual), Bayside, NY, April 23rd, 2021.
  4. Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Samantha Nieves, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “Redox Synthesis of Polyrhodanine Cobalt/Palladium Core-Shell Nanoparticles”, 68th NY ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium (Virtual), Medgar Evers College- CUNY, May 1st, 2021.
  5. Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Samantha Nieves, Qiaxian Johnson , Gurjeet Longia , Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “Nanocomposites of PolyRhodanine / Palladium / Cobalt via Redox Reaction”, 2021 Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (Virtual), University of Delaware, June 9th , 2021.



  1. Moni Chauhan, Saleh Jaser, and Bhanu Chauhan, “One-step fabrication of PolyRhodanine - CuII and PdII nanocomposites and its application in catalysis”, American Chemical Society Virtual Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, March 22nd -26th, 2020. [National Meeting], Paper ID 3286725, Division CHED.
  2. Saleh Jaser, Arnab Sharma, Gurjeet Longia, Bhanu P. Chauhan, Moni Chauhan “Synthesis of PolyRhodanine via Oxidation/Reduction Reaction”, 53rd Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists (MACUB) Fall 2020 Conference (Virtual), St Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY, October 31st, 2020
  3. Saleh Jaser, Arnab Sharma, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “One-step Fabrication of PolyRhodanine – Pd II Nanocomposites via Redox Reaction”, 2020 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (Virtual), November 9th, 2020 
  4. Arnab Sharma, Saleh Jaser, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. Chauhan, “One-step Fabrication of PolyRhodanine – Pd II Nanocomposites via Redox Reaction”, The 5th Annual Undergraduate Research Day (Virtual), Queensborough Community College, Bayside NY, December 4th, 2020.


  1. Moni Chauhan, Saleh Jaser, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia and Bhanu Chauhan, “Catalytic Activity of Silver and Palladium Bimetallic Nanocomposites”, Undergraduate Research Day, QCC, Dec 6th, 2019.
  2. Sameen Zahra, Moni Chauhan, “Investigating the Inorganic complex/polymer of Rhodanine with Palladium (II) and its role in the destruction of Azo Dyes”, CUNY Research Scholars Program (CRSP)symposium at John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY, NY, July 24th, 2019.
  3. Sameen Zahra, Yousif Saleh, Qiaxian Johnson, Gurjeet Longia, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, “Investigating the Complexes of Rhodanine with Noble Metals”, 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological & Chemical Sciences, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ, April 13th , 2019.
  4. Moni Chauhan, Sameen Zahra, Yousif Saleh, “Synthesis and Structure of the Complexes and Polymers of Rhodanine with Noble Metals”, 27th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Sagamore Resort on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY, April 6th , 2019.
  5. Sameen Zahra, Yousif Saleh, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, “Complexes of Rhodanine with Noble Metals”, The 67th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Queens College of City University of NY, May 4th, 2019.
  6. Sameen Zahra, Moni Chauhan, “Characterization of Complexes of Rhodanine with Noble Metals and its Role in the Degradation of Azo Dyes”, Spring Student Symposium, Queensborough Community College of CUNY, May 3rd, 2019.


  1. Andrea Salis, Mangala Tawde, Moni Chauhan, “The role of Faculty Coordinators in enhancing student learning across the curriculum and co-curriculum, The 104th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington D.C, January 24-27, 2018.
  2. Yousif Saleh, Anjali Gaba, Qiaxian Johnson, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, “Green Synthesis of Polyrhodanine Microspheres and its Application for the adsorption of organic dyes”, 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological & Chemical Sciences, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ, April 14th , 2018. (Won second place award in the Analytical Chemistry division)
  3. Anjali Gaba, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, , Bhanu Chauhan, “Green Synthesis of Polyrhodanine conducting polymer”, 26th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Sagamore Resort on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY , April 14th , 2018.
  4. Yousif Saleh, Anjali Gaba, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, , Bhanu Chauhan, “Polyrhodanine microspheres for adsorption of Organic dye”, The 65th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, York College of City University of NY, May 5th, 2018.
  5. Anjali Gaba, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, , Bhanu Chauhan, “Green Synthesis of PolyRhodanine via Redox Reaction”, The 66th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, York College of City University of NY, May 5th, 2018.
  6. Yousif Saleh, Anjali Gaba Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, and Bhanu P.S.Chauhan, “One-Pot Green Synthesis of Polyrhodanine nano/microspheres and its application in the degradation of Methyl Orange”, Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative (CCURI), Glendale Community College, AZ, Nov 29-30, 2018. (Yousif was one of the two students from QCC chosen to make the presentation)
  7. Yousif Saleh, Moni Chauhan, Anjali Gaba, “Kinetic study of the adsorption of Methyl Orange on synthesized Polyrhodanine micro/nanospheres”, Undergraduate Research Day, QCC, Dec 7th, 2018.
  8. Sameen Zahra, Yousif Saleh, Moni Chauhan, “Investigating the Inorganic Complexes of Noble Metals with Rhodanine”, Undergraduate Research Day, QCC, Dec 7th, 2018.


  1. Anjali Gaba, Moni Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson, , Bhanu Chauhan, “Green Synthesis of PolyRhodanine Conducting Polymer, Undergraduate Research Day, QCC-CUNY, December 8, 2017.
  2. Moni Chauhan, Tao Hong, Esperance Esperance, Bhanu P Chauhan, “Polysiloxane coated Polyrhodanine (PRd) nanocomposites” , 45th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Hershey, PA, June 4-6, 2017.
  3. Evens Esperance, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Aarti Patel, “1,3,5,7 Tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane coated polyrhodanine nanotubes”, 25th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Sagamore Resort on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY , April 8th , 2017.
  4. Anjali Gaba, Moni Chauhan, “Microwave Synthesis of PDMS coated Polyrhodanine nanocomposite”, The 64th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Fordham University, May 6th, 2017.
  5. Evens Esperance, Moni Chauhan, “1,3,5,7-Tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane Polyrhodanine Nanotubes”, The 65th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Fordham University, May 6th, 2017.
  6. Tao Hong, Moni Chauhan, “Rhodanine based complex as a template for PMHS coating”, The 64th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Fordham University, May 6th, 2017.
  7. Moni Chauhan, Tao Hong, Evens Esperance, Anjali Gaba, Bhanu Chauhan, Aarti Patel, “Silver Mediated PolyRhodanine Polysiloxane Nanocomposites”, 11th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological & Chemical Sciences, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ, April 22nd, 2017. (Won second place award in Nano Chemistry division)


  1. Bhanu Chauhan, Tao Hong, Moni Chauhan, Aarti Patel, “Rhodanine based polymers as structural directing agent: A study of chemical and morphological evolution”, 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, August 21st -25th, 2016. [National Meeting]
  2. Moni Chauhan, Tao Hong, Aarti Patel, Bhanu Chauhan, “Synthesis of polyrhodanine-supported nobel metal nanoparticles and their role in catalysis”, 44th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, College of Mount Saint Vincent, NY, June 9-12, 2016.
  3. Tao Hong, Moni Chauhan, “One pot oxidative polymerization of Rhodanine by silver nanoparticles in DMF”, The 64th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Lehman College, CUNY, NY, May 7th, 2016.
  4. Moni Chauhan, Tao Hong , “One pot oxidative polymerization of Rhodanine by silver nanoparticles in DMF”, 24th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Sagamore Resort on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY , April 9th , 2016.(Won Honorable Mention in the State Wide Conference)


  1. Bhanu Chauhan, Qiaxian Johnson , Aarti Patel , Swetha Matam , Moni Chauhan, Carbon nanotube scaffolded self organized silica gels”, 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16th -20th , 2015. [National Meeting]
  2. Rahel Steffen, Moni Chauhan "Multistep synthesis of anisotropic silver nanoparticles", The 63rd Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Queensborough Community College, CUNY, May 9th , 2015.
  3. Jeff Massena, Moni Chauhan, “Gels of tris [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]isocyanurate TTPI and polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS)” ,The 63rd Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, Queensborough Community College, CUNY, May 9th , 2015.


  1. Moni Chauhan, Chinara Feizullayeva, Krishna Melepura, Swetha Matam, Aarti Patel, Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, “Unique hybrids of silver nanoparticles and tris [3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl] isocyanurate (TTPI): Controlled fabrication, characterization, and their application in catalysis”, 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 10-14th, 2014. [National Meeting]
  2. Chinara Feizullayeva, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan and Swetha Matam “Evidence of different shapes and sizes of silver nanoclusters synthesized via exsitu or insitu method in the siloxane polymer”, The 62nd Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, St. John's University, May 3, 2014.
  3. Moni Chauhan , Chinara Feizullayeva, Bhanu Chauhan, Swetha Matam,A Comparative study of growth and stabilization of silver nanoclusters via exsitu or insitu synthesis in the siloxane polymer”, 22nd Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Sagamore Resort on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY , April 11-13, 2014 (Won 1st Place Award in Chemistry)


  1. Krishna Melepura, Chinara Feizullayeva, Moni Chauhan, “Silica Coated Metal Nanoparticles in DMF”, 7th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at William Patterson University, NJ, April 13th, 2013.
  2. Krishna Melepura, Chinara Feizullayeva, Moni Chauhan, “Silica Coated Metal Nanoparticles in DMF”, 61st Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, The City College of NY, April 27th, 2013.
  3. Chinara Feizullayeva, Moni Chauhan, “Doping of Metal Nanoclusters in [Tris(3-Trimethoxysilylpropyl) isocyanurate] TTPI Gels”, 61st Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, The City College of NY, April 27th, 2013.


  1. Sebastien Delva, Moni Chauhan, “Synthesis of Metal Nanopaticles Embedded in Siloxane Matrix,” 60th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, SUNY College, Old Westbury, May 5th, 2012.
  2. Chauhan, Sebastien Delva, “Preparation of silver nanoparticles conjugated to siloxane gels”, 244th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, August 19-23rd, 2012.


  1. Jessica Ricciardi, Shunt Ovanosian, Moni Chauhan, and Mangala Tawde, “Mutagenic Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Bacterial DNA”, 42nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 21st of May, 2011.
  2. Julia Boroday, Moni Chauhan, “Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with different Reducing and Stabilization Agent”, 59th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, College of Mount Saint Vincent, May 7th, 2011.
  3. Jessica Ricciardi, Moni Chauhan and Mangala Tawde, “Genotoxicity of Silver Nano Particles on Escherichia Coli”, 59th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, College of Mount Saint Vincent, May 7th, 2011.


  1. Esther Ahn, Chi Kwan Wong, Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, “Formation of [Tris(Trimethoxysilylpropyl) isocyanurate] (TTPI) capped Palladium Nanoparticles onto Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 41st Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, April 10-13, 2010, Wilmington, Delaware.
  2. Ruth Lee, Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, “Antimicrobial activity of Nano Silver versus Silver Salts, Ruth Lee”, 41st Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, April 10-13, 2010, Wilmington, Delaware.
  3. Mangala Tawde, Carlo D. Echeverri, Eunchul Kim, Ruth Lee, Moni Chauhan, “Antimicrobial activity of Nano Silver in [Tris 3-(Trimethoxysilylpropyl) isocyanurate] (TTPI) Gels”, 4th Annual Undergraduates Research Symposium, College of Science and Health, William Patterson University of New Jersey, April 17th, 2010.
  4. Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, Eunchul Kim, Carlo D Echeverri, Ruth Lee, “Antimicrobial activity of Nano Silver in [Tris 3-(Trimethoxysilylpropyl) isocyanurate] (TTPI) Gels”, 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, August 22-26th, 2010, Boston, MA. [National Meeting]
  5. T Hemraj-Benny, Chauhan, C. Wong, E. Kim, “Formation of Tris 3-(Trimethoxysilylpropyl) isocyanurate] (TTPI) capped palladium nanoparticles onto single walled carbon nanotubes”, 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, August 22-26th, 2010, Boston, MA. [National Meeting]
  6. Chauhan, E Kim, M Kaur, “Silver nanocomposites of functionalized polymerizable silica precursors”, 240th American Chemical. Society National Meeting and Exposition, August 22-26th, 2010, Boston, MA. [National Meeting]
  7. Eunchul Kim, Ruth Lee, Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, “Antimicrobial Activity of nano silver versus silver salts”, 58th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society, May 8th, 2010, Adelphi University, Garden City NY.
  8. Esther Ahn, Chi Kwan Wong, Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan and Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, “The Formation of Tris(Trimethoxysilylpropyl)isocynurate(TTPI) capped Palladium Nanoparticles onto Single walled carbon nanotubes”, 58th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society, May 8th, 2010, Adelphi University, Garden City NY.
  9. Kushpreet Cheema, Na Li, Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, “Antimicrobial activity of Nano Silver versus Silver Salts”, 43rd Annual Fall MACUB (The Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists) Conference, October 23rd ,2010, Molloy College, NY.
  10. Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, “Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Nanowires in the TTPI Gels”, CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference, Graduate Center of CUNY, February 19th, 2010.
  11. Kenneth Wong, Tirandai Hemraj Benny, Moni Chauhan, “Investigating the attachment and the formation of silver nanoparticles onto Single walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 50th Anniversary Celebration of QCC, March 12th, 2010
  12. Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, “Silver Nanoparticles in TTPI Gels”, 50th Anniversary Celebration of QCC, March 12th, 2010.


  1. Moni Chauhan, Eunchul Kim, Gurpreet Singh, “Silver Nanoparticles in TTPI Gels”, 42nd Silicon Symposium, June 9-11, 2009, Long Branch, New Jersey.[International meeting]
  2. Eunchul Kim, Moni Chauhan, “Synthesis and Growth of Silver Nanoparticles in the Gels”, 57th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pace University, May 2nd, 2009.
  3. Chi Kwan Wong, Gurpreet Singh, Moni Chauhan, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, “Investigating the formation of Silver Nanoparticles into Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 57th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pace University, May 2nd,2009.
  4. Gurpreet Singh, Chi Kwan Wong, Moni Chauhan, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, “Attachment of Silver Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes”, 57th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pace University, May 2nd, 2009.
  5. Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, L. Samaroo, E. Kim, “Minimal inhibitory concentration of silver nanoparticles on Escherichia coli”, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC, August 16-20, 2009. [National Meeting]
  6. Moni Chauhan, Mangala Tawde, L. Samaroo, E. Kim, “Minimal inhibitory concentration of silver nanoparticles on Escherichia coli”, 42nd Annual Fall MACUB(The Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists) Conference, Kingsborough Community College, NY, Oct 24th, 2009.
  7. Moni Chauhan, Eunchul Kim, “In Situ conjugation of silver nanoparticles in TTPI Gels, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC, August 16-20, 2009. [National Meeting]
  8. Moni Chauhan, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny Gurpreet Singh, Chi Kwan Wong, “Investing the attachment and the formation of silver nanoparticles onto single walled carbon nanotubes”, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC, August 16-20, 2009. [National Meeting]


  1. Devindra Tilakdhari, Moni Chauhan, "Comparative study of Pd and Pt nanoparticle synthesis", The 236th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, August 17-21, 2008.[National Meeting]
  2. Maninder kaur, Moni Chauhan, "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles", The 236th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, August 17-21, 2008.[National Meeting]
  3. Devindra Tilakdhari, Moni ChauhanPlatinum and palladium metallic solutions, The 40th American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM), QCC, NY, May 18-21, 2008.
  4. Maninder Kaur, Moni Chauhan, “Chemical/Thermal reduction of gold and silver salts: A new route to in-situ nanoparticle synthesis and stabilization”, The 40th American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM), QCC, NY, May 18-21, 2008.
  5. Devindra Tilakdhari, Moni Chauhan, “A comparative study of Pd and Pt nanoparticles synthesis and stability”, The 56th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, QCC, NY, May 17th, 2008.
  6. Maninder Kaur, Moni Chauhan, “A study of nanosilver (synthesis and stabilization)”, The 56th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY Section, QCC, NY, May 17th, 2008.


  1. Navreet Kaur, Moni Chauhan; “Determination of Molecular Formula of the Compound using CHN analyzer”, 55th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY section, May 5th, 2007.
  2. Heekyung Ann, Moni Chauhan; “NMR, IR and the CHN Analyzer for structural determination of compounds”, The 55th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY section, May 5th, 2007.
  3. Ahn Heekyung, Moni Chauhan; “NMR, IR and the CHN analyzer for the structural analysis of organic compounds”, 39th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) at Collegeville, PA, May 16-18, 2007.
  4. Navreet Kaur, Moni Chauhan; “Determination of Molecular formula of the compound using CHN analyzer”, 39th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) at Collegeville, PA, May 16-18, 2007.
  5. Navreet Kaur, Moni Chauhan; “Method development for the elemental analysis of air sensitive silicon based compounds", 234th American Chemical Society National Meeting at Boston, MA, August 19-23, 2007.[National Meeting]
  6. Ahn Heekyung, Moni Chauhan;Structural determination of silanols using a combinatorial approach", 234th American Chemical Society National Meeting at Boston, MA, August 19-23, 2007. [National Meeting]
  7. P.S. Chauhan, A. Sarkar, M. Chauhan, A. Roka; “Nanoparticle Catalysis: Unsaturated poly(siloxane) obtained via polymerization of functional bis-silanols”, 234th American Chemical Society National Meeting at Boston, MA, August 19-23, 2007. [National Meeting]
  8. Alok Sarkar, Bhanu Chauhan, Moni Chauhan, Silyene - Arene spaced Bis-silanols and their catalytic polymerization”, Fifth International Workshop of Silicon Based Polymers, ISPO, France, 25th-27th of June, 2007.[International Meeting]
  9. Bharathi balagam, Bhanu Chauhan, Kristina Foulias, Moni Chauhan , A metal free catalytic route to silylated functional polybutadienes”, Fifth International Workshop of Silicon Based Polymers, ISPO, France, 25th-27th of June, 2007.[International Meeting]


  1. Isoken Igbinoghene, Kristina Foulias, Moni Chauhan, Bharati Balagam, Bhanu Chauhan, “Functionalization of 1,4 &1,2- Polybutadienes catalyzed with the lewis acid”, The 34th NorthEast Regional Meeting of ACS, October 5-7, 2006.
  2. Abhishek Roka, Moni Chauhan, Alok Sarkar, Bhanu Chauhan, “Highly Selective and Efficient Route to Silanols from Silanes”, The 34th NorthEast Regional Meeting of ACS, October 5-7, 2006.
  3. Moni Chauhan, Abhishek Roka, Alok Sarkar and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, “Selective and high Yield Synthesis of Silanols through Pt-nanocluster Calalysis”, 38th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting at Hershey, PA, June 4-7, 2006.
  4. Moni Chauhan, Kristina Foulias, Bharthi Balagam and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, “A Highly Efficient one pot Lewis Acid Catalyzed route to functional Polybutadienes”, 38th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting at Hershey, PA, June 4-7, 2006.
  5. Moni Chauhan, Abhishek Roka and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, Alok Sarkar, “Synthesis of Silanols from Organosilanes catalyzed via Pt-nano clusters”, The 54th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY section, St. John's University, NY, April 29th, 2006.
  6. Moni Chauhan, Kristina Foulias, Bharthi Balagam, and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan, “Hydrosilylation of 1,4 &1,2 –Poly butadienes catalyzed with the Lewis Acid”, The 54th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the American Chemical Society-NY section, St. John's University, NY, April 29th, 2006.


  1. Gilchris O. Burton, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif, “Hydrosilylation of Alkenes and Alkynes using Pt and Pd Colloid,” 230th ACS National meeting in Washington DC, Aug 28th-Sept 1st 2005. [National Meeting]
  2. Wayne Narain, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif “Silicones as Generation and Stabilization Agents of NanoCopper”, 38th Silicon Symposium at Boulder Colorado on 2nd-5th of June, 2005. [International Meeting]
  3. Gilchris O. Burton, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif, “Rhodium Nanocluster Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Alkenes and Alkynes”, 38th Silicon Symposium at Boulder Colorado on 2nd-5th of June, 2005. [International Meeting]
  4. Gilchris O. Burton, Moni Chauhan , Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif “Platinum and Rhodium Nanoclusters as Catalyst in Hydrosilylation of Alkenes and Alkynes”, 37th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting at Rutgers University, May 22-25, 2005.
  5. Wayne Narain, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif, “Generation and Stabilization of Copper Nanoparticles”, 37th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) at Rutgers University, May 22-25, 2005.
  6. Moni Chauhan, Wayne Narain, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif “Nanoreactor Approach to Generation and Stabilization of Copper Nanoparticles”, Polymer Seminar Day at the Graduate Center of CUNY”, January 13, 2005.
  7. Moni Chauhan, Gilchris Burton, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif “Catalytic Reactions of Nanoparticles: Room Temperature Hydrogenation Reactions”. Polymer Seminar Day at the Graduate Center of CUNY”, January 13, 2005.
  8. Gilchris O. Burton, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif ,“Hydrosilylation of Unsaturated Compounds Using Nanoclusters”, 53rd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stony Brook University, May 7th, 2005.
  9. Wayne Narain, Moni Chauhan, Bhanu Chauhan, Umar Latif, “Synthesis of Colloidal Copper”, 53rd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stony Brook University, May 7th , 2005.


  1. Moni Chauhan, Richard Pantano, Jitendra S. Rathore,and Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, “One pot synthesis and stabilization of functional novel metal nanoparticles”,227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004 (Inorganic Division, P-532). [National meeting]
  2. Moni Chauhan, Richard Pantano, Jitendra S. Rathore,and Bhanu P. S. Chauhan “Silicon Based Templates For Synthesis And Stabilization of Nanosized Novel Metal Particles”,37th Organosilicon Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, PA, May, 21-22, 2004.[International Meeting]
  3. Moni Chauhan, Richard Pantano, Jitendra S. Rathore and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan “Functional Pd-Nanoparticles and their Catalytic Activity”, 52nd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Queesborough Community College, NY, 1st of May 2004.
  4. Moni Chauhan, Richard Pantano, Gilchris Burton, Jitendra S. Rathore and Bhanu P.S. Chauhan. “Controlled Nucleation and Growth of Metal Nanocrystallites in Silicon based Hosts”, 52nd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Queesborough Community College,NY, 1stof May 2004.


  1. Mung Z.Chan, Richard Pantano Moni Chauhan, Jitendra Rathore and Bhanu Chauhan “Isocyanourate Patterned “Pd” Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic activity”, Abstract 15, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates in Polymers and Biopolymers Symposium , Merck-AAAs, College of Staten Island, NY, 7th August, 2003.
  2. Moni Chauhan, Shiva K.Avvari, “Synthesis of Polysiloxane Stabilized Palladium Colloids and Evidence of their Participation in Silaesterification Reactions”, Becon 2003, SUNY Ulster Community College, 6th of June, 2003.
  3. Moni Chauhan, Siva K. Avvari, Jiterdra S. Rathore and Bhanu Chauhan “Siloxanecyanoureate decorated Nanosized Pd”,Third Internationational Workshop on Silicon-Containing Polymers, ISPO 2003' Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, June 23-25, 2003. [International Meeting]
  4. Moni Chauhan, Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, Jitendra S.Rathore, Alexandra Krawicz, “Palladium Nanoweb: First Example of Silaesterification by Catalytically Active Recyclable Pd-Nanoparticles”, 36th Organosilicon Symposium at University of Akron, Ohio, May 29-31, 2003.[International Meeting]


  1. Moni Chauhan, Christiane Toussainte, Abeer Al-Hmouz, Alexandra Krawicz, Rajesh Sardar Cole Oluwasuen and Bhanu P. S. Chauhan “Synthesis and characterization of colloidal “Pd” and investigations of their role in Pd(OAc)2-catalyzed Silaesterification”. 13th international symposium on organosilicon chemistry, Guanajuato, Gto, Mexico, Aug 25-30, 2002. [International Meeting}
  2. Moni Chauhan , Bhanu P. S. Chauhan, Abeer Al-Hmouz, Rajesh Sardar, Alexandra Krawicz, William L'Amoreaux and Cole Oluwasuen “Polyhydrosiloxane in nano synthesis: A new strategy to formation and stabilization of nano sized silver particles”, 13th international symposium on organosilicon chemistry, Guanajuato, Gto, Mexico, Aug 25-30, 2002.
  3. Zacharie Saintyla, Moni Chauhan and Bhanu Chauhan “A One Step Selective Route to Silyl Esters”,50th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Hoftra University, NY, 4th of May 2002.
  4. Christiane Toussaint, Moni Chauhan, Abeer Al-Hmouz, Alexandra Krawicz, Rajesh Sadar and Bhanu Chauhan “Polyhydrosilane Mediated One Pot Synthesis Of Nanosized “Pd” Crystallites and Their Catalytic Activity”,50th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Hoftra University, NY, 4th of May 2002.
  5. Moni Chauhan, Christiane Toussaint, Alexandra Krawicz, Abeer Al-Hmouz, Rajesh Sardar, Cole Oluwaseun and Bhanu Chauhan “Polyhydrosiloxane in Nano Synthesis, A New Route to Generation and Stabilization of ‘Pd' Crystallites”, 1st Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at College of Staten Island, CUNY on April 9th, 2002.

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