Dr. Zhou Zhou

Zhou Zhou, Ph.D.

Asssistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

Queensborough Community College, CUNY

222-05 56th Avenue, Bayside, NY 11364

Phone: 718-631-6039

Email: [email protected]


  • Assistant Professor 01/2019 - present 

Education & Experience

  • Research Associate, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
  • Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Stony Brook University, SUNY
  • B.S. General Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China


23. Ciftci D, Huysmans GH, Wang X, He C, Terry D, Zhou Z, Fitzgerald G, Blanchard SC, Boudker O. FRET-based Microscopy Assay to Measure Activity of Membrane Amino Acid Transporters with Single-transporter Resolution. Bio-protocol. 2021 Apr 5;11(7):e3970.


22. Asher WB, Geggier P, Holsey MD, Gilmore GT, Pati AK, Meszaros J, Terry D S, Mathiasen S, Kaliszewski MJ, Z Zhou, McCauley MD, Govindaraju A. et al. Single-molecule FRET imaging of GPCR dimers in living cells. Nature Methods. 2021 Apr;18(4):397-405.


21. Pati, Avik K., Ouissam El Bakouri, Steffen Jockusch, Zhou Zhou, Roger B. Altman, Gabriel A. Fitzgerald, Wesley B. Asher et al. "Tuning the Baird aromatic triplet-state energy of cyclooctatetraene to maximize the self-healing mechanism in organic fluorophores." PNAS 117, no. 39 (2020): 24305-24315.


20. Ciftci D, Huysmans GHM, Wang X, He C, Terry D, Zhou Z, Fitzgerald G, Blanchard SC, Boudker O.  “Single-molecule transport kinetics of a glutamate transporter homolog shows static disorder.”  Science Advances (2020) Vol.6(22): eaaz1949.


19. Elshenawy, Mohamed M., John T. Canty, Liya Oster, Luke S. Ferro, Zhou Zhou, Scott C. Blanchard, and Ahmet Yildiz. "Cargo adaptors regulate stepping and force generation of mammalian dynein–dynactin." Nature chemical biology 15, no. 11 (2019): 1093-1101.


18. Gutzeit, Vanessa A., Jordana Thibado, Daniel Starer Stor, Zhou Zhou, Scott C. Blanchard, Olaf S. Andersen, and Joshua Levitz. "Conformational dynamics between transmembrane domains and allosteric modulation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor." Elife 8 (2019): e45116.    


Publications Prior to Joining QCC:

17. Ma, Xiaochu, Maolin Lu, Jason Gorman, Daniel S. Terry, Xinyu Hong, Zhou Zhou, Hong Zhao et al. "HIV-1 Env trimer opens through an asymmetric intermediate in which individual protomers adopt distinct conformations." Elife 7 (2018): e34271.


16. Terry, Daniel S., Rachel A. Kolster, Matthias Quick, Michael V. LeVine, George Khelashvili, Zhou Zhou, Harel Weinstein, Jonathan A. Javitch, and Scott C. Blanchard. "A partially-open inward-facing intermediate conformation of LeuT is associated with Na+ release and substrate transport." Nature communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 1-10.


15. Gregorio, G. Glenn, Matthieu Masureel, Daniel Hilger, Daniel S. Terry, Manuel Juette, Hong Zhao, Zhou Zhou et al. "Single-molecule analysis of ligand efficacy in β 2 AR–G-protein activation." Nature 547, no. 7661 (2017): 68-73.


14. Zheng, Qinsi, Steffen Jockusch, Zhou Zhou, Roger B. Altman, Hong Zhao, Wesley Asher, Michael Holsey et al. "Electronic tuning of self-healing fluorophores for live-cell and single-molecule imaging." Chemical science 8, no. 1 (2017): 755-762.


13. Juette, Manuel F., Daniel S. Terry, Michael R. Wasserman, Roger B. Altman, Zhou Zhou, Hong Zhao, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Single-molecule imaging of non-equilibrium molecular ensembles on the millisecond timescale." Nature methods 13, no. 4 (2016): 341-344.


12. Zheng, Qinsi, Steffen Jockusch, Gabriel G. Rodríguez-Calero, Zhou Zhou, Hong Zhao, Roger B. Altman, Héctor D. Abruña, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Intra-molecular triplet energy transfer is a general approach to improve organic fluorophore photostability." Photochemical & photobiological sciences 15, no. 2 (2016): 196-203.


11. Wasserman, Michael R., Arto Pulk, Zhou Zhou, Roger B. Altman, John C. Zinder, Keith D. Green, Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova, Jamie H. Doudna Cate, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Chemically related 4, 5-linked aminoglycoside antibiotics drive subunit rotation in opposite directions." Nature communications 6, no. 1 (2015): 1-12.


10. Akyuz, Nurunisa, Elka R. Georgieva, Zhou Zhou, Sebastian Stolzenberg, Michel A. Cuendet, George Khelashvili, Roger B. Altman et al. "Transport domain unlocking sets the uptake rate of an aspartate transporter." Nature 518, no. 7537 (2015): 68-73.


9. Munro, James B., Jason Gorman, Xiaochu Ma, Zhou Zhou, James Arthos, Dennis R. Burton, Wayne C. Koff et al. "Conformational dynamics of single HIV-1 envelope trimers on the surface of native virions." Science 346, no. 6210 (2014): 759-763.


8. Burnett, Benjamin J., Roger B. Altman, Angelica Ferguson, Michael R. Wasserman, Zhou Zhou, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Direct evidence of an elongation factor-Tu/Ts· GTP· Aminoacyl-tRNA quaternary complex." Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, no. 34 (2014): 23917-23927.


7. Juette, Manuel F., Daniel S. Terry, Michael R. Wasserman, Zhou Zhou, Roger B. Altman, Qinsi Zheng, and Scott C. Blanchard. "The bright future of single-molecule fluorescence imaging." Current opinion in chemical biology 20 (2014): 103-111.


6. Zheng, Qinsi, Steffen Jockusch, Zhou Zhou, and Scott C. Blanchard. "The contribution of reactive oxygen species to the photobleaching of organic fluorophores." Photochemistry and photobiology 90, no. 2 (2014): 448-454.


5. Zheng, Qinsi, Manuel F. Juette, Steffen Jockusch, Michael R. Wasserman, Zhou Zhou, Roger B. Altman, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Ultra-stable organic fluorophores for single-molecule research." Chemical Society Reviews 43, no. 4 (2014): 1044-1056.


4. am Ende, Christopher W., Zhou Zhou, and Kathlyn A. Parker. "Total synthesis of (±)-bisabosqual A." Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, no. 2 (2013): 582-585.


3. Altman, Roger B., Qinsi Zheng, Zhou Zhou, Daniel S. Terry, J. David Warren, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Enhanced photostability of cyanine fluorophores across the visible spectrum." Nature methods 9, no. 5 (2012): 428-429.


2. Zheng, Qinsi*, Steffen Jockusch*, Zhou Zhou*, Roger B. Altman, J. David Warren, Nicholas J. Turro, and Scott C. Blanchard. "On the mechanisms of cyanine fluorophore photostabilization." The journal of physical chemistry letters 3, no. 16 (2012): 2200-2203. (*co-first authors)


1. Altman, Roger B., Daniel S. Terry, Zhou Zhou, Qinsi Zheng, Peter Geggier, Rachel A. Kolster, Yongfang Zhao, Jonathan A. Javitch, J. David Warren, and Scott C. Blanchard. "Cyanine fluorophore derivatives with enhanced photostability." Nature methods 9, no. 1 (2012): 68-71.


  • Blanchard, Scott C., Roger Altman, J. David Warren, and Zhou Zhou. "Dye compositions, methods of preparation, conjugates thereof, and methods of use." U.S. Patent 9,631,096, issued April 25, 2017.

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