Middle States Accreditation
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to report that at its June 24, 2019, meeting the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) officially reaffirmed Queensborough Community College's accreditation.
The Middle States site team's findings were excellent: the College received no requirements and more than a dozen commendations. Most notably, the institution was recognized for the quantity and quality of services and programs that support student success, such as the nationally recognized Queensborough Academies. I am also proud that our institution has been acknowledged for its inclusivity and transparency, commitment to academic integrity, and support for faculty development. The evaluation team's final report, along with other materials related to the self-study process, may be viewed online.
The reaccreditation and commendations affirm Queensborough's long-standing reputation as an institution of academic excellence. This outcome would not have been possible without the extraordinary level of collaboration of more than 100 faculty and staff members who helped to develop the Self-study Report and participated in the interviews with evaluation team members during the site visit.
Please join me in acknowledging our MSCHE leaders:
- Dr. Arthur Corradetti (Dean for Institutional Effectiveness for Academic Affairs)
- Executive Co-Chairs Ms. Kelly Ford (Associate Professor, Business) and Dr. Antonella Ansani (Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature)
- Dr. Sandra Palmer (Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
Special appreciation also goes to the co-chairs of the seven working groups, and all those who served in assembling and verifying the materials used for our Self-Study Report and visit preparation.
Addressing the monumental importance of reaccreditation was my first priority as Interim President, and while there is much to celebrate, there is more to do.
The next steps in this process include addressing the recommendations from the report. Most notably, the development of the College's first Academic Master Plan, a keystone to the success of the College; an Enrollment Master Plan; and a Facilities Master Plan. All three initiatives are essential to further strengthening a culture of strategic planning and assessment of institutional effectiveness critical to the College's future.
I also wish to extend special thanks to my predecessor, President Diane B. Call, as well as those members of the Board of Trustees and Chancellery who have supported and helped build this community of infinite possibilities.
I look forward to working together to further Queensborough's position as a national leader in high-quality education.
With my deepest gratitude and continued wishes for a restful and productive summer,
Timothy G. Lynch, Ph.D.
Interim President
Queensborough Community College, CUNY
222-05 56th Avenue
Bayside, NY 11364
Alice Doyle