PH-140: Acoustics: The Physics of Sound (1C & 2E)
Course Information
Course, prefix, number, & title: PH-140 Acoustics: The Physics of Sound (1C & 2E)
Hours (Class, recitation, Laboratory, studio): 3 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour, 2 lab hours
Credits: 4
Pre-requisites (if any): Students must complete any developmental requirements in Mathematics ( see Proficiency in Math and English) prior to taking this course.
Co-requisites (if any): MA-321 or MA-119 and MA-121 or MA-114 or the equivalent
Course Description in college catalog:
Traveling waves and standing waves, energy, sound intensity, interaction of sound and materials, methods of sounds production by musical instruments, room acoustics, interference, human ear response to sound, magnetism and induction as they relate to audio equipment, microphones, speakers, pick-ups. This course is intended to satisfy the physics requirement for the Music Production Degree but is open to all majors.
Academic programs for which this course serves as a requirement or an elective:
Satisfies the laboratory science requirement for a degree.
May be used to satisfy the Pathways 1C Required Core or the Pathways 2E Flexible Core Requirement.
General Education Outcomes: Below is a listing of General Education Outcome(s) that this course supports.
Reason quantitatively as required in various fields of interest and in everyday life
Course-specific student learning outcomes:
Define and identify physical quantities and the basic, SI units and convert from one set of units to another.
Use algebra to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems.
Describe the concepts associated with topics in mechanics and acoustics and use them to write answers to conceptual questions and to solve mathematical problems.
Solve problems involving addition of waves and Fourier analysis.
Describe concepts such as the Doppler effect and answer conceptual questions.
Describe the concepts associated with standing waves, overtones, and the harmonic series, and answer conceptual and quantitative questions.
Describe the concepts of electricity and magnetism, and their applications to sound and music.
Perform experiments and draw meaningful conclusions from data and present them as part of a clear, well-organized lab report.
Methods by which student learning will be assessed and evaluated; describe the types of methods to be employed; note whether certain methods are required for all sections:
Classroom quizzes and tests, homework sets, portfolio assessment, classroom attendance and participation, laboratory performance and reports, and term papers for WI sections.
Academic Integrity policy (department or College):
Academic honesty is expected of all students. Any violation of academic integrity is taken extremely seriously. All assignments and projects must be the original work of the student or teammates. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any questions regarding academic integrity should be brought to the attention of the instructor. The following is the Queensborough Community College Policy on Academic Integrity: "It is the official policy of the College that all acts or attempted acts that are violations of Academic Integrity be reported to the Office of Student Affairs. At the faculty member's discretion and with the concurrence of the student or students involved, some cases though reported to the Office of Student Affairs may be resolved within the confines of the course and department. The instructor has the authority to adjust the offender's grade as deemed appropriate, including assigning an F to the assignment or exercise or, in more serious cases, an F to the student for the entire course." Read the University's policy on Academic Integrity opens in a new window.
Any student who feels that he or she may need an accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility Services in Science Building, Room S-132, 718-631-6257, to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. You can visit the Office of Accessibility Services website.