Office of the President Strategic PlanMeasuring Impact & Assessing Success
Short-Term and Long Term Targets
Campus Culture: Cultivate a Community of Care
The National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC), developed by the University of Southern California's Race and Equity Center, is a series of quantitative surveys that assess campus racial climates. Queensborough administered the NACCC to students, staff and faculty during the 2021-2022 academic year. The survey results will be available in late spring 2022 and used to establish baselines of campus perceptions of belonging. The survey results will be disaggregated by race and gender and analyzed for equity gaps. Baselines will be used to establish annual targets that will serve as indicators of success.
Key Performance Indicators 1 |
Baseline Year |
Increase in retention of faculty and staff (exit interview survey: establish baseline) | 2021-22 |
Increase in belonging for faculty (climate survey: establish baseline) | 2021-22 |
Increase in belonging for staff (climate survey: establish baseline) | 2021-22 |
Decrease in gaps (percentage) in underutilization for all titles 2 | 2021-22 |
Increase in satisfaction with professional development (climate survey: establish baseline) | 2021-22 |
1Asian, Black, and Latinx populations will be disaggregated by gender as well to determine whether there are inequities to address.
2Total underutilization number includes all categories: executive, administrative, managerial; professional, non-faculty; administrative support; craft; technician; service and other; and faculty. Other baselines across the table reflect underutilization numbers by subgroup.
Curriculum and Instruction: Become a Student Ready College
Key Performance Indicators |
Baseline Year |
Baseline |
1-year target |
5-year target |
Black Males Baseline |
Black Males 1-year Target |
Black Males 5-year Target |
Latinx Males Baseline |
Latinx Males 1-year Target |
Latinx Males 5-year Target |
Increase in the number of students with paid internships3 | 2019 | 7.3% | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Increase in the number of online and hybrid courses that meet national standards for quality (establish baseline) | 2021 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Increase in fall-to-fall retention (FTFT) | 2020 | 59.0% | 62% | 75% | 48.0% | 53% | 70% | 50.3% | 55% | 72% |
Increase in three-year graduation (FTFT) | 2017 | 29.2% | 31% | 40% | 16.3% | 18% | 25% | 24.1% | 26% | 37% |
Increase in student mattering (climate survey: establish baseline) | 2021 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Increase in the number of student transfers for AA/AS | 2019-20 | 69.0% | 71% | 78% | 58.3% | 60% | 75% | 62.1% | 64% | 76% |
Increase in the number of students with consistent employment one year after AAS graduation year (NYS) | 2018-19 | 50.9% | 53% | 65% | 50.0% | 52% | 64% | 53.2% | 55% | 67% |
3Use of baseline is problematic, as regularity of CUNY survey administration is under review; will probably have to conduct in-house survey and establish a new baseline.
Student Engagement: Reimagining the Queensborough Academies
Key Performance Indicators |
Baseline Year |
Baseline |
1-year target |
5-year target |
Black Males Baseline |
Black Males 1-year Target |
Black Males 5-year Target |
Latinx Males Baseline |
Latinx Males 1-year Target |
Latinx Males 5-year Target |
Increase in the fall-to-spring retention rates (FTFT) | 2020 | 76.3% | 79% | 90% | 64.0% | 67% | 80% | 68.3% | 72% | 85% |
Decrease in the number of students who earn a zero GPA in their first semester (FTFT) | 2020 | 18.1% | 16% | 10% | 18.0% | 16% | 10% | 18.9% | 17% | 10% |
Decrease in the number of students who graduate with credits in excess of curriculum requirement (percentage of graduates with an excess of over 10% of required credits) | 2019-20 | 30.4% | 29% | 24% | 29.8% | 29% | 24% | 22.3% | 21% | 17% |
Increase in the number of students with a GPA above 2.0 (all associate- and certificate-seeking students) | 2019 | 68.3% | 70% | 87% | 50.8% | 55% | 75% | 60.8% | 64% | 82% |
Increase in the humber of students who earn 20 credits in the first year | 2019 | 42.9% | 44% | 55% | 29.5% | 32% | 50% | 40.9% | 44% | 55% |
Increase in the number of students who earn 30 credits in the first year | 2019 | 16.8% | 18% | 22% | 8.2% | 9% | 14% | 14.8% | 16% | 20% |
Increase in Gateway English course completion in the first year | 2019 | 68.4% | 70% | 85% | 54.9% | 58% | 85% | 62.9% | 66% | 85% |
Increase in Gateway Math course completion in the first year | 2019 | 54.3% | 56% | 67% | 38.4% | 40% | 58% | 47.1% | 49% | 64% |
Decrease in change of majors after 24 credits (percentage of all degree students who achieve a minimum of 24 credits and change their major at least once 2 years later, whether or not they graduate by them) | Fall 2018 | 16.6% | 16% | 12% | 8.6% | Remain below 9% | Remain below 9% | 13.9% | 13% | Below 10% |