Registration Steps:
For QCC and CUNY Students, You can login to CUNYfirst to register in synchronously, asynchronously or hybrid courses.
Fully online classes will be taught in one of two ways:
Synchronous online courses appear like this in the course schedule:
Instruction Mode: Online
Dates & Times: Specific Days and Times indicate when you are expected to be online.
Asynchronous online courses appear like this in the course schedule:
Instruction Mode: Online-Asynchronous
If you want to register for courses with online components, search for them in the online schedule of classes at CUNYFirst. After choosing the college, semester, and course subject, open the Additional Search Criteria list and choose a mode of instruction. Then, follow instructions for registering for courses using CUNYfirst.
CS 101 FNET 43495 LAB
HE 102 FNET 39863 LEC
LF 401 FNET 46372 LEC
LG 401 FNET 33556 LEC
PHIL 101 FNT1 39947 LEC
PSYC 101 FNT1 40015 LEC
PSYC 220 FNT1 40085 LEC
SOCY 101 FNT1 40227 LEC
PHIL 101 FNT2 39948 LEC
SOCY 101 FNT2 40228 LEC
ENGL 102 PN10 34504 LEC
BI 150 PNET 33219 LEC
BI 302 PNET 33297 LEC
BI 356 PNET 33340 LEC
BU 108 PNET 34250 LEC
BU 201 PNET 34263 LEC
BU 812 PNET 34325 LEC
BU 903 PNET 34327 LEC
ET 710 PNET 32963 LAB
HE 105 PNET 39877 LEC
IS 151 PNET 33083 LEC
LC 112 PNET 33508 LEC
LI 111 PNET 33497 LEC
LS 111 PNET 34503 LEC
LS 213 PNET 33545 LEC
LS 214 PNET 39821 LEC
LS 222 PNET 33559 LEC
LS 402 PNET 34066 LEC
MA 321 PNET 43137 LEC
NU 204 PNET 35052 LEC
TH 111 PNET 33663 LEC
ENGL 216 PNT 40585 LEC
ENGL 217 PNT 33903 LEC
ENGL 231 PNT 33809 LEC
HE 102 PNT 33034 LEC
HE 111 PNT 35009 LEC
PSYC 215 PNT 40074 LEC
PSYC 270 PNT 40197 LEC
SOCY 185 PNT 40451 LEC
ANTH 101 PNT1 39793 LEC
ECON 102 PNT1 39927 LEC
EDUC 101 PNT1 39935 LEC
EDUC 230 PNT1 39940 LEC
ENGL 102 PNT1 33794 LEC
ENGL 201 PNT1 33804 LEC
HE 102 PNT1 34996 LEC
HE 103 PNT1 33045 LEC
LC 321 PNT1 39782 LEC
MA 119 PNT1 42211 LEC
MA 121 PNT1 42402 LEC
NU 202 PNT1 32898 LEC
NU 202 PNT1 32898 LEC
NU 202 PNT1 32898 LEC
PH 111 PNT1 33398 LEC
PLSC 101 PNT1 39981 LEC
PSYC 101 PNT1 40044 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT1 40323 LEC
ANTH 101 PNT2 39794 LEC
ECON 102 PNT2 39928 LEC
EDUC 101 PNT2 39936 LEC
ENGL 101 PNT2 34454 LEC
ENGL 102 PNT2 33795 LEC
ET 841 PNT2 32969 LEC
ET 842 PNT2 32971 LAB
HE 103 PNT2 33046 LEC
LC 321 PNT2 33511 LEC
MA 119 PNT2 42225 LEC
MA 121 PNT2 42403 LEC
NU 202 PNT2 32904 LEC
NU 202 PNT2 32904 LEC
NU 202 PNT2 32904 LEC
PH 111 PNT2 33399 LEC
PLSC 101 PNT2 39982 LEC
PSYC 101 PNT2 40045 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT2 40324 LEC
ANTH 101 PNT3 39795 LEC
ENGL 101 PNT3 47812 LEC
ENGL 102 PNT3 33796 LEC
ET 841 PNT3 33012 LEC
ET 842 PNT3 33013 LAB
HE 102 PNT3 33070 LEC
HE 103 PNT3 33047 LEC
MA 119 PNT3 42316 LEC
MA 121 PNT3 42404 LEC
MA 336 PNT3 48177 LEC
PH 111 PNT3 33400 LEC
PSYC 101 PNT3 40046 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT3 40446 LEC
MA 119 PNT4 42347 LEC
PSYC 101 PNT4 40047 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT4 40447 LEC
ENGL 102 PNT5 33798 LEC
HE 102 PNT5 39865 LEC
MA 119 PNT5 42348 LEC
PSYC 101 PNT5 40049 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT5 40448 LEC
MA 119 PNT6 42349 LEC
MA 119 PNT7 42350 LEC
SOCY 101 PNT7 59977 LEC
MA 119 PNT8 42351 LEC
ENGL 102 PNT9 34453 LEC
MA 119 PNT9 42354 LEC
BU 203 PNTA 34281 LEC
BU 701 PNTA 34313 LEC
SP 211 PNTA 33636 LEC
BU 203 PNTB 34282 LEC
BU 701 PNTB 34314 LEC
SP 211 PNTB 33660 LEC
BU 203 PNTC 34277 LEC
SP 211 PNTC 34203 LEC
BU 203 PNTD 46923 LEC
MA 119 PNTL 42357 LEC
NU 101 PNVS 32878 LAB