Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2015


The Academic Senate Committee on Academic Development/Elective Academic Programs met on October 7th, 2015, at 11:00 am in S-420

Committee Members in Attendance:

Tirandai Hemraj-Benny (Faculty); Emily Berry (Faculty); Yusuf Gurtas (Faulty); Nicole Lopez-Jantzen (Faculty); Susan McLaughlin (Secretary); Neera Mohess (Faculty); Vazgen Shekoyan (Faculty); Kathleen Landy (Director of CETL)

Liaisons in Attendance:

 Sandra Palmer (Dean of Faculty)


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am

1. Minutes of September 4, 2015, approved.

2. Tirandai Hemraj-Benny shared the summary of the outcomes of last semester’s workshop with committee members.

2. The committee discussed the committee’s charge, commenting on apparent contradictions between the charge as described by the Senate Bylaws, and the charge as defined by the Senate Steering Committee.  Tirandai Hemraj-Benny will ask the Senate for clarification.

3. The committee discussed several methods to assist faculty in connecting with campus events:

            a. Emily Berry suggested an interactive on-line workshop that would include a description of the events and examples of how to incorporate events into classes.

            b. It was suggested that a link to the ADC website could be sent to all departments.

            c. Kathleen Landy suggested making an audio/video to promote events.

            d.  Neera Mohess suggested a calendar of events listed with keywords that would assist faculty in determining which events would be useful in their classes; she proposed the MetroLibrary calendar as a possible template and will email this calendar to committee members for review.

            e. It was suggested that the committee could provide a mini-workshop at the beginning of the semester at the departmental meetings.

            f. Kathleen Landy suggested that the committee create two templates to be filled out by those sponsoring events.  Both templates would contain a description of the event.  The template to be used by faculty would provide examples of how to incorporate the event into classes.  The template to be used by students would guide them in making connections between the event and their personal/classroom experiences. 

5. Kathleen Landy was invited to attend the next meeting.

6. Next meeting: to be determined, depending on member availability.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Susan McLaughlin
Committee on Academic Development/Elective Academic Programs, Secretary

Minutes typed on 10-7-15

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