Minutes of meeting 12/11/19


The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness met on December 11, 2019 at 12:10PM in M340

Committee Members in Attendance:

Chukwudi Ikwueze (Social Sciences, 2022), Whan Ki Lee (Mathematics & Computer Sciences, 2020), Mi-Seon Kim (Library, 2021), Kevin Kolack (Chemistry, 2022, Secretary), Scott Litroff (Music, 2020), Amos Orlofsky (Biological Sciences and Geology, 2021, co-Chair), Barbara Rome (Nursing, 2020, co-Chair)

Absent: Raul Armendariz (Physics, 2021), Manuel Martinez (English, 2022), TBA (student representatives)

Liaisons in Attendance:

Arthur Corradetti (Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, President's Liaison), Ian Beckford (Director of Policy Analysis for General Education, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning)

Absent: Stephen Hammel (Committee on Committees designee), TBA (Steering Committee designee)


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM


  1. Motions by Barbara Rome to approve the minutes of the last meeting and agenda for this meeting. Second by Mi-Seon Kim. Approved unanimously.
  2. Old business:
    1. Raul Armendariz wants to remain on the Committee and hopes that a uniform meeting time will be chosen that does not conflict with his teaching schedule.
    2. Stephen Hammell remains CoC designee.
  3. The Committee welcomed Scott Litroff who was named to replace Bjorn Berkhout for the rest of the academic year.
  4. Ian Beckford presented the results of the survey he sent to Department Chairs.
    1. Response rate was good with only 4 nonrespondents (Nursing {assessment committee chaired by Barbara Rome}, Chemistry {no assessment committee}, History, and Social Sciences {has an assessment committee}).
    2. Action item: at the first Committee meeting each year, we should update our list of departmental assessment committee contacts.
  5. There was discussion of redoing the year-end report template.
    1. Perhaps a preamble can be added suggesting that the report be completed departmentally (and reviewed/signed by the Chair) if this is not already being done, especially in light of the existence of departmental assessment committees.
    2. There appears to be a misconception that assessment "shows what is being done wrong" instead of "a path for what can be done better," so assessment, and/or the reporting thereof, is disliked/avoided.
    3. Program assessment should drive course assessment, so the timelines being developed for program assessment should help.
    4. The year-end report should ideally summarize the activities of each department and show how/if they are meeting their stated goals.
  6. The "Year-end Report - Teaching Department Checklist" and "Holistic Rubric for Teaching Department Reports" documents were added to the Committee website, along with a direct link to the year-end reports by Secretary Kolack.
  7. Mi-Seon Kim reviewed her departments (Business/Chemistry) with the Committee.
  8. There was a brief review of the Foreign Languages department report by Chukwudi Ikwueze.
  9. Several Committee members had to attend other meetings, so this one was abbreviated, and review of the reports for other departments will have to wait until next semester.
  10. The next meeting will be XXXXXX in room M340.
  11. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Kolack, Ph.D.
Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness, Secretary

Minutes typed on 12/11/19

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