Minutes of meeting 04/14/20


The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness met on April 14, 2020 at 2:10PM via secure online meeting

Committee Members in Attendance:

Mi-Seon Kim (Library, 2021), Kevin Kolack (Chemistry, 2022, Secretary), Scott Litroff (Music, 2020), Amos Orlofsky (Biological Sciences and Geology, 2021, co-Chair), Barbara Rome (Nursing, 2020, co-Chair)

Absent: Raul Armendariz (Physics, 2021), Chukwudi Ikwueze (Social Sciences, 2022), Whan Ki Lee (Mathematics & Computer Sciences, 2020), Manuel Martinez (English, 2022), TBA (student representatives)

Liaisons in Attendance:

Arthur Corradetti (Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, President's Liaison), Ian Beckford (Director of Policy Analysis for General Education, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning), Stephen Hammel (Committee on Committees designee)

Absent: TBA (Steering Committee designee)


The meeting was called to order at 2:10 PM

  1. Motion by Barbara Rome to approve the agenda for this meeting. Second by Mi-Seon Kim. Approved unanimously.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting were not available due to lack of access to campus. Will be posted and approved when access is again possible.
  3. Discussion on updating the Assessment Handbook
    1. Artie pointed out that the Handbook does not have to be approved by the Senate as it is not an official document, but that it can be presented to the Senate for informational purposes.
    2. Artie and Ian intend to work on this update over the summer with input from faculty, within and beyond the Committee. (Comments due by 5/29/20)
    3. Several suggestions for the handbook were offered by committee members:
      1. Update to reflect current assessment activities, gen. ed. outcomes, AES, etc.
      2. Curriculum maps (and a section discussing them) need to be included
      3. There needs to be notation that course-level assessment can apply to gen. ed., program, and/or course assessment.
      4. What's missing? What should be discarded? What needs better explanation?
    4. Barbara will upload the handbook to a Google document for dissemination to the Committee and to representatives of departmental assessment committees.
  4. Reviews of final year-end reports
    1. The utility of the status quo was discussed since these reports don't seem to go anywhere nor improve.
    2. There will be a brief review of the remaining ones at the May meeting.
  5. Review of the format of the year-end reports
    1. Suggestions offered by Committee members:
      1. In the update next year, perhaps the assessment portion of the report can be shifted to the departmental assessment committees instead of the Chairs.
      2. The Chairs can report on plans based on the assessments- how the department plans to close the loop.
      3. Perhaps these will be biannual instead of annual.
  6. The next meeting will be via secure online meeting at a time/day to be determined via Doodle poll sent out by Barbara shortly. (It will be Wed, May 20th, at 1PM via teleconference.)
    1. Officers for next year will be chosen at that meeting, and new members will be invited.
    2. CoC Chair Hammel (unofficially) announced that Thomas Byrnes (Admissions) and Biao Wang (Math) are joining the Committee, and Barbara Rome was appointed for another term on the Committee. The terms of Whan Ki Lee and Scott Litroff (who had replaced Bjorn Burkhout) expire as of this semester.
  7. Kevin made an adjournment motion and the meeting was adjourned at 3:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Kolack, Ph.D.
Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness, Secretary

Minutes typed on 4/14/20

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