Committee on Course & Standing
Annual Report for 2020-21
Committee members in the 2020-2021 Academic Year
Starting the 2020-2021 academic year, the following former committee members left the committee: Ye, Fei, Mathematics & Computer Science, Stroehlein, Margaret, Nursing, McLaughlin, Susan, Biological Sciences & Geology
The following members was assigned to the Committee on Course & Standing by the Steering Committee: Chaves-O'Flynn, Carolina, Foreign Languages, Konkel, Mathew, Accelerated Study in Associate Programs and Messier, Vartan, English.
During the 2020-2021 academic year, the following committee members maintained active roles:
- Lawrence, Michael, Engineering Technology (2021)
- Marchese, Paul, Physics (2021)
- Capozzoli, Gina, Counseling Center (2021)
- Abramov, Arthur, Academic Advisement (2022)
- Ford, Wendy, Business (2022)
- Mohess, Neera, Library (2022)
- Abramov, Arthur, Academic Advisement (2022)
- Chaves-O'Flynn, Carolina, Foreign Languages (2023)
- Konkel, Mathew, Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (2023)
- Messier, Vartan, English (2023)
Elected by committee members, Arthur Abramov served the chair and Paul Marchese served the secretary for the committee.
Typical Tasks of the Committee
The Committee on Course & Standing meets to review student appeals for changing their ‘WU’ grades which are calculated as ‘F’ grades in their academic record. The appeals are approved or denied based upon the reasons and proofs provided by students who are unable to withdraw within the official withdrawal deadline. The Committee reaches a decision on a case by case basis by taking a holistic view of the student’s record, reviews student patterns of withdrawing from classes, their transcripts and, perhaps most importantly, supporting documents to reach a decision to grant or deny their appeal.
The Committee also reviews academic dismissal appeals. Most students who perform better during the semester after they were placed on academic probation are permitted to continue on probation. Students who have been at QCC for few semesters and have been dismissed are given a chance to improve their performance as against students who have attempted numerous credits and have not reached the required GPA for retention. Most decisions are made on the committee’s judgement of the students’ ability to graduate. Committee member Gina Capozzoli was also a member of the Retention Management Committee of the College, and therefore has added insights into how to evaluate future student success.
The Committee on Course & Standing and the Admissions Committee work closely with each other. Most students who are re-admitting or appealing their dismissal to the Admissions Committee invariably require appealing their ‘WU’ grades and are thus recommended to the Committee on Course & Standing. This academic year both the Committees worked together along with the registrar and academic affairs to contribute towards developing a fresh start policy.
Meeting Frequency
The Committee typically meets once a month, however, the intervals between meetings are varied to accommodate the needs of the college. Meetings are scheduled so that students are given enough time to submit their appeals after the withdrawal deadline and after the dismissal letters are mailed. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the meetings are typically scheduled on Fridays at 10 am. During the summer, meeting dates are chosen to accommodate the needs of the college.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown started in March 2020, the committee met and reviewed appeals through Microsoft Teams thereafter.
During the year 2020-2021 the committee met on the following dates: September 25th, 2020; October 16th, 2020; November 20th, 2020; December 18th, 2020; January 15th 2021; February 19th, 2021; March 12th, 2021; April 16th, 2021; May 24th, 2021; June 21st, 2021.
Additional Work Done during the academic year 2020-2021
In addition to reviewed students appeals in a timely manner to accommodate the needs of the college, the committee also discussed and worked on the following business:
- Communicated with the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Academic Senate
- To collaborate on adjusting the deadline for students to submit appeals to be reviewed by CCS from two (2) to four (4) years.
- Collaborated with the Directors of Counseling, Health Services, SSD and Veterans
- To create a more seamless appeal process
- Collaborated with Communications Marketing Director of Web Services
- To create a digital appeal
- Moved to online meetings through Microsoft Teams.
- Discussed how to closely work with the office of SSD and the veterans office to better serve students in different needs.
The Chair extends a special thank you to the Registrar’s office for their service to the Committee on Course and Standing. Lisandra Rodriguez and Emiko Sanchez as well as Dr. Palmer from the Office of Academic Affairs continued to be a tremendous source of support and help to the committee.
The Chair, with approval from the Committee, continues to review appeals independently or in a small group with other committee members, during the summer as well as in the winter between Committee meetings.
Reviewing appeals independently puts a substantial demand on time, especially because of deadlines. The input of the faculty Secretary of the committee is exceedingly helpful. The Chair of CCS receives a 3hr release time for serving in the committee.
The 2020-20201 committee suggests the new committee for 2021-2022 to follow up some ongoing business in the upcoming year.
New Committee for upcoming year, 2021-2022
New chair and secretary
Arthur Abramov (Academic Advisement) was re-elected to be the Chair of the Course and Standing Committee for the upcoming year. Vartan Messier (English) was elected to be the secretary of the Course and Standing Committee for the upcoming year.
New Members
The committee would like to welcome new members,Dr. Steven Cheng, Ms. Gina Capozzoli and Ms. Patricia Kinneary.
Dr. Paul Marchese and Mr. Michael Lawrence will be leaving the committee after three years of service.
Final Notes
Finally, Arthur Abramov would like to personally thank all the members of the committee for their hard work and dedication during the previous year. The Committee on Course and Standing is one that is truly run on the principles of cooperation and communication between members from all different departments of the college. The committee would not be able to do the important work it does for the college and for its students were it not for the committee members’ respect and admiration for one another.
Arthur Abramov would also like to commend Lisandra Rodriguez for her excellent work on the behalf of the committee and the college’s students. Her contribution is greatly appreciated. The committee is grateful to Emiko Sanchez for her support and diligent work on behalf of the committee.
Arthur Abramov would also like to take a moment to thank Dr. Palmer has been instrumental in helping the Committee on Course and Standing be successful, especially in the time of COVID-19 pandemic.