Committee on Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Committee Guide Addendum
The committee works closely with the dean of Continuing Education and Workforce Development. It meets twice a semester, usually during club hours. The committee is currently advising the CEWD office on various aspects of its reorganization plan, including the review and selection of credit bearing classes to offer students who are seeking continuous learning opportunities as students acquire stackable credentials. Additionally, the CEWD office continues to offer personal enrichment courses, preparatory skills classes, ESL programs (including the College’s Port of Entry program) and academic enrichment options for for grammar and middle school students.
The committee supports the work of CEWD and communicates any new opportunities to the Academic Senate.
The Secretary of the CEWD Committee supports the chair and the committee by taking minutes and posting minutes to the committee upon approval. Furthermore, the secretary updates the website so that members and future meetings are easily identifiable.