Friday, August 25, 2017


The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on Food Insecurity of the Academic Senate met on Friday, August 25, 2017 at 2 p.m. in Science Building 319

Committee Members in Attendance:

Peter Bales, [email protected]

Liz DiGiorgio, [email protected]

Michael Fischbach, [email protected]

Chakwundi Ikwueze, [email protected]

John Gilleaudeau, [email protected]

Susan Jacobowitz, [email protected]

Sebastian Murolo, [email protected]

Mabely Salvador, [email protected]

Emily Tai, [email protected]

Lana Zinger, [email protected]

Guest: Mr. Jonathan Chin, NYU


The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m.

  1. Non-profit status – 501 c 3

    Ben Murolo provided an update on how to pursue 501 c 3 or 4 status for the food pantry, going forward. He explained that we would need to incorporate and that there would need to be no conflicts of interest. If we dissolved the food pantry, any funds would need to be donated to another non-profit. We would need to file an IRS Form 1023, which is 16 pages, and do a budget, and keep track of what comes in and out. Susan Jacobowitz provided an update on the funds that have come in and been spent to stock the food pantry since February 2017. We would need to certify bylaws. There needs to be a search through a service before this goes through, at a cost of $600-$800. If we want to focus on the service learning component, we have to get approved by the New York State Education Department, which would involve another fee. If we are approved, we can get a sales tax exemption. Ben is willing to volunteer his services to help with this project. He is a CPA and knows what forms we would need to file to set this up, and then for returns on a yearly basis. We are very grateful for his generous offer, and for his research. A follow-up email with details is attached as an appendix.

    The committee discussed that there are basically five ways to proceed, and that this should be done in consultation with the college:

    1. use the QCC tax-exempt status (donations would be tax deductible)
    2. incorporate on our own as the food pantry
    3. be funded through the college
    4. use the FEC to receive donations and/or get reimbursed
    5. ask Father Anthony at the Newman Center to accept donations to the Diocese and earmark them for the stocking of the food pantry on campus

    Also discussed: we could prepare the thank you letters to donors if we use the QCC status so that there wouldn't be additional work for Rosemary Zins and her staff.

    If SGA money can't be used to purchase food, the funds could perhaps be used to purchase and donate feminine and personal hygiene products for the food pantry, which are always in high demand: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, tampons, sanitary napkins, etc.

  2. Ten Item Limit

    A vote was held to determine whether or not the food pantry should begin using a ten item limit when people come to access our services. The vote was positive, with no negative votes and no abstentions.

  3. Collaborative Project with Jonathan Chin, New York University

    Jonathan Chin has started an organization called Share Meals at NYU to help address food insecurity amongst the campus community. NYU hasn't been able to earmark space. But through Rise Against Hunger – a 501 c 3 – the group can prepare and offer meals that cost only 29 cents per meal. The minimum quantity is 10,000 meals, which would cost $3,000. NYU doesn't have a food pantry where the meals can be stored. If we participate with funds and volunteers, we can store and dispense the meals through our food pantry. The packing event will be held November 16th, with NYU and Columbia University both participating. It will last about 90 minutes. There is a 60 person maximum. Performers are also welcome to volunteer, to entertain as people are doing the meal packaging.

    If we contribute funds, they can give us that many meals – 29 cents per meal. They last up to a year. They could arrange for delivery and will be doing the advertising, and they could include Queensborough Community College along with other partners. Rise Against Hunger is a national organization that focuses on hunger and homelessness awareness.

    Share Meals needs to raise $3,200 and has already raised $1,500 from NYU sources. Columbia University will probably donate $500. We can probably raise the balance and provide volunteers for both performances and packing.

  4. Election

    Emily Tai was elected Chair of the committee and Susan Jacobowitz will serve as Secretary.

  5. Food Pantry Hours & Re-Stocking

    Emily has asked those who will be staffing the food pantry this year to let her know which hour they will cover, so that she can produce a schedule. Plans are underway for the “Autumn Harvest” food drive, with many student clubs offering to co- sponsor. Any cash donations will be utilized at Costco in an attempt to re-stock the pantry, which currently has mostly boxes of pasta and some cans of tuna.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Jacobowitz
Committee on Committee on Food Insecurity of the Academic Senate, Secretary

Minutes typed on August 28, 2017

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