Committee on Committees - Academic Senate

2023-2027: (8 Members & 1 Member TBD)

Faculty Representatives (Name, Department, Term Ends)

  1. Murolo, Sebastian, Chair, Professor, Business, (2026)
  2. Lizzul, Isabella, Secretary, Associate Professor, Health, Physical Education and Dance, (2025)
  3. Dahlke, Steven, Professor, Music, (2027)
  4. Kolack, Kevin, Lecturer, Chemistry, (2027)
  5. Lin, Jasper, Assistant Professor, Art and Design, (2025)
  6. Kincaid, Shannon, Associate Professor, Social Sciences, (2025)
  7. Rome, Barbara, Associate Professor, Nursing, (2027)
  8. Atik, Aliza, Associate Professor, English, (2026)
  9. TBD


Debra Maslanko, Office of Academic Affairs, Presidential Designee

Academic Senate Bylaws. Article VII Committees. Section 8. Committee on Committees

  1.  Organization
    1. The Committee on Committees shall consist of nine (9) persons. These persons shall be Voting faculty as defined in Article IV of the Bylaws of the Faculty.
    2. Only one member from any department may serve at any time on the Committee on Committees. In an election where more than one member from a department is elected, the person having the most votes shall be eligible to serve. The other will then be automatically deemed ineligible. In the case of a tie, a run-off will be conducted. A hiatus equal to the number of years of service must exist between terms for a person re-elected to the Committee on Committees.
    3. Nominations and elections for the Committee on Committees shall be conducted directly from the floor at the duly convened May meeting of the Senate except in the case of the first Senate body.
    4. Except as provided in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection d, the term of office of each member of the Committee on Committees shall be three years commencing from the time of his or her election. For the first committee, however, the members shall be elected and serve as follows:
      1. The nine (9) individuals receiving the greatest number of votes shall be deemed elected;
      2. Of the nine (9) individuals elected to the committee, the three (3) receiving the greatest number of votes shall serve for a term of three (3) years; the three (3) receiving the next three (3) highest number of votes shall serve for a term of two (2) years; and the three (3) receiving the fewest number of votes shall serve for a term of one (1) year.
      3. A person elected to fill an unexpired term shall serve only to the end of the term to which he/she was elected to complete.
  2. The Committee on Committees shall:
    1. Prepare a list of Committees, their structures and functions for adoption by the Academic Senate.
    2. Present to the Senate a slate of all nominations to standing Committees, including those nominated by petition.
    3. Fill all vacancies on standing Committees other than the Committee on Committees which occur between annual elections and report all such actions to the Senate at the meeting immediately following such action.
    4. Conduct the election of members at large to the Academic Senate as provided hereinafter.
    5. Conduct any other election as requested by the Steering Committee or the Faculty Executive Committee.
    6. Review and report on the operations of all of the Committees of the Academic Senate.
    7. Advise and provide assistance to Committees in the mechanics of committee operations.
    8. Designate a member(s) of the Committee on Committees as liaison(s) with Academic Senate Committees.
    9. Receive and report on suggestions to establish or terminate Committees of the Academic Senate.

Steering Committee Suggested Charges/Committee Goals

  • Thank you for your superior work, Danny and Julian!
  • Committee Guide Addendum is outstanding.
  • Process streamlining is excellent -- let SC know anything further that needs updating.
  • Let SC know how delegating tasks equally to all committee members goes.
  • Thank you for maintaining the online list of current committee rosters.
  • Keep working on posting your meeting times and places.
  • Deciding on appropriate numbers for Standing Committee memberships, and encouraging all committees to set and post meeting times is going above and beyond -- SC is glad to do those tasks.

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