Curriculum Committee Minutes for the meeting held on October 20, 2020
The Academic Senate Committee on Curriculum met on October 20, 2020 at 2:00 pm online via Blackboard Collaborate
Committee Members in Attendance:
P. Pecorino, M. Pullin (Academic Affairs), M. Tawde, P. Wallach (Chair), R. Yuster
Liaisons in Attendance:
Also in attendance:
A. Kolios (Business), M. Sassolas (Mathematics & Computer Science),
K. Stroumbakis (Mathematics & Computer Science), K. Villani (Chair, Business)
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM
- The minutes of the September 22, 2020 meeting were approved by the committee.
- The committee considered the course revision of ARTH-225: “History of Graphic Design”, from the Department of Art & Design. After discussing the proposal, the committee voted, and the proposal was approved unanimously by those present.
- The committee considered the following course revisions from the Physics Department:
PH-414 Analytical Mechanics
PH-415 Electricity and Magnetism
PH-416 Thermodynamics
PH-900 Research Projects
After discussing the proposal, the committee voted, and the proposals were approved unanimously by those present. - The committee discussed the new degree program for the A.S. in Physics (previously approved at the May 19th, 2020 meeting.) After discussing the proposal, the committee voted, and the proposal was approved unanimously by those present.
- The committee considered the course revisions of MA-451: “Differential Equations” and
MA-461: “Linear Algebra” from the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science. After discussing the proposals, the committee voted, and the proposals were approved unanimously by those present. - The committee considered the new courses CS-102: “Spreadsheet Programing with MS Excel” and CS-103: “Relational Databases with SQL” along with members of the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science and Business Department. After discussing the proposals, the committee voted, and the proposals were approved unanimously by those present.
- The committee considered the new experimental courses MA-136 and MA-136ALP. The committee discussed the proposals and made suggestions but did not vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabella Lizzul
Committee on Curriculum, Secretary