Committee on eLearning Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2019
The Academic Senate Committee on eLearning met on March 14, 2019 at 3:10PM in L313 (CETL lab)
Committee Members in Attendance:
Kevin Kolack (2019), Meg Tarafdar (2019), Peter Novick (2020), Denis Bejar (OET) Kathleen Landy (President’s designee), Nina Sarkar (2020), and Susan Lago (Steering Committee Designee).
Not present: Eugene Desepoli (2021), Joseph Goldenberg (2018), Lakersha Smith (2021), Carlene Byfield (2019), Helmut Loeffler (CoC Designee), Zeynep Akcay (2020), and Student Representatives (TBA).
The meeting was called to order at 3:10PM
Minutes of February 14th, 2019 – informally approved (quorum not met) with the minor change of the number of PNET courses.
ACC/CETL update and announcements (Denis Bejar):
- Denis updated us with a Blackboard usage report. This semester, 61% of faculty have used Blackboard as opposed to 59% the previous semester. He is also taking recommendations on Blackboard start page layouts.
Old business
Subcommittee reports/plans/changes/additions:
Marketing of online courses (Meg Tarafdar & Eugene Desepoli) (Committee newsletter; design and implement a marketing campaign at QCC for higher recognition of online courses)
- Kevin raised concern to see if we had enough information. But since is it now on the website, there is no size limit.
Brown bag lunches for online faculty (Nina) (coordinate, promote, and run informal but informative meetings for QCC faculty who are interested in online education)
- Nina has arranged for McGraw-Hill to come on April 10th from 12-2 to discuss Blackboard integration. She will update Meg on the event so that it can be added to the working newsletter. The event still needs to be advertised and placed on the college calendar. We also need to secure a space that has computer access as CETL is currently reserved by the college assessment committee. Nina will put together a 2 line description for the college event list which Carol will post once the room is secured.
Policies and Standards for eLearning at QCC (Kevin Kolack, Kathleen Landy, Denis Bejar, Peter Novick) (work with CETL/OET to devise standards/policies for eLearning at QCC to be formally adopted by the Senate)
- Kathleen reported that the new guidelines were presented at the faculty senate by President Lynch. Phil Pecorino also has provided us with some comments.
- Kersha has updated the survey to be sent out to the PNET instructors. She emailed it to the committee members for our comments. We do not have a quorum and cannot vote. We will try to set up a vote via email so the survey can be sent out ASAP.
New business
- Kathleen took a moment to update and prepare the committee for the upcoming visit by Middle States. eLearning is included in several standards, and we may be contacted to meet with some committee members. A discussion on the updates and advancements to eLearning since the last recommendations by Middle States followed.
- Next meeting is April 11th at 3:10 in the CETL Lab.
- Meeting was adjourned at 4:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Peter A. Novick
Committee on eLearning, Secretary
Minutes typed on March 15, 2019