Committee on eLearning Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2019
The Academic Senate Committee on eLearning met on October 17, 2019 at 3:10PM in Science 312
Committee Members in Attendance:
In Attendance: Zeynep Akcay (2020), Peter Novick (2020), Nina Sarkar (2020), Randelle Sasa (2022), Susan Lago (Steering Committee Designee), Eugene Desepoli (2021), Lakersha Smith (2021), Zhou Zhou (2022), Zivah Katz (2022), and Shiang-Kwei Wang (President’s designee).
Not present: Joseph Goldenberg (2021)
The meeting was called to order at 3:10PM
Minutes of September 12th, 2019 – approved by unanimous vote.
- ACC/CETL update and announcements (Kathleen Landy and Denis Bejar):
- Neither Kathleen nor Denis were available for the meeting.
- Survey for faculty who teach PNET and FNET courses results:
- Peter has summarized the results from the survey into bullet points. He has agreed to write it in a more publishable narrative.
- Tech Fee Committee Meeting will be October 29th, 2019 at 3:00 in A502. Randelle will attend for our committee.
Old business
- Subcommittee reports/plans/changes/additions:
Marketing of online courses (Eugene Desepoli & Peter Novick)
- (Committee newsletter; design and implement a marketing campaign at QCC for higher recognition of online courses)
- In addition to the results of the survey, we discussed the addition of interviews with faculty who implement e-Learning in their courses. Zivah suggested that we highlight one or two faculty each newsletter. Zeynep recommended Donna Bastille from Math whom we can contact for future. For now we decided to use internal committee members. Keisha and Susan have agreed to be interviewed for the newsletter. Eugene and Peter will create some questions for them. Goal is to have the newsletter ready by mid-November.
Brown bag lunches for online faculty (Nina & Susan)
- (coordinate, promote, and run informal but informative meetings for QCC faculty who are interested in online education)
- After a discussion of the date, November 27th appeared to be the best for our semester faculty development event. Poll Everywhere and Educreation will both be feature and demonstrated in one event. Nina will provide an abstract of the event. Zeynep will contact the CETL lab to see if the space can be reserved, otherwise we can try one of the library computer labs. Stephen DiDio and CETL can also be contacted to help promote the event to interested faculty.
Policies and Standards for eLearning at QCC (Denis, Zeynep, Peter & Kathleen)
- (work with CETL/OET to devise standards/policies for eLearning at QCC to be formally adopted by the Senate)
- Zeynep will send an email to the chairs of the departments but is waiting for Denis to have the updated e-Learning site. We are curious what the chair think of the guidelines and if they are being implemented or have any questions.
- New business
Assessment of online courses (Zivah & ?????)
- (Need to work with the Assessment committee concerning online course evaluation and observation)
- We had a discussion on the difference between assessment of courses and evaluation of e-Learning instructors. Our survey indicated that both of these need to be addressed. Zivah has agreed to contact the committee on assessment to find out what we can do to help. Peter will find out who to contact about a standardized faculty observation form.
Student Evaluation Forms for E-Learning
- Zeynep reminded everyone that there is a Academic Development Committee meeting on October 23rd and they invited our committee to join. Zeynep emphasized the need for student evaluation forms to reflect e-learning classrooms. Zeynep asked for everyone to review the suggestions that have been sent out to the committee.
Charges and email from Jannette concerning HIPs and e-Learning
- Jannette Urciuoli as sent our committee the charges from the academic senate, most of which we are currently discussing and addressing. Zivah helped to explain the charge on the relationship between online courses and HIPs. The committee discussed the difficulty in including HIPs in online courses and whether or not they are discussed in the e-Learning institute. We will have to ask Denis at the next meeting.
- Keisha agreed to contact the coordinators of each of the HIPs to see which are being used in e-Learning courses.
Shiang-Kwei’s report
- There is some money available for faculty development in e-Learning and she is currently working with Denis and will provide us with more details at the next meeting.
- Next meeting is scheduled for 3:00pm on November 14th in Science 312.
- Meeting was adjourned at 3:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter A. Novick, Ph.D.
Committee on eLearning, Secretary