Date: Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Location: 3PM-4PM, RF Kennedy Hall, Conference Room 216
- Do we want to change the committee’s charges? Should we establish a temporary subcommittee to do a draft of a revision and present the draft revision at the next meeting or do we want to try to do it at this meeting? As a reminder, below are the current charges.
“The Committee on Publications shall:
- Recommend to the Academic Senate policies and procedures pertaining to College publications including the college website.
- Receive information on the college website and all publications associated with the College or bearing the College name, and report this information to the Academic Senate.
- Serve as an advisory group for the college website and publications associated with the
- Serve as an editorial board for the Queensborough Community College Newsletter, Community Calendar, the Faculty Handbook and other handbooks, and other publications of this ”
- Requesting another committee member or members.
- Setting up a sub-committee for the college website. How do we do this? Who should be on it? What are its charges? Some responsibilities we discussed:
- Finding a system for regular updates of the site. Report from Kwang about how the updates the Math and Computer Science website are updated. Could something like this be put in place for every department?
- Setting guidelines for the basic requirements of what the webpages from each Department must do. This does not mean that is all that they can do, but this is the minimum. This should establish more
- Setting up a system for training webmasters for the Academic Departments so Davide Moretti doesn’t have to do it.
- Increasing faculty involvement with the site and awareness of the importance of the site.
- Procedure for revising to Faculty Handbook and Catalog annually. Aren’t the catalog revisions already overseen by OAA? Aviva’s report from Debra DiBattista.
- Strategies for improving relationship between Marketing and faculty.
- Meeting time for next semester. From the Doodle Poll, there were several times that had 5 votes. Kwang was not able to vote yet because he doesn’t know his teaching schedule yet.
Times that had 5 votes: Tuesdays 10-1, Wednesdays 11-12, Wednesdays 2-3.
Which time shall we establish? Is the Wednesdays 2-3 close enough to what we have this semester that it will be easier for new faculty members to commit to? What is most likely to work for Kwang? Other considerations?