Publications Committee, April 08, 2021
The Academic Senate Committee on Publications met on Thursday, April 08, 2021, 03:04 PM-4:00 PM, via Zoom
Committee Members in Attendance:
Kerri-Ann M. Smith (Chair), Vazgen Shekoyan (Secretary), Patrick Byers, James Geasor, Kwang Hyun Kim, Christina Manzo
Liaisons in Attendance:
VP Stephen DiDio (President’s Liaison)
Guests: Phil Pecorino
The meeting was called to order at 03:04 PM
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with a small spelling correction.
The chair reported on her meeting with the Steering Committee regarding the charges of the subcommittee of webmasters. The subcommittee was unable to meet this year.
The Steering Committee’s recommendation was to include in the report that the Publications Committee would like give the subcommittee charges for the next year rather than assigning charges late in the semester.
Then the chair reported on the discussion of the committee members with Liza Larios. The committee members Christina, Kwang and Patrick attended that meeting as well. The discussion was mainly about the editing of the Faculty Handbook. Here are few main points:
- Faculty Handbook is an official document and the information in the handbook must be consistent with the bylaws (to avoid liabilities).
- We should consult with Academic Affairs to get advice about the website and the workshops that were done on tenure and promotion. The information can be put in the FEC website.
- The issue of whether the comments made in the tenure and promotion videos can be put in the faculty handbook was discussed. The committee survey and COACHE survey both indicate that more specificity is needed in the guidelines. Another suggestion was to include that information outside of the handbook as a faculty survival guide document.
- The handbook must have a narrative. The links can exist but must have descriptions.
- The list containing the committees faculty can join should contain links.
- We must be clear on what is service and what is not.
- Include collegiality and use more objective language in describing the term.
- We need to cite the President’s letter. Phil also mentioned that the current website contains an outdated letter.
- We do need to add forms. They come in very handy. Phil also mentioned that the committee needs to keep track that the forms are updated in the handbook continually (as new forms come out regularly). Kerri-Ann suggested adding a disclaimer that the current forms are subject to change.
- We need to make sure any added information goes through vetting by verifying with proper departments.
- The committee can make strong recommendations that the information and links are periodically updated. Adding a date of when the information is updated can be useful.
- Table of content should be clickable.
The committee was reminded that the elections will be held in the May meeting and two new members will be joining the committee. Only the continuing and new members will be voting in the election.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 04:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Vazgen Shekoyan
Committee on Publications, Secretary