Meeting Minutes February 10, 2021
Committee Members in Attendance:
- Dr. Kimberly Riegel
- William Blick
- Wilfredo Moran
Liaisons in Attendance:
- Gisela Rivera
Ray Volel
- Student representative: Feruza Turobova
The meeting was called to order at 3:09
Student Activities Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2021
In attendance: Dr. Kimberly Riegel, William Blick, Wilfredo Moran, Gisela Rivera, Ray Volel
Student in Attendance: Feruza Turobova
1.) Chair Called meeting to Order: 3:09
2.) Approve all meeting minutes
- Minutes from Dec 9, 2020 approved.
3.) Faculty/ Student communication
There was a club fair today. There were a total of over 250 students in attendance at one time or another.
It had been discussed that there was an issue with faculty members showing up for events. We want to reach out them more. We can perhaps reach out through Academic Affairs. There has been a “Movie Club” in the evenings, bingo, and student conversation.
We would like to continue with a series of events including events for Black History Month, (Film “42” was shown. “Black Panther” will be shown next week. We want to continue events for Women’s History Month in March. There is also a Valentine’s Party to be scheduled after the film. Events average over 20 students in each event.
It had been mentioned of facilitating discussion of films or having an event at the end of the months to reflect on films.
We discussed having a coronavirus breakout session with Prof. Wilma Fletcher-Anthony, chair of the counseling department present or additional counselors to discuss personal accounts of living in this crisis.
4.) Volunteer Virtual Fair
Agreed on Date: February 24, 2021, Wednesday, club hours from 12:00 pm -2:00 pm, and would be a live, virtual event held on Zoom.
Dave Moretti set up website listing volunteer opportunities for Virtual Fair. So far, we have only 1 participant from an organization-Brooklyn Community Services. Kim also reached out the Food Pantry. It had been discussed that possibly each committee member present the virtual volunteer opportunities themselves.
If there are representatives, they will introduce themselves and their organizations in the main room, and then we will set up breakout rooms for each organization to answer student questions.
5.) Student Activities update.
There about 29 active clubs. There is good attendance for events. It was agreed that faculty mentors get more involved with activities.
Ray brought up the issue of vacancies in the Student Government Association, and the continued follow up with elections. SGA is also seeking representatives (writer and photographers) to assist with the yearbook.
6.) New Business
There had been discussion of a student’s needs survey. Apparently, there is some data and response from students. Kim agreed to investigate. There was discussion of reissuing the survey in the future.
Meeting adjourned at 3:49
Minutes submitted by William Blick
Respectfully submitted,
William Blick
Committee on Student Activities, Secretary