Meeting Minutes May 8, 2019
The Academic Senate Committee on Student Activities Committee met on May 08, 2019 11:00am L-412
Committee Members in Attendance:
Jennifer Klein (Student Conduct/Secretary)
Kimberly Riegel (Physics/Chair)
Randelle Sasa (Nursing)
Celia Sporer (Social Sciences)
Ray Volel (Student Activities)
Susan Wengler (Library)
Liaisons in Attendance:
The meeting was called to order at 11:06am
Old Business:
- Elections 2019-2020 Chair and Secretary Positions SAC Committee:
- Chair: Kimberly Riegel-unanimous vote
- Secretary: Jennifer Klein-unanimous vote
- Volunteer Fair Discussion-Fall 2019:
- Fair will take place in conjunction with Student Activities Club Fair on Wednesday September 28, 2019.
- Chair Kimberly Riegel will send out Google Docs with all the past Volunteer participants and people we have contacted in the past. We will begin reaching out earlier this year in hopes to get more organizations involved.
- Please respond to the Google docs which organizations you will reach out too and send back to Chair Kimberly as soon as possible
- If anyone has any organization they would like to invite that is not on the list, please do so and inform committee.
- Discussion regarding interface with academies/marketing:
- Discussed getting more involved with academies when they offer workshops and have student events.
- Discussed different ways to become more involved with SGA and how to be more helpful with the process or organizations on campus.
- How do we make the committee more visible on the campus?
- Student Activities update: None
- Annual Report:
- Chair Kimberly Riegel will provide the Annual report to the Steering Committee to be reviewed and posted online.
- If anyone would like anything to be changed on report, send the change to Kimberly.
- New Business:
- Chair Kimberly Riegel will send out doodle poll schedule to get all the meetings set for fall 2019.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Klein
Committee on Student Activities Committee, Secretary
Minutes typed on September 10, 2019