Meeting Minutes November 18, 2020
The Academic Senate Committee on Student Activities met on November 18, 2020 at 3:05pm - Virtual via Zoom
Committee Members in Attendance:
- Dr. Kimberly Riegel
- William Blick
- Wilfredo Moran
- Dr. Carolyn King
- Randelle Sasa
Liaisons in Attendance:
- Assistant Dean Tikola Russell
- Gisela Rivera
- Jennifer Klein
Dr. Celia Sporer
The meeting was called to order at 3:05
1.) Call meeting to Order: 3:05
2.) Approve all meeting minutes
- Minutes from May 4, 2020 and minutes from October 2020 approved.
3.) Committee guidebook
Hyperlinking complete in guidebook.
Not a lot of participation with students: If we require 3 students, do not make quota
Mostly no students come to meetings because of conflicts. Proposed Bylaw: change to 1 student, and no more than 3. It was a agreed to schedule student guests as needed. The meeting is open to the public
4.) Volunteer Virtual Fair
It was agreed to continue plans for a Virtual Fair in 2021.
Conflicts in February and March; It was suggested that we try to set up a Virtual Fair in early to mid April. It was decided that an online virtual fair be accessible via Zoom. Wilfredo brought up pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous platforms. Possibilities of working with Dave Moretti, to create a web based options were discussed. Kim mentioned possibility of financial drawbacks of hosting 50 or more people in a synchronous event.
Gisela has compiled a list of possible organizations with volunteer opportunities to be present at Fair. The list will be disseminated among committee meetings. Group will decided which groups are relevant. Also, their availability and access will be considered (i.e available in the evenings ). It was suggested that interested groups that cannot attend may send a “blurb” or other representational information.
5.) New System for Club Communication
It has been a goal to get communication streamlined with Marketing, Club Advisors and Academy Advisor to build better communication for events.
New platforms for hosting and providing accessibility to students being investigated. Gisela and others attending demo sessions for these possibilities. The first demo is November
6.) Student Activities update.
The Student Government Association(SGA) reports over 30 active clubs are conducting activities. Many lack officers and funding. We need to attend to those needs. Some recent activities of SGA have been creating and showing films on cooking and recipes. Opportunities and planning for a series of Friday lectures. One of SGA ‘s request was that the Student Activities Committee assists with encouraging colleagues to promote interactions and communications with each other.
7.) New Business:
Meeting adjourned at 3:47
Next meeting: December 9, 2020 -3-4 pm
Respectfully submitted,
William Blick
Committee on Student Activities, Secretary