Meeting Minutes December 15, 2022
The Academic Senate Committee on Student Activities met on December 15, 2022 at 2:00pm (Library 418)
Committee Members in Attendance:
Wilfredo Moran, Ilse Schrynemakers, Carolyn King, Kwang Hyun Kim, Jennifer Klein, Alison Mello, Weier Ye
The meeting was called to order at 1:11 PM
Chairperson Wilfredo Moran called the meeting to order at 1:11 PM.
Approval of Minutes:
- Minutes approved from 11/28/2022 Meeting
Agenda Discussion Topics:
1. Spring 2023 Volunteer Fair Discussion
- Members discussed planning stages and suggestions for upcoming semester’s fair.
- Tentative plan is to hold fair in April in-person. Date will be determined by availability of desired space (Humanities Quad). Chairpersons will reach out to check availability and reserve the space.
- Members were asked to think about additional organizations to contact. Suggestions were made to reach out to Career Services and other campus groups for updated list of suggested organizations. Based on 2022 organization attendance, goal is to invite more programs in 2023 that previous year.
- Final date for the fair and timeline for contacting organizations will be discuss early in the Spring semester. If fair is scheduled for April, organizations should be contacted in March.
- Suggestions were made to invite on-campus groups to attend fair, including clubs to expand event’s reach.
- Members discussed other fair needs, including arranging WiFi access for guests (Chairperson Moran will investigate), contacting Marketing to promote event via QCC’s website, and providing attendees with “swag.” Suggestions were made to reach out to Academic Senate for possible sponsorship/co-sponsorship (possibly in partnership with SGA or Career Services)
2. Involvement of Student Government
- Chairperson Moran shared that the student government president was provided with information about our committee invited to attend our 12/15/22 meeting (the officer did not attend). Chairperson Moran will reach out to officers again in Spring 2023.
3. Plans for Spring 2023 Meetings
- The first committee meeting will held virtually in February 2023. Modality of remaining meetings will be decided upon college directives in the new year. Members discussed alternating between in-person and virtual formats as well as reserving Hyflex rooms.
5. New Business
- Members discussed plans for future academic years. It was suggested that the committee focus on different types of events for each semester- possibly “Meet Your Professors” as a Fall event and the Volunteer Fair as a Spring event.
Minutes respectfully submitted 12/15/2022
Alison Mello
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Alison Mello 2022-2023
Committee on Student Activities, Secretary
Minutes typed on December 15, 2022