Steering Committee
Committee Guide Addendum
Steering Committee Responsibilities
Each SC team should review the below responsibilities and coordinate their responsibilities. The Vice Chair should be involved and aware of everything the Chair is working on so that in any event that the Chair is not available to pursue some or all of the responsibilities the Vice Chair can assist. The secretary at times may also be involved with some of the below responsibilities.
Attend meetings
Monthly Agenda meeting
Chair monthly Senate meeting
Weekly Steering Committee
At least once a semester attend a meeting of selected Senate Committees for
Senate Committees Chairs and Secretaries meeting
CAPC meetings
Budget Advisement committee meetings
CUNY governance meetings
Faculty meetings
Maintain appropriate boundaries regarding faculty responsibilities and administration of its areas
Mentor junior faculty in College and University governance
Correspond with UFS on governance matters
Guide junior faculty in assuming leadership positions
Oversee Senate committees
Serve as governance resource for Senate committees
Collaborate with CoC on faculty and student appointments to committees
Consult with Senate committee chairs and secretaries on procedure
Oversee accuracy of Senate committee website
Actively encourage student participation in governance
Oversee preparation of Senate committee documents
Oversee preparation and distribution of Senate committee Annual Reports
Track Annual reports for past and present actions
Monitor list of Senate committee officers and members for assessment and communication
Maintain formal communications with and among Administration, Faculty, Senators, committee members, and college community
Write up monthly Steering Committee report to the Senate
Organize, schedule, and chair annual meeting of Administration and senate committee chairs
Arrange meetings with administrative liaisons to follow up on committee actions
Respond to emails (monitor SC email address) and take appropriate action
Collaborate with SC secretary and Administration to prepare Senate meeting agendas
Update Senate website for transparency
Collaborate with SC vice chair and secretary in Senate committee assessment
Collaborate with FEC in college governance assessment
Coordination with OAA
Collaborate on any policy issues
Ad hoc consultation
Any Senate committee officer or member needing guidance or assistance
Any SC member needing guidance or assistance
>Develop and maintain working knowledge of college bylaws and governance
plans, parliamentary procedure, CUNY policies, Senate committee
charges, history, procedures, SC responsibilities, and General
Committee Guide
Oversee all work of Steering Committee
To maintain the communication and organization for the above requires a commitment of five to seven hours a week on average.
Duties and responsibilities of Secretary
Attend meetings
Monthly Agenda meeting
Monthly Senate meeting
Weekly Steering Committee meeting
Collaborate with SC vice chair and secretary in Senate committee assessment
Preparation for Senate Meetings
Reach out to remind certain chairs/representatives of monthly reports
Collect, vet, organize, and set-up (ADA compliant, PDF) all documents to be presented to Senate
Distribute Senate materials to QCC community
Upload/update Senate materials on Senate website
Consult/plan with STO for Senate meetings
Write minutes during Senate meetings include tabulating attendance and votes
Send letters to outgoing and incoming Senators and Committee members
Use of dropbox or other electronic system to gather, organize, and store documents is highly recommended.