Academic Senate Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2020
Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the fifth regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:11 PM.
I. Attendance:
54 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 64 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.
II. Approval of the Agenda:
A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 59-0-0 to approve the agenda as it was displayed on screen (withdrawing the monthly report from the Committee on Curriculum).
III. Consideration of minutes of the November 12, 2019 meeting of the Academic Senate (Attachment A):
A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 60-0-0 to approve the December 10, 2019 minutes (Attachment A).
IV. Communications from:
- Interim President Lynch
The Senate received Interim President Lynch’s February 2020 Report.
Interim President Lynch thanked those who met with the firm working on the search for a new President. He updated the Senate that the JVN for the search is in progress and was hoping it would appear early next week. The ideal timeline would include narrowing the field down to ten candidates by April and four by May, with a final choice being presented to the Board of Trustees to approve in June.
With regards to enrollment, Interim President Lynch announced that the current enrollment should be considered the new normal.
Senate Steering Committee Report
The Senate received the Steering Committee Report.
Chairperson Dahlke welcomed Senators back to campus for the start of the spring semester. He reminded faculty that election season has begun and that they should have received an email from Stephen Hammel of the Committee on Committees regarding committee preferences. Chairperson Dahlke encouraged faculty to step up as chairs and secretaries. Senators should also look out for an email regarding senate petitions for those whose terms are ending. Chairperson Dahlke thanked Interim President Lynch for encouraging faculty governance leaders to meet with the search firm and the members of the Board of Trustees involved in the search. He alerted Senators that an update from the committee working on the issue of bullying would come in May and reminded the group about the Social Hour hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs that starts immediately following the senate meeting.
V. Montly Reports of the Committees of the Academic Senate
The Senate received an update from the Committee on Food Insecurity including the hours of the food pantry for the spring semester and the transactions for last semester. Senator Tai asked Senators if they had any reusable bags they could donate to the pantry, it would be extremely helpful given the new ban on single use plastic bags.
VI. Old Business
Dean Corradetti offered an update on the Academic Master Plan. The working groups have been meeting, hosting open forums, and may distribute surveys.
VII. New Business
The Senate received an update from the Accessibility Sub-Committee of the Committee on Equality, Quality of Life, and Disability Issues. Dr. Angela Ridinger-Dotterman announced the sub-committee’s presentation on 3/25 at the FEC Faculty Meeting and the ten-minute flash sessions it is offering at Department meetings to introduce faculty to how to create accessible digital documents and resources on campus to support accessible course materials.
The Senate fielded a question about Blackboard grades for auditors that was referred to the Registrar.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Zivah Perel Katz, Secretary
Academic Senate Steering Committee