Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2020

After reviewing some basic directions about how to raise a hand and use the poll functions in WebEx, Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the eighth regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:16 PM. The meeting was held through the Webex platform.

Due to technological issues related to the Webex platform, there may be inconsistencies in the numbers from vote to vote. These inconsistencies involve the numbers of Senators who did not vote-- all votes for, against, and to abstain are accurate. If they are not, please contact the Steering Committee directly. 


I.             Attendance

61 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 69 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.


II.           Approval of the agenda

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There were no objections.


III.         Consideration of the minutes from the April 21, 2020 meeting

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes from the April 21, 2020 meeting (Attachment A). There were no objections.


IV.         Communications from:

A.           Interim President Timothy Lynch

The Senate received Interim President Lynch’s May 2020 report.

Interim President Lynch began his remarks by noting that this would be his last time delivering the report as Interim President: he received confirmation that the search for a permanent president is moving forward. The finalists will meet with select members of the QCC community and the Board of Trustees plans to vote on the recommended candidate in June. The new President would likely take office on or after August 1, 2020. Interim President Lynch acknowledged that it was an honor to serve as Interim President. It was his goal to turn over an institution with a clean bill of health academically and financially. He believes, as per the Middle States report, that the former is certain. While he was able to make inroads into the budget issues at QCC (a special thank you to Vice President Newcomb and her team for their efforts), the budget situation is less certain because of the COVID-19 crisis. QCC receives funding from the city, state, and tuition and each of these three sources is significantly reduced. The University must work with large budget cuts and is enacting a series of steps to mitigate the budget circumstances including hiring freezes and suspensions of capital projects. The University will continue to put students’ health and safety at the forefront and Interim President Lynch will continue to update the QCC community.

Interim President Lynch answered questions about enrollment efforts (marketing is working on a strategy for recruiting students who may not return to their home institutions as well as continuing education and workforce development opportunities) and when CUNY will decide on the teaching modality in the fall (that is yet to be determined). He also addressed concerns about rehiring adjuncts and discussed the possibility that the university might push back the date by which institutions need to make their hiring decisions. Interim President Lynch noted that administration is working closely with each department to analyze on a course by course and section by section basis to determine its hiring needs.

B.           University Faculty Senate

Senator Tai began by thanking Dr. Timothy Lynch for his leadership as Interim President of the College. She announced that the UFS would be meeting that evening to vote in the Executive Committee and asked faculty to consider offering the UFS their insight into the transition to distance learning.  

C.           Steering Committee

The Senate received the Steering Committee’s report for May 2020.

Chairperson Dahlke thanked committee chairs for conducting their elections online and offered specific thanks to Stephen Hammel, Todd Holden, Zivah Perel Katz, Jannette Urciuoli, David Moretti, and Leslie Francis for their work during the last few weeks. Dean Arthur Coradetti offered updates regarding the certifications necessary for accreditation for online programs. Lastly, Chairperson Dahlke welcomed incoming Senators and thanked those whose service has come to an end.


V.          Elections

A.           Steering Committee

1.            Nomination for Chair: Steven Dahlke (Music). Since Dr. Dahlke ran unopposed, a motion was made    and accepted to elect Steven Dahlke as Chair of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the              Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate
2.            Nomination for Vice Chair: Jannette Urciuoli (Counseling).  Since Dr. Urciuoli ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Jannette Urciuoli as Vice Chair of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the Secretary of Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.
3.            Nomination for Secretary: Zivah Perel Katz (English). Since Dr. Katz ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Zivah Perel Katz as Secretary of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.

B.           Parliamentarian

Nomination for Parliamentarian: Leslie Francis (Business). Since Mr. Francis ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Leslie Francis as Parliamentarian of the Academic Senate by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.

C.           Senate Technology Officer

Nomination for Senate Technology Officer: David Moretti (Office of Marketing and Communications). Since Mr. Moretti ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect David Moretti as Senate Technology Officer of the Academic Senate by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.

D.           Special Appointment to the Committee on Committees

Steering Committee suggested that for the sake of continuity, Stephen Hammel continue his service on the Committee on Committees by filling the unexpired term (one year) of a committee member who left the committee (see the monthly report from the Committee on Committees). A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 63-0-2 to appoint Stephen Hammel as a replacement for the unexpired term on the Committee on Committees.


E.           Committee on Committees (3 new members)

Stephen Hammel, Chairperson of the Committee on Committees, reported that there are three open positions on the Committee, each for three-year terms (see the monthly report from the Committee on Committees). He called for floor nominations to fill those positions. Senator Gadura nominated Julian Stark. Provost Palmer nominated Danny Sexton. Senator Lieberman nominated Ian Schanning. Senator Namdar nominated Richard Yuster.

Senators elected three of the four candidates. Elected: Danny Sexton, Ian Schanning, Julian Stark


VI.         List of Potential Graduates

The Senate was to vote on the list of June graduates. This item was overlooked at the meeting. Steering Committee subsequently offered Senators seven days to offer any objections to the list before it voted to approve them. Given there were no objections, Steering Committee approved the list on the Senate’s behalf.


VII.       Monthly Reports of the Committees of the Academic Senate

A.           Committee on Committees

Chair of the Committee, Stephen Hammel, reviewed his report, which reviewed the matter of the 14th seat for faculty-at-large for senate and the make-up of the new Committee on Pre-College.

B.           Committee on Curriculum

There were two votes taken on the report from the Committee on Curriculum (Attachment D).

1.  A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 59-0-2 to approve two courses from the Biological Sciences and Geology Department.

2. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 63-0-1 to approve a program revision to the Medical Assistant A.A.S. Program.

C.           Committee on eLearning

Senator Katz reported to the Senate the updates to the eLearning Guidelines, which can also be found in the eLearning Committee newsletter.


VIII.     Old Business

A.           Anti-Bullying

Chairperson Dahlke reported on the progress of the anti-bullying committee. The committee has come close to a consensus that a campus ombudsperson may satisfy the need for a policy. It is still working on creating a survey for faculty. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 57-3-4 that the anti-bullying committee continue its charge and report at the December 2020 Senate meeting. 

B.           Curriculum Matters

Senator Franco inquired about the status of the not-yet approved Math courses.

Chairperson Dahlke responded that if eight Senators requested it, they could call for a special meeting of the Senate to discuss the courses.


IX.         New Business

There was no new business.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM. 

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