Academic Senate Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2022
Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the eighth regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:12 PM. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, with attendees both in M136 and on Zoom. Chairperson Dahlke chaired the meeting from M136.
I. Attendance
52 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 63 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.
II. Approval of the Agenda
Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There were no objections.
III. Consideration of the minutes from the April 12, 2022 meeting
Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes (Attachment A).
IV. Communications from:
A. President Mangino
The Senate received President Mangino’s May report.
President Mangino congratulated faculty that were recognized that afternoon for tenure and CCE. She also mentioned the upcoming recognition of service celebration as well as congratulated three new department Chairs. President Mangino thanked all incoming and outgoing chairs as well as Dr. Jannette Urciuoli, who was stepping down from the Academic Senate Steering Committee.
Only 47% of students had registered for next semester, so President Mangino urged faculty and staff to continue nudging student to register. President Mangino also noted progress on the childcare center, including a meeting with CUNY central.
B. University Faculty Senate
Senator Tai informed the Senate that the UFS did not meet in April and would be meeting that evening. Among the other items on the agenda is a report from the budget committee.
C. Steering Committee
The Senate received the May report from the Steering Committee.
Chairperson Dahlke discussed the Steering Committee’s assessment of Senate effectiveness—the Steering Committee plans to look carefully at the results of the survey that asked Senators to evaluate the procedures and tenor of the Senate. Steering Committee invites email suggestions about Senate procedure and will establish open hours for new and continuing senators to discuss the work of the Senate. Steering Committee welcomed new Senators along with long-serving Senators and offered a special thank you to Julian Stark and Christine Mooney of the Committee on Committees for their cheerful and stalwart work. Chairperson Dahlke also thanked Senator Rezan Akpinar for stepping into the position of STO for the remainder of the spring 2022 semester.
V. Elections
A. Steering Committee
1. Nomination for Chair: Steven Dahlke (Music). Since Dr. Dahlke ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Steven Dahlke as Chair of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.
2. Nomination for Vice Chair: Zivah Perel Katz (English). Since Dr. Katz ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Zivah Perel Katz as Vice Chair of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.
3. Nomination for Secretary: Scott Litroff (Music). Since Dr. Litroff ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Scott Litroff as Secretary of the Steering Committee by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Steering Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate.
B. Parliamentarian
Nomination for Parliamentarian: Rezan Akpinar (Health, Physical Education and Dance). Since Senator Akpinar ran unopposed, a motion was made and accepted to elect Rezan Akpinar as Parliamentarian of the Academic Senate by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Academic Senate.
C. Senate Technology Officer
There were no nominees for the STO position. In absence of nominees, the Steering Committee will continue to canvas nominees and will vote in the nominee. If more than one candidate comes forward, the Steering Committee will defer the vote until September.
D. Committee on Committees (4 new members)
Nominations for Committee on Committees: Jasper Lin (Art & Design), Shannon Kincaid (Social Sciences), Isabella Lizzul (Health, Physical Education and Dance), and Hamid Namdar (Engineering Technology). Since four nominees were nominated for four positions, a motion was made and accepted to elect Jasper Lin, Shannon Kincaid, Isabella Lizzul, and Hamid Namdar to the Committee on Committees by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Academic Senate.
VI. Candidates for Graduation
A. A motion was made, seconded, and approved 58-0-0 to approve the list of candidates for June 2022 graduation.
B. The Senate received the list of January 2022 graduates as an informational item.
VII. Monthly Reports of the Committees of the Academic Senate
A. The Committee on Budget
The Committee on Budget offered their materials as informational items (Attachments G, H, I, and J).
B. The Committees on Continuing Education and Workforce Development and Pre-College
The Committees presented a resolution about credit for prior learning, which resolution would bring Queensborough up to date with CUNY policy. A motion was made, seconded, and approved 60-0-0 to adopt the Proposal of a College Policy Regarding Credit for Prior Learning (Attachments K, L, and M).
C. The Committee on Curriculum
Senator Wallach, Chair of the Committee on Curriculum, shared the report (Attachments C, D, and E). There was some discussion about the process of creating new programs. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee, Patrick Wallach, and Chairperson Dahlke reminded everyone that all Curriculum Committee meetings are open and relevant materials from the Curriculum Committee are distributed to the campus community one week in advance of Senate. Chair Dahlke encouraged all Senators to voice their opinions at Senate meetings. There were 6 votes.
1. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 54-0-0 to approve 1 new course (MA-114ALP).
2. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 56-0-0 to approve 6 course revisions (CS100, CIS101, BU812, BU903, TH122, and TH222).
3. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 54-0-0 to approve 3 program revisions [Biological Sciences and Geology and Business, Medical Assistant A.A.S. Program; Business, A.A.S. in Computer Information Systems – change to A.S. in Computer Information Systems; Business, Business Administration (A.S.)].
4. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 56-0-2 to approve 4 program discontinuations [Business, Certificate in Health Care Office Administration: Managing, Coding, and Billing; Business, Certificate in Computer Information Systems; Business, Certificate in Office Administration Assistant; Business, A.A.S. in Office Administration and Technology.
5. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 56-0-0 to approve 1 new program [Mathematics and Computer Science, Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in Mathematics)].
6. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted 56-0-0- to approve 1 new program [Engineering Technology, Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree program in Cybersecurity].
VIII. Old Business
There was no unfinished business.
IX. New Business
A. The President took the opportunity to remind the Senate about the celebration of service and in-person graduation in June.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.
Zivah Perel Katz, Secretary
Academic Senate Steering Committee