Steering Committee Report December 2021

Steering Committee thanks the following Senate Standing Committee for posting its Annual Report to its webpage: eLearning, Randelle Sasa, chair.


At this writing we await Annual Reports from Computer Resources and Publications.


Steering Committee expressed to the Administration reservations about hiring a replacement for retiring Dean of Faculty Sandra Palmer during a hiring freeze. We engaged in conversations with Administration on this matter and received compelling rationales for the decision, including not filling seven Executive Compensation Package vacancies since 2017, response to COACHE survey questions on the matter, and faculty input. Steering Committee additionally spoke to a number of Department Chairs for their opinions and heard support for the hire. We report this to you in our role as advocates for Senate matters and to affirm that shared governance is healthy – Administration was open to hearing concerns and responded with meaningful evidence for decisions taken.


President Mangino hosted a Town Hall on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to address concerns arising over the increased reopening of campus for Spring 2022. There were approximately 200 people in attendance and the Question and Answer session was thoughtful and informative. We thank President Mangino for furthering this important dialogue.


Steering Committee thanks Dr. Sandra Palmer for her years of service to QCC as Dean of Faculty. It was a pleasure working with her and we wish her the very best as she moves into a new chapter.


Steering Committee is undertaking Assessment of Governance at QCC on a three-year cycle. Senate Standing Committees assessed their work via survey in Spring Semester 2021. Findings are reported here, and the report is posted also at the Senate home page. In year two of the cycle, Senate effectiveness will be assessed with a survey to be administered in Spring 2022. We thank Standing Committee members for their candid and thorough responses to the survey. The aim of assessment is to improve efficiency of committee operations, on a continuous and transparent basis.


We wish everyone a safe and healthy Holiday Season and a year of hope and progress in 2022.

Academic Senate Steering Committee ([email protected])

Dr. Steven Dahlke, Chair [email protected]

Dr. Jannette Urciuoli, Vice-Chair [email protected]

Dr. Zivah Perel Katz, Secretary [email protected]

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.