President's Report for February 2022

Student Affairs

Enrollment Management Update

  • The Office of Admissions and Office of New Student Engagement continue to provide support to maximize enrollment of new students for the Spring 2022 semester.  In addition, the Office of New Student Engagement continues to offer weekly webinars titled 'Tips for Success' to support student's transition to QCC.  To date, four (4) webinars have been conducted to promote the importance of academic advisement, resources available to new students, and ways to have a successful experience at QCC. The first Fall 2022 recommendation file was received in December 2021 and to date, three (3) Fall 2022 recommendation files have been delivered to QCC Admissions. Fall 2022 enrollment recruitment activities will resume beginning February 16, 2022.  


  • The Office of Academy Advisement is assisting a high volume of new and continuing students with registration as we prepare for the start of the Spring 2022 semester.  As we work with students, we are advising them for the different modalities available and utilizing Starfish, Zoom, Blackboard, along with other technologies to advise our students.  Academy Advising hosted a successful webinar on Tuesday, January 18th for 100 incoming student to discuss the role academic advising has in their journey at QCC, and to address frequently asked questions. Academy Advising is planning to host an Instagram live within the first week of classes to provide a welcome for Academy students.



Student Honors/Awards

QCC students (and members of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society) Mr. Zachary Amachee, Ms. Tsz Wa Ellen Chu, and Ms. Liza Piedra have been selected as the three (3) nominees for the New Century Scholars Workforce Pathways Coca-Cola Academic Team.   The program annually recognizes 104 Scholars. Each New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar receives special recognition at the Association of Community College Trustees Congress. Each New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar receives special recognition at the American Association of Community Colleges Convention.  We are also excited to announce that Ms. Chu is an eligible candidate for graduation at the conclusion of the Fall 2021 semester and Ms. Piedra is a possible candidate for graduation at the conclusion of the upcoming Spring 2022 semester.  Please join us in congratulation these students on their impressive academic performance and receiving this distinction.


Student Support Services/Resources

  • Faculty and staff are asked to encourage our students to avail themselves of the valuable and free resources through the QCC Advocacy Resource Center. Services provided include (but not limited to) public benefits screening, financial coaching, legal assistance, tax preparation services, housing assistance, food pantry referrals, and more.


  • Free Tax Preparation for QCC Students! Representatives from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance will help students prepare and e-file their income tax return virtually during a webinar Zoom session at no cost. Zoom sessions will be held every Wednesday and Friday, beginning January 28, 2022 and ending on April 15, 2022.  Pre-registration is required.  As such, students should call the Advocacy Resource Center (formerly Single Stop) at (718) 631-6347 or e-mail [email protected].  Session days and times are as follows:  Wednesdays between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, Wednesdays between 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Fridays between 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, and Fridays between 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm.


  • The Finch College Alumni Community College Transfer Scholarship application period is now open for all eligible female students. The scholarships, worth $5000, are awarded to second-year female community college students who will graduate from QCC at the conclusion of spring 2021 and transfer to a four-year university for fall 2021. For additional information, including eligibility requirements and application deadline, visit their website. The deadline to apply is May 22, 2022.


  • Emergency funding is available to students who face a financial crisis that puts at risk their continued enrollment toward their QCC degree. Supported through a grant from The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the funds provide one-time, emergency grants to students in good standing with short-term financial emergencies to enable them to remain in school, rather than being forced to leave or drop out. Please refer students with short-term financial emergencies to Ms. Amawati Gonesh via e-mail at [email protected].  Additional information can be found online at our QCC Scholarship Website.


  • The Senator Jose Peralta NYS DREAM Act (DREAM Act) allows undocumented and other eligible students to apply for New York State financial aid. The NYS DREAM Act application is used to determine student eligibility under the provisions of the NYS DREAM Act. Students who meet the NYS DREAM Act's eligibility requirements for high school attendance, high school completion, in-state SUNY or CUNY tuition, and citizenship or immigration status will be able to apply for one or more NYS student financial aid programs. Students who qualify under the NYS DREAM Act can separately apply for NYS student financial aid programs. The program is administered by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation.


  • CUNY continues its partnership with The Dream. US Scholarship Program to assist undocumented students in obtaining scholarships. The Dream.US Scholarship Program provides college scholarships to highly motivated undocumented students who entered the United States as minors under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protect Status (TPS), and who, without financial assistance, cannot afford a college education. All funding is provided by private donations to The Dream.US organization. Scholarships are available to currently enrolled high school students and community college students who will be completing their degrees by the end of the 2021 -2022 academic year. The annual application period to award scholarships for the fall 2022 cohort opened on November 1, 2021 and the deadline is February 28, 2022. Please refer students to visit Dream US Scholarship Program to apply.


  • The Belle Zeller Scholarship Trust Fund is now available for eligible students to apply. The award shall consist of the yearly undergraduate tuition for in-state students as set by the university. For additional information, including eligibility requirements and deadline date, please visit their website.  The deadline to apply is March 4, 2022.


  • The American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships of up to $5,000 to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields, such as environmental science, toxicology and chemical technology. High school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors are eligible to apply.  The ACS Scholars Program was established in 1994 to attract African American, Hispanic and American Indian students considered underrepresented in the chemical sciences by the National Science Foundation to pursue careers in the field.  The program also aims to help build awareness of the value and rewards associated with careers in chemistry and assist students in acquiring skills and credentials needed for success.  The deadline to apply is March 1, 2022.


Upcoming Events

  • The Office of Student Activities will host the Spring 2022 Virtual Club Fair on Wednesday, February 9th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm via Zoom. Queensborough Community College recognizes that Student Organizations are an important part of the College experience. Students that are active in Campus life are more likely to succeed in College.  Learn about the 40+ Student Groups on Campus. Featuring Student Club Officers from current Student Groups and Organizations, Queensborough Community College students will be able to obtain information regarding upcoming events and join a Student Group.  Registration is required for this event so, please do so in advance by clicking here.


  • As part of their Black History Month programming, the QCC Black Faculty & Staff Association (BFSA) will host an event on Wednesday, February 9th at 12:00 pm via Zoomon Black Homeownership: Why It is Different for Us & How to Turn It Around. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the BFSA for an insightful presentation delivered by a panel of experts in the field. You'll learn what is different for African Americans when it comes to homeownership and why it is a major cause of the racial wealth gap. We'll discuss trends and opportunities in the Queens, Long Island, Bronx, and Westchester markets. Finally, you'll discover important tips and advice on the home-buying process. The first 20 people who register and attend the event will receive a free copy of book “A Guide to Becoming a Homeowner for African Americans (Yes It’s Different for Us)”.  Registration for this event is required, please click here to do so.


  • The QCC Counseling Center will present a workshop on The Stages of Grief on Wednesday, February 16th at 2:00 pm. This workshop will cover the process and stages of grief, as experienced with expected and unexpected life events.  All members of the QCC community are invited to attend.  Details regarding registration will be available on the QCC Online Events Calendar in the coming days.


  • The QCC Counseling Center will host an event as part of Black History Month in collaboration with the Black Faculty & Staff Association (BFSA) on Black Mental Health on Thursday, February 24th at 3:00 pm via Zoom. This interactive workshop will explore factors that affect mental health in the Black community, and share practices that support wellness.  Details regarding registration will be available on the QCC Online Events Calendar in the coming days.

Academic Affairs

Center for Excellence in Teaching and learning (CETL) and the Office of Educational Technology (OET)


The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) is inviting faculty to participate in the teaching observation workshops and learn about the components of QCC's newly revised peer observation form. The workshops will include information on student-centered pedagogy and best practices of preparing an observation report on the aspects of teaching and learning: Classroom / Environment, Content & Delivery, and Student Engagement. CETL will continue to offer the workshop series ("Creating Teaching ePortfolio") in Spring 2022 to support faculty in the process of creating a digital documentation of one's teaching philosophy and the relationship between course goals, assignments, and evidence of student learning. Please visit CETL and OET homepages to see a complete listing of all upcoming events and professional development opportunities.



The Office of Educational Technology has currently enrolled nine instructors in the Online Teaching Essential (OTE) course. The OTE course is a University-wide course managed by the School of Professional Studies (SPS – CUNY) and it is a critical component of the University’s ongoing efforts to support our faculty during this challenging time. Participants who completes the course will:


  • Gain first-hand experience in and appreciation of the needs of an online learner;


  • Identify widely accepted best practices for online teaching, including principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL);



  • Reflect on how to apply to one’s own course the instructional design principles, organizational and facilitation skills, and communication and assessment   strategies introduced in the course;


  • Become familiar with the basic operations and features of a Blackboard classroom from both student and instructor perspectives.  


We strongly recommend all faculty to visit the OET web site to see a complete listing of all upcoming Distance Learning Webinars and Professional Development Opportunities. Currently, the Office of Educational Technology is offering Drop-in Virtual Office Hours through Blackboard Collaborate. Faculty can join the OET Virtual Office to speak with an IT Academic Specialist, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  For an in-person appointment, please contact [email protected]


Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs


Grants Awarded – November 29, 2021 – January 21, 2022


Physics:    National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates: $412,659, Riegel, Kimberly (Lead PI), Lieberman, David & Cheung, Tak David (co-PIs); “A Community College REU for Physics and Astronomy Research"



Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD)


QCC/CEWD joined the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and SUNY/CUNY Consortium to submit an Economic Development Administration Good Job Challenge Grant ($25M) and will develop the Clean Energy stackable microcredential training programs in partnership with government, community-based organizations, employers and business. The consortium aims to bring job training and career pathways to New Yorkers who have been left out of the energy transition.


QCC/CEWD will offer the Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPAs) training program this spring. We will accept two cohorts of students, 25 students for each cohort. Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPAs) are individuals who have been certified to provide coaching, support, information, guidance and motivation to those seeking or sustaining recovery from a substance abuse diagnosis. 

Course Details: No cost Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Training provided by Queensborough Community College ASAP-NYCB Registered Trainer & Approved Foundational Training for Initial Certifications. 

Certified Recovery Peer Advocate Training Program: 

  • Prepare to take the IC & RC exam
  • Apply for certification with the NYCB
  • Earn 3 college credits in HE104: Addictions and Dependencies course at Queensborough Community College
  • Obtain connections to employment opportunities upon completion!

To qualify for this free training opportunity, you must be eligible to work in the U.S., have lived experience as a peer and/ or an individual in recovery and be committed to becoming and working as a CRPA. For consideration, contact: Christina Cairoli @[email protected]

Office of Institutional Advancement

A BIG THANK YOU to our campus community for supporting our students on #CUNYTuesday!  We raised $62,000, which was double the amount that was raised last year!


Dr. Diane B. Call gifted $50,000 to name the food pantry on campus in honor of her mother Lucille A. Bova. The funds have been deposited in an endowed fund and proceeds derived from the endowment will be used to purchase personal care and hygiene items for the food pantry that are not covered by other funding sources.


Alliance Bernstein awarded $30,000 in grant funds for Queensborough’s Black Male Initiative Program. The grant funds support peer mentoring, academic coaching, tutoring, and socio-emotional and career workshops. The grant funds will help close the equity gap that exists for our Black and Latino male students and provide them with the necessary mentorship and support to ensure they stay on track and help guide them to graduation.   


Professor Emeritus Jackson Lum and his wife, Muriel Lum, long time donors to Queensborough,  donated $100,000 to establish the Chai Ho and F.Y. Chiu Scholarship. To help foster a better understanding between the United States and China, fulltime Queensborough students enrolled in Elementary Chinese I and Elementary Chinese II language courses are eligible to apply for this scholarship.


Con Edison awarded a $15,000 STEM Support Program Grant to the College. The grant funds cover the cost of the summer and winter STEM Tuition Waiver for undocumented students enrolled at Queensborough to help these students stay on track to complete their education.


Eugene M. Lang Foundation awarded $25,000 in emergency grant funding for undocumented and immigrant Queensborough students. These grant funds help to ensure our most vulnerable students have a better chance of continuing their education and graduating.


Annual Fund Campaign

Click here to make an online donation to Queensborough’s Annual Fund Campaign. Please make checks payable to the QCC Fund, Inc. and mail to Queensborough Community College, Office of Institutional Advancement, Room A-508, 222-05 56 Avenue, Bayside, NY 11364. 



Queensborough students continue to grapple with the pandemic. Your donation to the Annual Fund Campaign will make both an immediate and life-long impact on our students.


Thank you for your continued support of our students!




Art Gallery





The Gallery is preparing the upcoming installation:


Yaka and Suku: The Bourgeois Collection (Main Gallery)

March 2022

The Bourgeois Collection is a comprehensive overview featuring sculpture from the Kwango region of southwestern Zaire (now Congo). The sculpture exhibited focuses on the Yaka and Suku culture and represents traditional practices from the region such as initiation, divination, and commemorative objects used in performance ritual.  The exhibition is enhanced with educational text, field photography and film detailing the significance of the work. Alongside the Bourgeois collection, works are on loan from various international private collections as well as a selection from the Gallery’s permanent collection. The exhibition will feature a digital walkthrough later in the semester.

Architectural Designs - The Engineering Technology Department (Balcony)


March 2022
This is a collection of architectural models embracing the talent and creativity of the students enrolled in Engineering Design courses here at QCC. The exhibition explores the techniques used to develop these models and architectural construction under the guidance of Professor Craig Webber. This exhibition was rescheduled from the Fall semester and will open in March. 


Internship Program:


  • The Gallery continues its internship program with in-person as well as virtual opportunities. Individuals enrolled in the QCC internship program in the Gallery demonstrate how the Gallery promotes undergraduate research by providing unique opportunities for the student to develop their practical experience in art administration. The participating individuals continue to assist with the documentation of the permanent collection and incoming donations.
  • Virtual internships continue with a partnership between the Gallery and Bayside High School.
  • The Gallery’s in-person internship with the Flushing International High School will resume this Spring semester.



Kupferberg Holocaust Center


KHC Original Exhibition:


The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide


On View and Online


This original exhibition at the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center surveys the scope and brutality of the Nazi system of incarceration and genocide, underscoring the horrific consequences of intolerance, racism and authoritarianism. In addition to the exhibit’s text, images, and artifacts, personal testimonies from local Holocaust survivors offer painful insights into these excruciating landscapes of degradation and dehumanization. This exhibit is curated by Dr. Cary Lane, KHC 2020-21 Curator-in-Residence and Associate Professor of English at QCC.


KHC-NEH Lecture

The Nazi Camp Universe, 1933-1945: Landscapes of Suffering and Paths of Persecution


Dr. Lohse, Applied Research Scholar Team Lead at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 – 12:00 p.m.


KHC-NEH Lecture
Cultural Landscapes of Confinement: Strengthening Vulnerable Refugee Communities at the Syrian-Turkish Border


Composers Sahba Aminikia and Aminikia Vrebalov
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 – 12:00 p.m. EST


Human Rights and the Museum Series
Returning What Was Taken: How Museums Approach Repatriation

Sam Sackeroff, Lerman-Neubauer, Associate Curator at the Jewish Museum


Erin Thompson, Professor of Art Crimes at John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY


Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – 2:00 p.m. EST


For all public program information visit:




All programming will be held virtually for Spring 2022.


Visit the Education page of the KHC website at for a complete listing of our comprehensive library guides and to view recorded events from our past NEH colloquia.



Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC)


Thursday, February 10, 2022, 7pm ET FREE


QPAC LIVE! Presents Natalie Carter-Prince


Natalie Carter-Prince is an Actress & Neo-Ethnic Soul/Jazz Vocalist who performs Jazz, Blues, Gospel and Brazilian Jazz nationally and internationally. Ms. Carter studied at Carnegie-Mellon University obtaining her B.F.A in Drama. A versatile performer, she headlined in Brussels, Belgium, Japan and locally at the NY Jazz Festival. Her first CD Mind, Body & Soul, I Surrender, features 8 original songs. Natalie’s TV appearances include: Orange is the New Black, Crazy House, Pariah; NBC’s Law and Order, Law & Order SVU, 30 Rock and Third Watch. Film credits include: Ali, The Elephant King, The Adjustment Bureau and The Challenger. Theater credits include: One Mo’ Time, Big River, Ain’t Misbehavin’ and Mahalia Jackson the Musical. Natalie shares how she’s been able to adapt and thrive in the arts and performs some of her favorite songs for us. Live performance and Q&A.


Gotta Dance – After School Enrichment:


March 6, 2022 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


March 13, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


March 20, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

March 27, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


April 3, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.



QCC Dance Enrichment – FREE:


Wednesday, February 16, 2022 – 12:30 p.m.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – 12:30 p.m.


Wednesday, March 9, 2022 – 12:30 p.m. 


Wednesday, March 16, 2022 – 12:30 p.m.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 – 12:30 p.m.

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.