President's Report for November 2023

Office of Academic Affairs

Office of Center for Excellence in Teaching and learning (CETL)

CETL will be hosting the "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" workshop series (Oct 20 & Nov 3) in order to support faculty in the process of systematic scholarly inquiry that focuses on teaching practices and student learning. ​A presentation on pedagogical research on enhancing student engagement is scheduled on Wed, Nov 1 @ 12:00 PM in LB 29. In this presentation, "Tossing the Test: Using Renewable Assignments to Increase Student Engagement" Dr. Jodi Resko (Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education, QCC) will share the results of her study to show how students who completed renewable assignments were more engaged than those who completed traditional quizzes. 

All Faculty are encouraged to visit CETL and OET homepages to see a complete listing of all upcoming events and professional development opportunities.

 Office of Educational Technology (OET)

Despite the fact that 30% of the classes are conducted online this semester, the most recent Blackboard Statistics Report shows that over 95% of our students are enrolled in active Blackboard courses. The report also shows that more than 80% of the Blackboard courses are currently active in Blackboard. 

Between August 25th – October 15th, 2023, OET staff have provided over 100 faculty consultations and resolved more than 50 technical support incidents. 

CUNY will be transitioning to a new learning management system (LMS), D2L “Brightspace.” The overall transition will be implemented over two years, with four groups of campuses transitioning over sequential semesters: Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. By Fall 2025, all courses will be delivered in Brightspace. Queensborough will be in the second transition group. For more information, click on the following link: CUNY’s LMS Transition web page. The Office of Educational Technology (OET) is currently developing a training plan that will include a few pre-migration webinars to help our faculty be prepared for this transition. The first series of webinars will be offered by mid-November. 

Currently, the Office of Educational Technology is offering Drop-in Virtual Office Hours through Blackboard Collaborate. Faculty can join the OET Virtual Office to speak with an IT Academic Specialist, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  and 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

The Faculty Fellow for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity collaborated with colleagues in the Office of Academic Affairs to host a mid-semester check-in for new faculty. The goal of the meeting was to promote wellness and belonging for new faculty, and share the various supports offered by the Office of Educational Technology, the Center for Excellence in Teaching, and the Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty were briefed on tenure and promotion guidelines for their respective departments and were given. 

As a reminder, the Antiracist Guidelines are available to everyone via the OAA website. An updated copy is available, which includes access to a number of resources for culturally responsive pedagogy. 

Con Edison STEM Waiver

The Office of Academic Affairs is handling the Con Edison STEM Waiver, which supports undocumented or international students with the tuition and fees for one STEM course.  In the past, we were using the funding during the winter and summer sessions, however this waiver has now been expanded to include the fall and spring semesters, as well. The goal of this program is to promote credit accumulation in STEM courses. 

Funding is limited, but we anticipate being able to help about 30 students this academic year.  As the success of this program is growing, we hope to apply for even more funding next year from Con Edison.

Division of Student Affairs

Enrollment Management Update

The Office of Academy Advisement organized a series of events for October to kick off Advising Month and prepare students for registration in November. These events included an Instagram Live Session hosted on Wednesday, October 4, by Academy Lead Adviser Scott Beltzer and Academy Adviser David Buckner, which highlighted the October as Advisement Month campaign. It guided students on scheduling appointments in Starfish, priority advisement, and the resources offered by the Office of Academic Advisement. On Wednesday, October 18, Academy Advisement held a Kick-Off Event featuring academic advisers on campus to answer questions, facilitate on-the-spot advisement appointments, and address student tech account issues. Furthermore, a workshop on using Schedule Builder for spring 2024 course registration is planned for Wednesday, November 1. This workshop is designed to help students plan for their upcoming registration using the Schedule Builder tool and will be facilitated by peer mentors. Additionally, they will host an all-day Virtual Advising Office event on Tuesday, October 31 for all students participating in the FYS-100 course, in order for them to take advantage of priority registration. Lastly, Walk-In Advisement Day is set for Wednesday, November 8, to assist with registration for spring 2024. It is part of their outreach campaign to encourage students to register early in the semester to obtain the best schedule possible. Academy Advising will continue to offer both in-person and virtual options, with new student advising beginning on Thursday, November 9.


Athletics Update

The Queensborough Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Team finished in 2nd place at the Region XV Championships on October 14, and are set to compete in the CUNY Athletic Championships on Sunday, October 29. Additionally, the Women’s Soccer Team completed their inaugural season of play and finished 2nd in the CUNY Athletic Conference and four (4) players received All-Region honors.

Student Support Resources

  • Faculty and staff are asked to encourage our students to avail themselves of the valuable and free resources through the Advocacy Resource Center. Services provided include (but are not limited to) public benefits screening, financial coaching, legal assistance, tax preparation services, housing assistance, food pantry referrals, and more.
  • Emergency funding is available to students who face a financial crisis that puts at risk their continued enrollment toward their QCC degree. Supported through a grant from The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the funds provide one-time, emergency grants to students in good standing with short-term financial emergencies to enable them to remain in school, rather than being forced to leave or drop out. Students with short-term financial emergencies should be referred to Ms. Amawati Gonesh, Advocacy Resource Center Program Manager, via email at [email protected].  Additional information can be found online at QCC Scholarships.
  • Applications for The Guttman Scholarship for High-Achieving Community College Graduates will open in November for eligible students. Faculty and staff are asked to encourage our students to apply. To be eligible for a spring 2024 scholarship, students must earn an associate degree from a CUNY community college in the spring 2023, summer 2023, fall 2023 or winter 2024 semester, and must currently have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students must also be transferring to Brooklyn, City, Hunter, Lehman, or Queens College in spring 2024, and must enroll full time (at least 12 credits/semester). Scholarship priority will be given to students who qualify for financial aid. Students who are awarded a scholarship will receive up to $4,000 paid over two years (four semesters at up to $1,000 a semester). 
  • TheDream.US Scholarship Program provides college scholarships to highly motivated students who entered the United States as minors under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protect Status (TPS), and who, without financial assistance, cannot afford a college education. All funding is provided by private donations to The Dream.US organization.  Full details, including eligibility requirements, can be found HERE. The application will open on November 1, 2023. 
  • The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship makes it possible for the nation's top community college students to complete their bachelor's degrees by transferring to a selective four-year college or university. The Foundation provides up to $40,000 per year to each of approximately 45 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country. Each award is intended to cover a significant share of the student's educational expenses – including tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years necessary to achieve a bachelor's degree. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships he or she may receive. The deadline to apply is January 11, 2024
  • The Women's Forum Education Award provides a scholarship of $10,000. The awards will be given to women aged 35 and over who have faced and overcome adversity and now, after an interruption in their education, have resumed the pursuit of their first associate or bachelor's degree. Applicants must demonstrate noteworthy promise and resilience in the face of challenges and must also demonstrate a commitment to helping others and to making a difference in their community, large or small, when their own career goals are achieved. Financial need and academic excellence are not the primary determining factors in the selection of recipients, although true financial need should be evident, and the candidate should be in good academic standing. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2024.

Upcoming Events

  • Students will have an opportunity to have a Free Professional Head Shot taken on Wednesday, November 8 at 2:00 pm in the Student Union Building – Upper Level (Room 107). Sponsored by the Queensborough Male Resource Center. RSVP is required for all students who wish to participate. 
  • The Queensborough Male Resource Center (QMRC) will host a Speed Networking Event on Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 pm Student Union Building – Upper Level (Room 107). At this event students will have an opportunity to meet and chat with representatives from a variety of industries including Music, Politics, Business, and much more. This event is open to all QCC students! 
  • Free HIV/STI Testing will be available in the Office of Health Services (Medical Arts Building – Room MC 02) from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm on November 15, 21, and 29. Additional free testing will be available on December 5, 6, 13, 19, and 20. 
  • The Counseling Center will host a Faculty & Staff Consultation Hour on Friday, November 17 at 11:00 am. This is a critical time for students as they approach the end of the semester and may discover that they are not on track to get the grades they want. In addition, the holidays involve pressure to meet expectations and exacerbate feelings of loss. We will discuss ways of identifying and responding to students who may need additional attention, and how to have difficult conversations. This event is for faculty and staff only; to register, click HERE
  • Game Time Stressbusters will take place on Tuesday, November 21 at 10:10 am in Administration Building – Room 312 (and again on Monday, November 27). Open to all QCC students, this allows for students to relax, de-stress, connect and have fun by playing various games & activities such as coloring, cards, Play-Doh, checkers, puzzles and more. This event will take place every Monday and Tuesday from now through the end of the semester. 
  • The Queensborough Male Resource Center (QMRC) will sponsor a “Barber Shop Day” event on Monday, November 27 at 2:00 pm in the Student Union Building – Upper Level (Room 107). Free haircuts will be available to all students on a first come, first-served basis as we recognize the growing cost of many routine self-maintenance services that students need to present their best selves, and we would like to help! 
  • Dr. Jannette Urciuoli of the QCC Counseling Center will host a “Find Your Motivation” workshop on Tuesday, November 28 at 1:00 pm (location TBD). An interactive workshop on how to discover what motivates you. We will review your top values, reflect on your identity and purpose, and work on how to set realistic goals. We will also identify distractors and develop techniques to keep you on the right path. All students who wish to attend must RSVP to [email protected]. 
  • Dr. Jannette Urciuoli of the QCC Counseling Center will host a “How to Live The Life That You Envision” workshop on Wednesday, November 29 at 1:00 pm in the Library Building – Room 422. In a safe non-judgmental space, students will identify their current roles, responsibilities, and habits. We will address how and why students get stuck engaging in habits that do not support the life they envision. Students will reflect on their identity and intentions to gain better insight into how they want to lead their lives. We will address how changing behavior slightly and forming healthy habits can produce successful outcomes. 
  • A “Play Date with Puppies” workshop will take place on Wednesday, November 29 at 11:00 am in the Student Union Building – Upper Level. This workshop is simply for the fun of it! It will provide stress-free play time with a puppy. This is a good opportunity to socialize with other students at an event that will involve playing fetch the ball, puppy tug-of-war, and rewarding puppies with treats. All you need to bring is a warm heart and playful spirit. 
  • Create Stress Balls with the QCC Counseling Center on Thursday, November 30 at 2:00 pm in the Library Building – Room 422. Are Feeling overwhelmed? Mindfulness helps you stay present and in the moment. Come make stress balls with us and practice mindfulness while engaged in a fun activity! 
  • Yearbook Portraits for students anticipated to graduate at the conclusion of the fall 2023 as well winter/spring/summer 2024 semesters beginning on Monday, December 4 through Thursday December 7 from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm. The Sitting Fee is $5.00 (cash or check). Please dress professionally as this will be your portrait pose to appear in the 2024 Aurora Yearbook!  To schedule a Portrait Appointment, please call the Office of Student Activities at (718) 631-6233, or email Ms. Cha Huang at [email protected], or walk-in to the Office of Student Activities, located in the Student Union, Lower Level.

Division of Strategic Initiatives and Advancement

                                                                         Do Good. GIVE!

#CUNYTuesday, November 28, 2023

On November 1st, Queensborough launched its giving campaign for #CUNYTuesday, which is on November 28th. If you have not already, please consider joining a #CUNYTuesday team and start fundraising with your colleagues! The team that raises the most money wins a life-size Tiger and bragging rights for a year and the team that secures the most donors wins a Tiger trophy!! 

The 4 #CUNYTuesday support areas are:

  • The Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry
  • The Male Resource Center
  • The QCC Fund Promise Scholarship
  • The Athletic Award in honor of John Bevilacqua

For more information, please contact Saji at [email protected].

Annual Fund Campaign:

Faculty and staff may choose to support The Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry, The Male Resource Center and The QCC Fund Promise Scholarship. Click here to make your donation online. Please make checks payable to the QCC Fund, Inc. and mail them to The College, Division of Strategic Initiatives and Advancement, Room A-508. 

New York City Marathon – Sunday, November 5, 2023:

Queensborough Community College Fund, Inc. received four entries in the NYC Marathon this November. The four (4) charity runners each agreed to raise $2,500 in support of our students. Thank you to Mateo Saenz,’18, Amanda LaSalle,’12 Christine Pagano in our nursing department, and Jose Lijo, a friend of the college, for supporting Queensborough students at such a quintessential New York event. 

A Tribute to Claire Dupre 1996 – 2023:

Thank you to faculty and staff for their outpouring of support! Funds raised in Claire’s honor support the QCC Fund Promise Scholarship to help keep students on track to graduation. 85% of Queensborough students with a tuition balance of just $500 to $1,000 are forced to drop out before earning their degree. Click here to view messages to Claire from family and friends and if you would like to make a donation in her honor.

Thank you!

On October 18th, a record-breaking 200 + students, faculty and staff participated in a Fight Campus Hunger Basketball and Volleyball Tournament. The grassroots student fundraiser, in partnership with the SGA, and the Muslim Student Association, raised $600 for the Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry to help provide groceries for the one in four Queensborough students experiencing food insecurity.  


Amazon New York awarded $25,000 to the Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry to support Queensborough students facing food insecurity.

Grubhub increased their grant funding this year from $5,000 to $7,500 in support of the Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry.

Libra Philanthropies awarded $20,000 to the Kupferberg Holocaust Center to sustain the Center’s work to counter antisemitism and hate which undermine our society’s shared values and commitment to human rights.

                                               As always, we thank you for your continued support! 

The Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry Give Thanks Give Back Thanksgiving food distribution is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thanksgiving items and perishables will be purchased from a very generous donation from Grubhub. Elected officials will be on site to help with packing bags and are welcome to stay to distribute the prepackaged bags to students.

                                                                            Art Gallery 

Internship Program: 

  • Since June, two students from the Gallery and Museum Studies Program have been participating in the internship program in the Department of Art and Design. 
  • Two high school students completed a five-week internship from the Summer Youth Employment Program through the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development. 

List of Exhibits/Events - October 12, 2023 - Oakland Building – 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.: 

  • Wenzhi Zhang


  • The art of Porcelain in conjunction with Guangzhou University, China.
  • “Suture” series of Daqi porcelain plate paintings utilizes Daqi and Jinshan techniques to highlight the luxurious and noble appearance of beautiful flowing glass. 
  • European Master Drawings: The Creative Interpretation and Techniques

It is worth remembering that there are no rules in drawing apart from the artist’s own intention and ability to use the material as he wishes. Drawing is more complex than this exhibition suggests, involving numerous stages and the use of many materials. This

exhibition of previously unseen drawings is therefore an opportunity to engage with artists and their individual relationship to the tools of their craft. The works created by European artists from the Renaissance to the 19th century are chosen to emphasize the role of drawing in the history of art.      

  • In Memoriam of Bonnie Terril Ross (1956-2022):

            New donations of African Art were received from David Ross in memory of his wife. 

                                                            Kupferberg Holocaust Center 


For list of all public programming offered in the Fall 2023 semester and for more information on how to register, visit:

 Special Community Event — In Person at the KHC
KHC Nazi Concentration Camps Exhibition: Open House
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. EST

Dr. Laura Cohen, KHC Executive Director and other guests

            Click here to register: 

KHC & New York City College of Technology (City Tech) Partnership – Virtual & In Person 
Racism, Eugenics & Antisemitism: Connections between Jim Crow and the Nuremberg Race Laws
Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. EST

Tom White, Coordinator of Educational Outreach at the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College 

Click here to register to attend virtually on Zoom:
Click here to register to attend in person at City Tech: 

KHC & New York City College of Technology (City Tech) Partnership – Virtual Event
The Evian Conference and the Refugee Crisis: 85 Years Later
Monday, December 4, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. EST
Dr. Diane Afoumado, Chief of the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 

Click here to register: 

KHC Original Exhibition:

The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide

On View and Online at:

The KHC continues to offer self-guided audio tours of its original exhibition which surveys the scope and brutality of the Nazi system of incarceration and genocide, underscoring the horrific consequences of antisemitism, racism, and authoritarianism. In addition to the exhibit’s text, images, and artifacts, personal testimonies from local Holocaust survivors offer painful insights into these excruciating landscapes of degradation and dehumanization. This exhibit is curated by Dr. Cary Lane, KHC 2020-21 Curator-in-Residence and Associate Professor of English at QCC.

Recordings for any virtual or hybrid programs will be available on the KHC website:

Visit the Education page of the KHC website at for a complete listing of our comprehensive library guides and to view recorded events from our past NEH colloquia.

                                              Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC) 

QPAC’s From Page to Stage (On-Going Faculty Collaborations):

Theatrical re-enactments of historical events are used as a connective pathway for reaching and teaching students. This is a free resource for all departments.

The submission process is ongoing:

  • Requests for adaptations will be reviewed on an on-going basis.
  • Faculty can request specific works by sending an email to Susan Agin, Executive & Artistic Director, QPAC ([email protected]).
  • Assuming the availability of the material and copyright permissions, a performance/recording schedule will be submitted within two weeks following each proposal received.

We encourage submissions and we are available to answer any questions.

Sunday, November 19, 2023 – 3:00 p.m.

Tenors Unlimited

The number one selling UK duo, Tenors Unlimited, returns to the U.S. with an exciting program of classical and popular music. Also known as The Dynamic Duo, the tenors will take you on a fantastic musical journey that will move you and make you laugh, in equal measure! Celebrating 20 years together, Jem Sharples and Paul Martin have assembled an eclectic selection of songs, including some of the best-loved melodies from the worlds of opera, musical theatre, and popular music, including crooner favorites. Using talents honed in their previous solo careers, the tenors set out to bring their own unique blend of wit, charm, and vocal arrangements to the classical crossover genre. Indulge yourself for the afternoon as these great showmen entertain you with soaring vocals, velvet harmonies and a killer sense of humor. 

Tickets range from $35 - $60.

Saturday, December 2, 2023 – 8:00 p.m.

Vinyl Radio

Vinyl Radio is vocal power with a righteous regard for the great Rock-n-Roll music classics. Performing music from The Eagles, America, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, The Doobie Brothers and more, Vinyl Radio delivers the harmonies and melodies of classic ‘70s radio. These Music City (Nashville) pros combine their considerable talents into an experience that captures the essence of an era when guitars and grooves, mellow mayhem and melodies ruled the airwaves! These artists have toured extensively with legendary bands that include Huey Lewis, Faith Hill, Trisha Yearwood, and the band America to name a few. We are so excited to welcome Vinyl Radio to New York! Simply put, this concert is all the music you love brought to life. Tickets range from $35 - $60.

Friday, December 15, 2023 – 8:00 p.m.

The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine: The Nutcracker

The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine is a 55-member troupe of Ukrainian dancers who come together each year to perform in North America. In what has become an annual tradition, the company has toured its production of The Nutcracker throughout the U.S. and Canada since its founding. But this year, things are different. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, eyes have turned toward the Eastern European nation and its displaced people, including its dancers. Despite all the odds, the company is back bringing to life the classic tale of Clara and her magical Nutcracker. Featuring stunning sets, elaborate costumes, and breathtaking choreography, the production showcases the immense talent and precision of the dancers, with graceful movements and technical prowess that will leave audiences in awe. The music, composed by Tchaikovsky, enhances the magical atmosphere of the performance. The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine's Nutcracker is a holiday tradition that is not to be missed. Tickets range from $40 - $65.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - 1:15 p.m.

Senior Loyalty Program sponsored by Councilmember Schulman: 

Richie Santa A Tribute to the King

This program is being presented for the senior citizen members of the Queens Community House in Kew Gardens, New York.

                                                                   CREATIVE SERVICES 

                                                              ContinYOU Campaign for CEWD 

Creative Services is working with the Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Development on a 16 page "View Book" (a sample course offering and promotional piece) that will be printed in a quantity of ~20,000 and mailed to a highly targeted audience. This project is being done in concert with the redesign of the CEWD page by Web & Application Services and will be the first step in an integrated marketing campaign to promote their professional development and persona enrichment courses. 

                                        International Student Checklist & Spanish Language Brochure

The Office of Admissions and CLIP are working together on a major initiative to attract international students to Queensborough. As such, they have requested that Creative Services create two brochures promoting Queensborough to an international audience, one in English and another in Spanish. Additionally, we are working on a new comprehensive checklist for this population to explain the requirements needed to gain admission to Queensborough, steps to take once they are accepted, and what to do after they are registered for classes. 

                                                   Communications and Public Relations 


Queensborough Community College lecturer Michael Lawrence was the subject of an Amazon-produced video highlighting the success of our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and how it has prepared our students for industry-ready certifications in the tech industry.


Queensborough Community College was recognized as one of the Best Community Colleges (#2) in New York by

Creating a marketing campaign that aligns with CUNY’s current campaign to waive the application fee for high school seniors who apply for entry in the fall 2023 semester.

Communications Support: 

Supporting Advancement with messaging to encourage faculty and staff to join #CUNYTuesday Teams. A new Initiative to allow faculty and staff to have fun, bring awareness to the College’s giving campaign, and raise funds. 

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.