President's Report for October 2021

Student Affairs

Enrollment Management Update


  • As of September 17, 2021, our Fall 2021 enrollment was as follows: Total headcount of 11,149, total continuing students of 5,934, total new students: 5,215 broken down as follows: 2,288 first-time freshmen, 708 transfer students, 954 readmitted students and 1,253 non-degree which includes high school programs.


  • The Office of Admissions and Recruitment has launched a virtual counter.  Students can now join the virtual counter during business hours to speak live with an admissions counselor. Next, recruitment season for the spring 2022 and fall 2022 semesters will begin on Tuesday, October 5th with virtual information sessions offered to prospective students and students interested in re-activating their application.


  • The Office of Academy Advisementbegan remotely advising for the fall 2021 semester utilizing technologies such as Starfish, Blackboard Collaborate, and Zoom.  Currently, Academy Advisement is offering flexible services in fall 2021, which will include mostly virtual advising sessions, and a re-introduction to very limited walk-in advising.  Advisers are monitoring students on their caseload and the academic concerns being reporting in Starfish, and are proactively working with students who still have not submitted required proof of vaccination in hybrid and in-person courses.  In addition, Academy Advisement hosted two Curriculum Review sessions for the QCC advising community, inviting academic department chairs and faculty on Wednesday, September 22nd and Thursday, September 23rd to highlight program changes and other important procedures when working with students. Lastly, the department will be hosting two additional Instagram Live events this fall with our Instagram host Scott Beltzer. Sessions will focus on the following:


  • "The Importance of Building a Successful Student/Professor Relationship", presented by Professor Arthur Adair (Faculty Fellow for Student Success/ Professor in Dept. of Communication, Theatre, & Media Production.


  • "Getting to Know the Career Services Office", presented by Ms. Denise Olson (Interim Internship Coordinator in the Office of Career Services).



We are happy to report that fall sports are back in full swing, which includes Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Soccer, Men’s Cross Country, and Women’s Cross Country.  Women’s Volleyball was ranked 10th in nation in the NJCAA Division III Preseason poll.  In addition, we anticipate fielding all 13 of our varsity sports this academic year, as long as participation numbers remain at a level where we can safely and properly field teams and run meaningful programs in each sport.  CUNY-approved COVID protocols are being followed to insure the highest level of safety for student-athletes, coaches, staff, opposing teams, and game officials.  Lastly, preseason concussion baseline testing has been introduced to the onboarding process for student-athletes, to assist in evaluation should a head injury occur at any point during their season. This is a critical piece to insure the safety & well-being of student-athletes, especially in contact sports.


Student Resources

  • Faculty and staff are asked to encourage our students to avail themselves of the valuable and free resources through the QCC Advocacy Resource Center. Services provided include (but not limited to) public benefits screening, financial coaching, legal assistance, tax preparation services, housing assistance, food pantry referrals, and more. For additional information, contact the QCC Advocacy Resource Center at [email protected].


  • Emergency funding is available to students who face a financial crisis that puts at risk their continued enrollment toward their QCC degree. Supported through a grant from The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the funds provide one-time, emergency grants to students in good standing with short-term financial emergencies to enable them to remain in school, rather than being forced to leave or drop out. Periodic e-mail reminders to the college community outlining the grant eligibility and encouraging faculty and staff to refer students to apply. Please refer students with short-term financial emergencies to Ms. Amawati Gonesh, Program Administrator, via e-mail at [email protected].


  • The Senator Jose Peralta NYS DREAM Act (DREAM Act) allows undocumented and other eligible students to apply for New York State financial aid. The NYS DREAM Act application is used to determine student eligibility under the provisions of the NYS DREAM Act. Students who meet the NYS DREAM Act's eligibility requirements for high school attendance, high school completion, in-state SUNY or CUNY tuition, and citizenship or immigration status will be able to apply for one or more NYS student financial aid programs. Students who qualify under the NYS DREAM Act can separately apply for NYS student financial aid programs. The program is administered by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation.


  • The CUNY Ethics and Morality Essay Contestis funded by an endowment gift of $100,000 to the City University of New York by Dr. K. York Chynn and his wife Noelle Chynn. This annual award is intended to promote and stimulate thinking by college students at CUNY about the topic of ethics, morality, and virtuous behavior in their lives. More than ever, these issues arise not only in the personal relationships of individuals and family and friends, but also in the context of corporate, government, and social responsibility, whether it is about treating others fairly and honestly, or food safety. The topic of this year's essay is Virtue and the deadline to apply is November 30, 2021.


  • The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarshipmakes it possible for the nation's top community college students to complete their bachelor's degrees by transferring to a selective four-year college or university. The Foundation provides up to $40,000 per year to each of approximately 45 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country. Each award is intended to cover a significant share of the student's educational expenses – including tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years necessary to achieve a bachelor's degree. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships he or she may receive. The application opened on October 1, 2021 with a deadline to apply of January 10, 2022.


  • The Women's Forum Education Award provides a scholarship of $10,000. The awards will be given to women aged 35 and over who have faced and overcome adversity and now, after an interruption in their education, have resumed the pursuit of their first Associate or Bachelor degree. Applicants must demonstrate noteworthy promise and resilience in the face of challenges and must also demonstrate a commitment to helping others and to making a difference in their community, large or small, when their own career goals are achieved. Financial need and academic excellence are not the primary determining factors in the selection of recipients, although true financial need should be evident and the candidate should be in good academic standing. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2022.


Upcoming Events

  • Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by attending a live performance by Argentine born/Brooklyn (Park Slope) based concert guitarist & composer Carlos Pavan on Wednesday, October 13th at 12:00 pm in the Student Union Lounge Quad. Pavan has performed at well-renowned venues such as Lincoln Center, New York City Center, New England Conservatory Jordan Hall (Boston), Brooklyn Borough Hall, Merkin Hall at Kaufman Center, Philadelphia Museum, Connecticut Festival Guitars of the world, Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Hudson River Museum, New England Guitar Society, Public Libraries all around USA and internationally in France, Ireland, Portugal and Japan. For additional information,  This event is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, QCC Student Government and the Foreign Language Society.


  • In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, join us in a virtual talk about the singularities of the Day of the Dead celebration at Puebla (Mexico) by Mexican born Rocío Carranza-Brito on Thursday, October 14th at 5:00 pm via Zoom. D. Candidate in Hispanic Sociolinguistics from the Ph.D. program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures at The CUNY Graduate Center. Ms. Carranza-Brito is a Research Assistant for the City University of New York - Initiative on Immigration and Education (CUNY-IIE) program and has taught Spanish classes at QCC through the Department of Foreign Languages.  This event is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, QCC Student Government and the Foreign Language Society.  To Register for this event, visit


  • As part of our collaboration for student wellness and success Dr. Fletcher-Anthony of the QCC Counseling Center invites you to attend an informal Faculty and Staff Consultation Hour. It is a space to discuss student issues that concern faculty and staff, explore ways to address them, and the nuances involved in providing support. It is also an opportunity to get your Counseling Center related questions answered. Upcoming event dates include Thursday, October 14th, Monday, October 25th, Friday, November 12th, Monday, November 29th, and Tuesday, December 7th. To register, visit

Academic Affairs



The Faculty Fellow for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity, Dr. Kerri-Ann Smith has been leading the college’s Task Force for Anti-Racist Curriculum Review. The task force has been actively developing guidelines that are both antiracist and culturally responsive, focusing on discipline-specific methods. The task force consists of 13 members from various disciplines at QCC. Members of the task force will engage in the Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning course, offered by the Office of Academic Affairs.


She has also been collaborating with the Office of Affirmative Action and Diversity and the President’s Executive Advisor for Equity on DEI programming for the college.


Upcoming Events: “Thriving in Academia Lecture Series” on September 24 at 1pm (Dr. Patricia Matthew) and November 12 at 1pm (Dr. Andre Hudson).


Office of Research:




Upcoming Deadlines and Events


  • Research Notification Forms required for all faculty engaging in any type of research are due on September 30th.
  • Undergraduate Research 2020-2021 End-of-Year Survey: Data is required by the Office of Research for students engaging in all types of Undergraduate Research (including but not limited to research experience in independent research or honors courses, through a research program or as part of their regular course). Responses are due by November 15, 2021.
  • Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Workshops (RSVP):


Wednesday, October 20: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 18: 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday, December 6: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


  • Faculty Scholarly Activity reports – Faculty can now enter information using the “scholarly and creative work” tab in the faculty center of CUNYfirst year round.




CEWD in Action! (Community Outreach)


CEWD Dean Hui-Yin Hsu was invited by the Presidents of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce to speak about “Business, Workforce Development and Post-COVID Economic Recovery '' on Sunday, September 19, 2021. The presentation focused on Workforce Development & Labor Market Trends & Workforce Transformation; CUNY/QCC $5M DOL Strengthening Community College Consortium Grant (Post COVID Economic Recovery)- Career Pathways (16 short-term training programs); and how together CUNY/QCC and businesses/industries can help revitalize New York City’s economy (Inclusive Economy). See media coverage in Chinese

CEWD Team joined the event representation QCC. 





The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) has scheduled a series of training sessions at the academic department meetings in order to introduce the newly revised peer observation form. The purpose of this form is to highlight the positive aspects of an observed class and provide constructive feedback where warranted. In collaboration with the Office of Educational technology, CETL will be hosting a workshop series on "Creating Teaching ePortfolio" in November for supporting faculty in the process of creating a digital documentation of one's teaching philosophy and the relationship between course goals, assignments, and evidence of student learning.  CETL's forthcoming workshop on Oct 28 & Nov 3, in collaboration with library faculty, will cover the basics of "What is Impact Factor"​ and alternative metrics for measuring scholarly work in academia. All Faculty are encouraged to visit CETL and OET homepages to see a complete listing of all upcoming events and professional development opportunities.


The Office of Educational Technology offered seven webinars on Distance Learning Technology during the first three weeks of Fall 2021. The webinars were designed to provide an introduction to a wide variety of tools and third-party applications available through the CUNY’s Learning Management System. 


The “Fall 2021- Are you Ready? Student Learning Readiness Course” was made available through Blackboard in early August. This course is currently available under "My Organizations" module on the Blackboard Home page for all students. While the course is likely to be most useful to first-time freshman who have the least familiarity with Blackboard, the course material could also be beneficial to any student who might need a refresher. With this in mind, Are you Ready? course has been set up so all students can access the course, including continuing and transfer students. The system report shows that more than 500 students have successfully completed the Are you Ready? course this semester.


CUNY will be offering a new cohort of the “Online Teaching Essentials” course in October 2021. The Online Teaching Essentials is a University-wide course managed by the School of Professional Studies (SPS) and it is a critical component of the University’s ongoing efforts to support our faculty during this challenging time. The application deadline is October 8th 2021. For more information, contact Denis Bejar - IT Academic Applications Director - at [email protected] 


We strongly recommend our faculty to visit the OET web site to see a complete listing of all upcoming Distance Learning Webinars and Professional Development Opportunities. Office of Educational Technology


Currently, the Office of Educational Technology is offering Drop-in Virtual Office Hours through Blackboard Collaborate. Faculty can join the OET Virtual Office to speak with an IT Academic Specialist, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  and 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.






GRANTS AWARDED - August 27, 2021 – September 24, 2021


Biological Sciences and Geology Department


  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI): $79,590, Ghoshal, Sarbani (Lead PI), Nelson, Rochelle & Nguyen, Andrew (co-PIs); "MRI: Acquisition of a Western Blot Detection Equipment for Core Facility of a Community College"


Continuing Education and Workforce Development Department


  • James & Judith K. Dimon Foundation: $27,368, Hsu, Hui-Yin; "CUNY Faculty Fellows Program”

New York City Small Business Services: $85,000, Hsu, Hui-Yin; “Community Health Workers Training Program”                                         



Physics Department             


National Science Foundation (NSF): $278,352, Bellovary, Jillian; "Wou-MMA: Tuning in to the Echoes of Black Hole Seeds”

Office of Institutional Advancement

Art Gallery


Installation (Main Exhibition)


September 9, 2021 – October 31, 2021

Tribute – 2001-2021


A curated selection of photography from the Gallery’s collection pays tribute to the 20th Anniversary of the World Trade Center.   The depth of work, taken by former QCC student and firefighter, Chris Landano, at Ground Zero depicting the pain, sorrow and sacrifice experienced across the nation during the aftermath of the attack. The powerful images portray the rescue and recovery efforts after the events. A 3D walkthrough will be available on our website October 15, 2021.


This exhibition is installed in the QCC Art Gallery and available for viewing by appointment only. Please contact the Gallery at 718.631.6396 to schedule an appointment.


Installation (Loggia)


September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World


In collaboration with Student Activities, this educational exhibition recounts the events of September 11, 2001, through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks. Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes archival photographs and images of artifacts from the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s permanent collection.


This exhibition is installed in the QCC Art Gallery and available for viewing by appointment only. Please contact the Gallery at 718.631.6396 to schedule an appointment.


Installation (Balcony)


October 15, 2021 – December 15, 2021

Architectural Designs - The Engineering Technology Department

A collection of architectural models embracing the talent and creativity from the students enrolled in Engineering Design courses here at QCC. The exhibition explores the techniques used to develop these models and architectural construction.


October Virtual Exhibitions


Juried Student Exhibition:  Department of Art & Design – Virtual Exhibition

The Juried Student Exhibition displays a broad range of talent from the students currently pursuing their artistic aspirations here at Queensborough Community College. This is the twelfth annual student exhibition and will held virtually on the Gallery’s website.



Kupferberg Holocaust Center




The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide

On View and Online

This original exhibition at the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center surveys the scope and brutality of the Nazi system of incarceration and genocide, underscoring the horrific consequences of intolerance, racism, and authoritarianism. In addition to the exhibit’s text, images, and artifacts, personal testimonies from local Holocaust survivors offer painful insights into these excruciating landscapes of degradation and dehumanization. This exhibit is curated by Dr. Cary Lane, KHC 2020-21 Curator-in-Residence and Associate Professor of English at QCC.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. EDT 

Holocaust Memory/Book Talk

A Single Photograph Reveals a Crime of the Holocaust

Dr. Wendy Lower, Author of The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed


Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. EDT 

KHC-NEH Lecture

Criminalization and the Other

Dr. Celia Sporer, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, QCC

Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. EDT

Human Rights and the Museum Series

Planting New Roots: Picturing Jewish and Native Migration Narratives in the Museum

Kathryn Lloyd, Senior Director of Programs & Interpretation, Lower East Side Tenement Museum

Stacey Halfmoon, Senior Director of The Choctaw Cultural Center

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. EDT

Scholars in Conversation Series

Intersecting identities: Navigating Race and Religion

Dr. Marc Dollinger, Professor and Richard and Rhoda Goldman Chair, Department of Jewish Studies at San Francisco State University

Dr. Mehnaz Afridi, Director of the Holocaust, Genocide & Interfaith Education Center and Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College

For all public program information visit:


All programming will be held virtually for Fall 2021.

Visit the Education page of the KHC website at for a complete listing of our comprehensive library guides and to view recorded events from our past NEH colloquia.


Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC)


Thursday, October 14, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET - Free

QPAC Live! Presents Michael Holland: Broadway's Arranger
A Broadway musical without a great orchestrator and vocal arranger could be disastrous. So what then does a Broadway Arranger do? Michael Holland is a multi-talented artist whose work can be heard across Broadway's musical spectrum, including on the Godspell revival cast recording! He has also composed music and lyrics for a number of original musical works which have been featured in theatre festivals in Minneapolis and right here in NYC, as well being performer AND Musical Director for the multi-award-winning cabaret show, Gashole! Join us as Michael takes us “behind” the music of Broadway and treats us to some of his amazing "mash-ups" and classic "yacht rock" covers! Live Music & Q&A.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET – Free

Name That Tune/Bingo on QPAC Live!
Join us for a new twist on the classic game – Name That Tune with a special rapid Bingo round!
The fabulous DJ Bucciarelli hosts the show, with special appearances by Executive Director Susan Agin, to test your knowledge of music for a family fun night. Compete against friends or relatives around the corner or across the country! A different theme each time. An on-line scoring sheet and an Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to the winner! You won't want to miss these exciting interactive on-line games.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET – Free


QPAC Live! Presents Robert Klein

Join us for a spontaneous and hilarious conversation with the legendary Robert Klein, who for more than 40 years has entertained audiences in comedy, on Broadway, on television and in film. Robert, a lifelong New Yorker, was nominated twice for Grammy Awards, twice for an Emmy Award, received a Tony nomination for his appearance in the hit Neil Simon show They’re Playing Our Song and an Obie and Outer Critics Circle Award for The Sisters Rosensweig.  Klein’s “headline of the day” routines, his song parodies & skits convey a special brand of satirical humor. Always contagiously funny, Robert answers your questions with wit and honesty. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Thursday, October 28, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET – Free

QPAC Live! Presents Brian Wilson & Theresa Sareo: What the World Needs Now!

NYC-based singers Theresa Sareo and Brian Wilson have combined entertainment careers that span over two (2) decades. Coming from classical backgrounds, they each found success with Broadway touring companies and regional theater (namely, Cats for Brian, 42nd Street for Theresa) and regularly perform the Cabaret circuits in New York and throughout the country. Dubbed "The Kips Bay Captain and Tennille" they have built an extensive repertoire of classic duets, pop hits and Broadway favorites that showcase their versatile and impressive vocal ranges, making them a popular, in-demand singing team. Theresa and Brian are thrilled to perform their newest show: What the World Needs Now... for QPAC Live! Followed by Q&A.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET – Free 

Name That Tune/Bingo on QPAC Live!

Join us for a new twist on the classic game – Name That Tune with a special rapid Bingo round!
The fabulous DJ Bucciarelli hosts the show, with special appearances by Executive Director Susan Agin, to test your knowledge of music for a family fun night. Compete against friends or relatives around the corner or across the country! A different theme each time. An on-line scoring sheet and an Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to the winner! You won't want to miss these exciting interactive on-line games. 



Thursday, November 11, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. ET – Free

QPAC Live! Presents Terron Brooks: The Soul of Broadway

Terron Brooks is an American singer, songwriter and actor who is best known for his portrayal of Eddie Kendricks in the 1998 NBC miniseries The Temptations. He has sung with many artists including Stephanie Mills, Smokey Robinson and Michael Jackson, and has performed in the US and Europe. He is also a Broadway actor who has been seen as Simba in Disney's The Lion King and Seaweed in HairsprayThe Soul of Broadway, will bring Broadway to audiences in a fresh new way as Brooks reinterprets your favorite classic and contemporary Broadway songs. Live performance and Q&A.





QPAC’s Broadway Dance-Along Workout Challenge for Kids!


October 16, 2021 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 


October 23, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 


October 30, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 


November 6, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 


QPAC invites children, ages 8-14, to participate in a new dance workout offered on Saturdays.  Choreography as seen on Broadway, and in the movies, is re-created to provide a fun way of working out. The workshop, which runs for 5 weeks in the fall and 5 weeks in the spring, will be taught by professional dance choreographers that reflect New York City’s multi-ethnic communities.  Each workshop is shaped to the level of each group, and participants receive feedback from the instructor.

QCC Dance Enrichment (In-Person and on Zoom)

Enrichment at QPAC is an exciting initiative serving the unique needs of the education and theatre communities, by connecting professional artists with aspiring artists in an effort to provide cultural and artistic opportunities to QCC's own students.

Wednesday: October 13, 2021 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Wednesday: October 20, 2021 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Wednesday: October 27, 2021 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm


Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.