President's Report for September 2020

Student Affairs

Enrollment Management Update

  • The Office of Admissions was busy throughout the spring and summer processing applications, converting admitted students to matriculates and preparing students for their advising/registration appointments. While working remotely, the Office of Admissions created online information sessions and individual student appointments.  Recruitment for Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 will begin in the first week of September.
  • The Offices of Academy Advisement, ASAP and all other advising units were busy throughout the spring and summer advising their student cohorts: both new and continuing students. They created online information sessions and individual student appointments to assist students with advisement and registering for classes.
  • As of August 21, 2020, our Fall 2020 enrollment was as follows: Total Headcount of 11,163, total continuing students of 6,679, total new students: 4,170 broken down as follows: 2,722 first-time freshmen, 616 transfer students, and 814 readmitted students. (Note: Registration for the fall 2020 enrollment cycles ends on September 1, 2020.  Final enrollment numbers will be provided in the next report).
  • The Office of New Student Engagement hosted a successful Online New Student Orientation. The orientation program offered information and resources that are important for all new students prior to starting their education at QCC.  The Office of Admissions and New Student Engagement are working on planning recruitment events for the spring 2021 and look forward to collaborating with campus constituents.


Student Resources

  • Faculty and staff are asked to encourage our students to avail themselves of the valuable and free resources through the QCC Single Stop Program. Services provided include (but not limited to) financial benefits screening, financial counseling, legal assistance, tax preparation services, food bank, housing assistance and more. Additional information can be found online at QCC Single Stop.
  • Emergency funding is available to students who face a financial crisis that puts at risk their continued enrollment toward their QCC degree. Supported through a grant from The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the funds provide one-time, emergency grants to students in good standing with short-term financial emergencies to enable them to remain in school, rather than being forced to leave or drop out. Please refer students with short-term financial emergencies to Ms. Amawati Gonesh, Single Stop Administrator, via e-mail at [email protected]. Additional information can be found online at QCC Scholarship.

Academic Affairs



During the 2019-20 academic year, the Office of Academic Affairs (together with Department Chairs and faculty) negotiated and approved the following articulation agreements.  These agreements specify how courses taken at Queensborough Community College will count toward a 4-year degree program at the transfer institution. 


CUNY Baruch College

  • A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Communication Studies) to B.A. in Communication Studies


CUNY Brooklyn College

  • S. in Film and Media Production to B.A. in Film


CUNY New York City College of Technology

  • S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.S. in Applied Chemistry


CUNY Queens College

  • S. in Biology to B.A. in Biology
  • S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.A. in Chemistry
  • S. Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.A. in Computer Science
  • S. Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.S. in Computer Science
  • S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.A. in Physics
  • S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science) to B.S. in Physics
  • S. in Psychology to B.A. in Psychology


CUNY School of Professional Studies

  • S. in Psychology to B.A. in Psychology


CUNY York College

  • S. in Psychology to B.A. in Psychology


SUNY Maritime College

  • S. in Environmental Science to B.S. in Marine Environmental Science


The Office of Academic Affairs thanks the Department Chairs and faculty members who helped negotiate these agreements.  They will benefit our students in the coming years. 




Milestone: Upskilling Programs

CEWD successfully offered the following Upskilling Training Programs during Pandemic (spring & summer) and served a total of 807 learners.

  • Accelerated online AWS Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect Certification training program to adult learners (N= 147).
  • Accelerated online AWS Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect Certification training program to high school students (N= 48).
  • Entrepreneurship Lecture Series (N=158).
  • Conversational English (N= 27).
  • Conversational Mandarin (N= 46).
  • Google IT Support Professional Certificate with 5 digital badges (N= 202).
  • Coursera for Campus Open Course (N= 103).
  • America’s Promise CUNY TechWorks (web development) (N= 76).

Over the past four years of the CUNY TechWorks QCC Software Development program, we have seen growth and success in our outcomes. In total, 239 learners were served. Nearly 100 students have completed the requirements needed for the TechWorks completion certificate. Out of these students, over 70 have been successfully placed in jobs and internships across New York City, giving us a placement rate of over 70% amongst enrolled students. Placements have been secured for students at companies like Google, Sanofi, Network ESC, Google, Revature, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and many more others.

CUNY Credit for Prior Learning Policy

  • CEWD successfully established the CUNY Credit for Prior Learning Implementation with ET and Business Departments on AWS (Amazon Web Services) certification program.

Grants, Contracts, New Courses/Certificates, Upcoming Events

Most CEWD grants and contracts are being renewed and continued to meet  the targets. CEWD also submitted new grants and designed new courses. Most of them were in collaboration with faculty and other agencies. See highlights below:


  • Workplace Literacy & Entrepreneurship Training
  • Certified Hemodialysis Program
  • QBCC Strategies for Workforce Development
  • Curriculum Development for Coordinated Care Services


  • Google IT – JFF

New Fall Courses!


  • Web Development/Junior Phase
  • Web Development/Senior Phase
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect Certification Exam Prep
  • Data Science: Machine Learning (Basics)
  • 5G Mobile Technician 1 Fundamentals

Kids & Teens

  • Book Club
  • ESL for Kids
  • Python for Security and Cryptography
  • Machine Learning and Data Science
  • Parenting & Working with a Child on the Spectrum (for parents, teachers, social workers)

Professional Development

  • National Bookkeepers Association - Certificate Program
  • Medical Administrative Assistant - National Health Careers Association Certificate
  • Hemodialysis Certification with Internship

Career Direct:

In collaboration with Northwell Health, we are introducing a new Medical Assistant Internship Program that allows for hands-on training at several of their hospitals and care centers. Northwell Health is a network of collaborators, research pioneers, entrepreneurs and educators and this partnership opens the door for successful employment for many of our QCC students.


Port of Entry (International Students)

Intensive ESL and TOEFL Preparation Courses under the Port of Entry Program, 144 students were served (Spring 102, Summer 42), 20 scholarships were issued.


Upcoming Event

  • CEWD Fall Orientation September 8, 2020, 6:00-7:00pm


Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and the Office of Educational Technology (OET)


The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) continues to offer virtual professional development opportunities and individual consultations regarding your instructional practice, scholarship, and pedagogical strategies for using educational technology.  The High Impact Practices (HIPs) workshops support faculty in integrating Academic Service Learning, Common Read, Global Diversity Learning, Students Working in Interdisciplinary Groups, Undergraduate research, and Writing Intensive. CETL will collaborate with the Office of Educational technology, Kupferberg Holocaust Center, QCC Library, Diversity Office, and various campus-wide committees for hosting professional development sessions on timely, contextual issues and distance learning pedagogy.  Workshops on Engaging Students Online, Fostering Inclusiveness in the Virtual Classroom, Creating Digital Presence, Diverse Communication Styles, Scholarly Publication, and related topics have been scheduled.


All Faculty are encouraged to visit the CETL and OET homepages to see a complete listing of all upcoming events and professional development opportunities.


Grants Awarded April 23 through August 21, 2020


Academic Affairs

  • New York State Education Department (NYSED): Perkins V, $1,106,983, Lead PI: Wang, Shiang-Kwei; co-Pis: Hsu, Hui-Yin; Conkling, Lori & Montgomery, Jacqueline of Continuing Education and Workforce Development


Biological Sciences and Geology

  • Advanced Science Research Center: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Restoration of Newtown Creek, Seed Grant, $0, Trujillo, Monica;  (Funding to Brooklyn College)


Continuing Education and Workforce Development

  • Jobs for the Future LLC: Google Partnership: Google IT Support Professional Certificate, $50,000, Lead PI: Hsu, Hui-Yin; co-Pi: Conkling, Lori


Engineering Technology

  • National Science Foundation (NSF): Alliances for Graduate Education and Professoriate, Hispanic AGEP Alliance (Year 4 of 5), $26,338, Seo, Dugwon



  • J. M. Kaplan Fund: Furthermore grants in publishing, $2,420, Keogh, Tim


Social Sciences

  • American Psychological Association: BEA Grants for Precollege and Undergraduate Teaching, $1,000, Moody, Anissa L.
  • American Psychological Association: APA/APF HS Psychology Outreach Grant, $1,000, Moody, Anissa L.


Academic Affairs

  • New York State Education Department (NYSED): Perkins V, $1,106,983, Lead PI: Wang, Shiang-Kwei; co-Pis: Hsu, Hui-Yin; Conkling, Lori & Montgomery, Jacqueline of Continuing Education and Workforce Development


Biological Sciences and Geology

  • Advanced Science Research Center: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Restoration of Newtown Creek, Seed Grant, $0, Trujillo, Monica;  (Funding to Brooklyn College)


Continuing Education and Workforce Development

  • Jobs for the Future LLC: Google Partnership: Google IT Support Professional Certificate, $50,000, Lead PI: Hsu, Hui-Yin; co-Pi: Conkling, Lori


Engineering Technology

  • National Science Foundation (NSF): Alliances for Graduate Education and Professoriate, Hispanic AGEP Alliance (Year 4 of 5), $26,338, Seo, Dugwon



  • J. M. Kaplan Fund: Furthermore grants in publishing, $2,420, Keogh, Tim


Social Sciences

  • American Psychological Association: BEA Grants for Precollege and Undergraduate Teaching, $1,000, Moody, Anissa L.

American Psychological Association: APA/APF HS Psychology Outreach Grant, $1,000, Moody, Anissa L.





Dr. Shiang-Kwei Wang, Dean of Research, has tendered her resignation to pursue an opportunity in Chicago.
The following faculty members are retiring effective with the start of the Fall 2020 semester:

Dr. Peter Alimaris, Social Sciences

Dr. Antonella Ansani, Foreign Languages & Literatures

Professor Stuart Asser, Engineering Technology

Mr. Baharollah Baheri, Mathematics & Computer Science

Dr. Maan Lin, Foreign Languages & Literatures

Dr. Marshall Peller, Social Sciences

We thank all for their dedication and service to our students and campus community.

Office of Institutional Advancement

A Tribute to Dr. Joseph Bertorelli


The Queensborough Mathematics and Computer Science Department is raising funds in honor of their former Chairperson, Dr. Joseph Bertorelli, who passed away on April 2, 2020, from health complications related to COVID-19. All funds raised in honor of Dr. Bertorelli will be awarded to Queensborough students participating in quality undergraduate research in mathematics, mathematics education, and computer science. The departmental goal is to raise $25,000 in order to name a small classroom at Queensborough in his honor. Thanks to an outpouring of support for Dr. Bertorelli from the campus community, the department is very close to reaching their goal. Faculty and staff who would like to make a donation online, please right click here, open the hyperlink, and select A Tribute to Dr. Joseph Bertorelli from the drop down menu. 


Coronavirus Community Fund

The Coronavirus Community Fund was set up in April 2020 to raise emergency relief funds for Queensborough students impacted by COVID-19 to cover expenses such as rent, utilities, technology, medical care, groceries and other essentials. A total of $41,000 was raised between April and July using the crowdfunding platform, Give Gab. An additional grant of $150,000 was awarded by the Robin Hood COVID Relief Fund to support Queensborough students impacted by COVID-19. The cash funds awarded will be distributed to Queensborough students using the existing procedures and processes in place at the College for the Coronavirus Community Fund.


Art Gallery

QCC Art Gallery Press


Fall 2020 - Virtual Gallery Film Series


A series of films highlighting collaborations with recent artists and faculty featuring films, interviews and performance recently held in the Gallery.


The virtual series will be available on the College’s YouTube channel, Facebook and the Gallery’s web page. 


September 2020


Jules Allen,


Professor of Photography. Department of Art & Design


Films featured in Professor Allen’s recent publications Double Up and Marching Bands. Published by the QCC Art Gallery Press.


Jules Allen Speaks with CUNY-TV: "Study with the Best”


Photographer and Professor Jules Allen speaks with CUNY-TV about photography, boxing and "Double Up" a book shot in Gleason's Gym in the 1980s.


CUNY-TV SWTB Interview: Jules Allen and Marching Bands


A few thoughts, shared in dialogue, with Abimbola Ishola-Ayodeji, producer CUNY-TV, on the campus of Queensborough Community College, about the creation of "Marching Bands."


October 2020


Rudy Ernst


Artist and performer, Dada Action Painting at the QCC Art Gallery (2019)


The artist Rudy Ernst will discuss the performance held in the Gallery, inspired by Dada.


Fall 2020 - Virtual Gallery Internship


In conjunction with the Department of Art and Design, Bayside High School and Cultural Homestay International, a virtual internship is available this fall semester to accommodate students working remotely. Students of QCC and partner programs will continue their Gallery Museum studies through a 10-week internship that will develop the student’s understanding of conducting research and identifying artwork through observational techniques. The program will also offer digital marketing development techniques.


Kupferberg Holocaust Center




The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide


Launched Virtually on August 26th, 2020


This new, original exhibition at the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center surveys the scope and brutality of the Nazi system of incarceration and genocide, underscoring the horrific consequences of intolerance, racism, and authoritarianism. Approximately 44,000 concentration camps and ghettos existed across Nazi-occupied Europe and North Africa during World War II.



These incarceration sites, which Adolf Hitler used as a mechanism to terrorize and eliminate non-Aryan groups (those seen as “subhuman,” “useless eaters,” and not part of the pure, white, Germanic race), ranged from small barns to compounds with populations of a medium-sized city.


These extensive networks of ghettos, transit camps, women’s camps, forced labor camps, and extermination camps, to name a few, played a central role in the Holocaust—the annihilation of six million Jews—as well as the mass murder of millions more Poles, Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, people with disabilities, social outcasts, Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as other political and religious opponents. In addition to the exhibit’s text, images, and artifacts, personal testimonies from local Holocaust survivors offer painful insights into these excruciating landscapes of degradation and dehumanization. Dr. Cary Lane, KHC 2020-21 Curator-in-Residence and Associate Professor of English at QCC, curates this exhibit.


Visit to view the virtual exhibit.



Launch of the 2020-2021 KHC/NEH Colloquium 


Internment & Resistance: Confronting Mass Detention and Dehumanization


The 2020-21 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) colloquia series consists of six (6) events that focus on global constructions of concentration camp systems and the challenges that they present. Engaging comparative and multi-disciplinary perspectives, these events examine the processes, mechanisms, forms, and functions of mass detention without trial. They also highlight acts of personal, spiritual, psychological, and social resistance to mass detention. Organized in dialogue with contemporary issues, the series is aligned with the current KHC exhibit, The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide, and QCC’s 2020-21 official Common Read text, George Takei’s They Called Us Enemy, a graphic memoir about the internment of Japanese-Americans in the United States during World War II.


The Center welcomes back three (3) faculty members who led past colloquia to join together in creating this provocative series of timely and thought-provoking programming:


  • Steven Dahlke, Associate Professor of Music
  • Susan Jacobowitz, Professor of English
  • Amy Traver, Professor of Sociology

Event 1: 9/30/2020 at 12:00 p.m.: Creating a Concentration Camp Society: How Governments Push for Mass Detention and How People Resist (ONLINE EVENT)

  • The development of the German concentration camp system reveals how ruling parties engineer mass detention of civilians without trial. While the horrors of Nazi extermination camps remain unique in history, the first several years of German concentration camps parallel how governments in other places and times have adopted mass detention for similar political purposes. What gives rise to camps, why has their use expanded exponentially in the last decade, and what strategies have been successful in opposing them? Lecture by Andrea Pitzer, author and journalist.


Details to follow about viewing the premiere.


The KHC is physically closed and all programming will be held virtually for fall 2020.


Visit the Education page of the KHC Website for a complete listing of our comprehensive library guides and to view recorded events from our past NEH colloquia.


Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC)


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, QPAC moved to online programming in March 2020. It quickly became apparent that we were not going to have access to the campus, nor were the students or our customers. Thankfully, we could access our creativity, content and the mechanism to communicate with our supporters.


QPAC expedited a seamless transition to all-virtual programming on April 3rd with free access to pre-recorded events on its website. On April 17th, QPAC launched QPAC LIVE!, a live-streaming weekly entertainment broadcast. While the medium has changed, the mission remained the same: connecting communities through live experiences.  Through moderated performances, sessions and workshops, QPAC LIVE! offers the global community - free of charge - a dynamic, live creative atmosphere.  QPAC LIVE! can be seen on Facebook & YouTube. In the short time that we have been producing this program, the program has earned over 20,000 views with over 1,600 post engagements. On September 1st, we will expand our programming to celebrate our students' academic accomplishments as well as showcase the work of our distinguished faculty.  The broadcast will continue throughout the fall, and is open to QCC Faculty & students and the online community. We believe this will be a very beneficial and worthwhile series. With the opportunity to connect with a broader demographic, the better we can serve our community. All future programming (beyond the fall) will feature a hybrid design, utilizing a blend of digital and in-person performances in order to reach the maximum number of individuals from multiple locations. Additionally, some programs will be monetized in the fall, to help begin the process of normalizing internet content. The arts does not have to be completely online or completely in-person; it can be a combination of both, which could allow us to serve a larger number of both students and community members.


Upcoming Programming (please refer to QPAC’s website for programming scheduled prior to 9/1):


Tuesdays, September 1 & September 8, 2020 7:00 p.m. EDT - Free

QCC Student Film Premiere


Department of Speech & Theatre

Faculty: Daniel McKleinfeld



Friday, September 4, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. EDDT - Free

Steven Brinberg and Simply Barbra


Steve Brinberg is the premier Barbra Streisand impressionist, performing his incredible show Simply Barbra, to international acclaim both on stage and on television. Join us as we celebrate Barbra, and the 50th anniversary of the film Hello Dolly. While, there are a number of performers who imitate Barbra, what sets Brinberg apart from his peers is his ability to deliver a performance that embodies the voice, style and grace of this superstar.  Music & live Q&A


Sunday, September 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. EDT



Singer, dancer and actor Ben Vereen is an entertainment legend. From humble beginnings, he graduated from the High School of Performing Arts, made his theater debut at 18 and gained prominence for his performances in the original Broadway productions of Jesus Christ Superstar, for which he received a Tony Award nomination, and Pippin for which he won the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical. His film credits include Funny Lady and All That Jazz and starred in numerous television programs including Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Nanny, Law & Order and is well known for the role of “Chicken” George Moore in Alex Haley’s landmark TV miniseries Roots for which he received an Emmy nomination. Music & live Q&A, Streaming, Donation Ticket



Tuesday, September 15, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT - Free

Name That Tune with the American Pops Orchestra


A  Support the Arts Fundraiser



Friday, September 25, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. EDT – Free

George Bugatti


George has been dubbed “Hollywood’s Hippest Crooner,” and Tony Bennett says that he is one of his favorite singers! Bugatti is one of the most sought after entertainers in Las Vegas. Singer/Songwriter/Pianist and show producer, he is an international powerhouse. In addition to singing Jazz and Broadway standards, George also performs great standards from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Music & live Q&A


Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT - Free

Name That Tune with the American Pops Orchestra


A  Support the Arts Fundraiser



Friday, October 2, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. EDT - Free

REZA! Edge of Illusion Preview


Reza takes the art of illusion to new extremes, delivering incredible cutting-edge magic, masterful comedic timing, and interactive and inspirational moments with a rock-concert style feel.  This streaming event will appeal to magic fans of all ages! Magic & live Q&A


Sunday, October 11, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.



Gunnar Nelson and Matthew Nelson, twin sons of Ricky Nelson, and grandsons of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, enjoyed enormous success as Nelson. Their 1990 album After the Rain was released on June 26 of that year and, within three months, its first single (Can’t Live without Your) Love and Affection, went to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Singers, songwriters, and guitarists, these rock royalty artists are in the Guinness book of world records, for being part of a family of 3 generations of number one hit makers! Join us as we share the music, the stories and the laughs! Music & live Q&A, Streaming, Donation Ticket.





QPAC’s Broadway Dance-Along Workout Challenge for Kids!


Saturday, September 26, 2020 - 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Saturday, October 3, 2020 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.





Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Wednesday, October 7, 202 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Finance and Administration

QCC Campus Reopening Plan


In conjunction with the Emergency Management Advisory Group (EMAG), comprised of representatives from the Professional Staff Congress, DC37, Faculty Executive Committee, Academic Senate Steering Committee, and the Student Government Association, the QCC Emergency Management Team (EMT) has been meeting for several weeks to develop a reopening plan that meets all requirements of CUNY and New York State for a safe return to campus. During the collaborative process which included weekly meetings, the EMT developed a reopening plan submission for CUNY that included limited student and faculty engagement on campus and a process for faculty or staff visits to campus on a scheduled basis. The QCC Reopening plan was fully approved on Friday, August 21 and will be posted on the QCC website on Wednesday, August 26. On behalf of the EMT and the College Administration,​ we wish to thank the faculty who provided invaluable guidance and support during their annual leave. We look forward to continued collaboration in the Fall. 

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.