Academic Senate Committee on WID/WAC 9/16/2020
The Academic Senate Committee on WID/WAC met on 9/16/20, 12:00 pm
Committee Members in Attendance:
- Jeff Hall (Committee Chairperson, History)
- Arthur Corradetti, Dean for Institutional Effectiveness (Liaison to OAA)
- Robert Donley (WID/WAC)
- Elise Denbo (WID/WAC)
- Sanjay Koul (Biological Sciences and Geology)
- Carla McIntosh (Academy Advisement)
- Linda Meltzer (Business)
- Rommel Robertson (Social Sciences)
- Ian Schanning (Physics)
- Stefan Spezio (Director, CTAS)
- Julian Stark (guest, Academic Freedom Committee)
- Christi Saindon (Committee Secretary, Speech Communication & Theatre Arts)
Liaisons in Attendance:
The meeting was called to order at 12:03 p.m.
Date: September 16, 2020 (Wednesday)
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Start Time: 12:03 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
- Introductions
- Approval of minutes of May 6, 2020 meeting.
- With edit: Speed to Speech
- Passed with unanimous approval
- Approval of agenda.
- Passed with unanimous approval
- Communication from guest Dr. Julian Stark (Chair, Committee on Academic Freedom).
- Susan Jacobowitz, Jeff, and Julian have spoken about training; all English courses are WI.
- Background: Julian was assigned a WI course in 2018; had been trained several years earlier.
- Email from David Humphries requesting for submission of syllabus for review
- Syllabus did not pass requirements
- WID/WAC program website says “e.g. 30%” which implies 30% is not required
- Need to firm up guidelines to make this clear for faculty teaching this course.
- Now with recertification, which was never discussed, it wouldn’t hurt the entire faculty to remind them of the requirements.
- Send an email to all faculty reminding of requirements each semester?
- How can we attract people to teach WI courses?
- Concern: Repeated calls for the syllabi and request for recertification, but this change in policy discourages people.
- What does recertification actually mean? Is there a time limit or expiration date?
- If a person is decertified, what does that mean?
- Messages from committee says “submission is voluntary” but it seems mandatory for certification…?
- Discussion:
- This was a discussion issue during the past year of the committee as well.
- Is it mandatory or voluntary?
- Department chairs can decide who teaches WI or not.
- Does the committee have the authority to enforce?
- Goal should be to standardize the work; recertification should ensure that standard is being met.
- We need to clarify if 30% is the minimum; also, to what extent is teaching WI courses factored into tenure.
- Three years ago, there had been no review of the WI courses; it was in the charter of the committee that we review them.
- No discussion of what would happen if people weren’t meeting the requirements; this issue was up in the air.
- The Senate would probably have to be the decider as to whether a person would be decertified.
- That was part of the discussion, as was the adjustment of the 30%.
- The language causes confusion; “significant” or “30%”?
- We need to language to clarify:
- Percentage?
- Recertification/Decertification?
- So, you’re certified and then reviewed after X number of years.
- Certification for course, but not faculty?
- 10 pages of revised writing is required.
- Paragraph that’s recommended for all WI syllabi; most issues of recertification could have been resolved if faculty had used that paragraph.
- Lays out the goals and requirements of WI courses, so the students see what they’re on the hook for.
- Put the paragraph on the WID/WAC committee website.
- Recommend: Remind faculty to put the paragraph in their syllabi in advance of the semester start!
- So, you’re certified and then reviewed after X number of years.
- Defines how the class is WI course, so does not infringe on academic freedom.
- Part of the “assessment” process.
- Is 30% too much of a percentage?
- Needs of some departments are different.
- 10 pages of revised writing should be paramount!
- Is a percentage required?
- 20-30% with disciplinary discretion.
- High and Low stakes writing distinction
- Any clarifications there?
- None that we know of. Need to look at the handbook to verify.
- Should we recommend to Senate that faculty complete recertification?
- Yes
- Reach out to department chairs to add a reminder for their faculty.
- How does one identify that they want to teach a WI?
- Dependent upon department practices
- What does one need to submit in order to meet (re)certification?
- Is it dependent upon number of years since certification or since teaching a WI?
- Respecting the faculty time and the integrity of the WI program.
- Looking at people who hadn’t been trained recently.
- We’ve not made it through that list of more than 5+ years since training.
- Currently 27 names who have either not been approved or who did not submit documents for recertification.
- Artie: Faculty who were recertified received a letter from the Provost, and department chairs have received a list of their faculty who didn’t participate.
- Committee can follow-up but if refused, the committee has done all they can.
- 1/3 of faculty identified as eligible for recertification have been recertified by the committee.
- “Changes to the charge” might be appropriate; then to Bylaws Committee and to the Senate for a vote---put everything on the table for guidelines and process.
- Should we reach out again to faculty?
- Continue with the backlog and focus on that.
- Communicate with chairs to see if this is causing scheduling or degree completion issues.
- Considerations, in brief:
- Send an email to all faculty reminding requirements each semester
- Send email to all faculty reminding to include WI paragraph each semester
- We’ve not made it through that list of more than 5+ years since training.
- Is it dependent upon number of years since certification or since teaching a WI?
- We need to recommend language
- Percentage?
- 20-30% with disciplinary discretion
- Recertification/Decertification issue?
- Percentage?
- High and Low stakes writing distinction
- Any clarifications there?
- What does one need to submit in order to meet certification?
- Is it dependent upon number of years since certification or since teaching a WI?
- Discussion of recertification work for Fall 2020.
- See above discussion notes with Julian Stark.
- Norming session
- Postpone until we have more solid procedure for recertification process
- Discussion of current recertifications:
- Donald Tricarico, Sociology
- Fulfills current standards
- Votes to pass for recertification: Ian, Stefan, Sanjay Rommel, Linda, Carla, Christi
- Votes via email to Jeff/Christi: Jeff, Bob, Elise, Artie
- Robert Kueper: We need to count votes for recertification; send email to Jeff and Christi.
- Discussion:
- Missing language about revision.
- Needs to identify as a WI course.
- Discussion seems to imply that this syllabus does not pass as written but can incorporate simple language to fit the requirements.
- Discussion:
- Fulfills current standards
- Donald Tricarico, Sociology
- Jeff will notify Artie of people who pass.
- Old business
- n/a
- New business
- Announcements:
- Bob & Elise: WI training may need to be restructured.
- Number of participants may be lowered based on a variety of issues.
- Notify chairs (?) that if people need to take the WI certification training, they register early to complete it.
- Next meeting:
- How can we make good use of our time for creating the list of recommendations to the Bylaws Committee?
- Google Doc
- Stefan will create—thanks!
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
- How can we make good use of our time for creating the list of recommendations to the Bylaws Committee?
- Bob & Elise: WI training may need to be restructured.
- Announcements:
Respectfully submitted,
Christi Saindon
Committee on WID/WAC, Secretary
Minutes typed on September 17, 2020