Academic Senate Committee on WID/WAC 02/17/2021
The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on WID/WAC met on 02/17/2021, 12:45 pm, via Zoom
Committee Members in Attendance:
- Elise Denbo (WID/WAC)
- Jeff Hall (Committee Chairperson, History)
- Sanjay Koul (Biological Sciences and Geology)
- Carla McIntosh (Academy Advisement)
- Rommel Robertson (Social Sciences)
- Christi Saindon (Committee Secretary, Speech Communication & Theatre Arts)
- Ian Schanning (Physics)
Liaisons in Attendance:
The meeting was called to order at 12:45 pm
- Approval of minutes of December 9, 2020 meeting.
- Approved by unanimous consent
- Approval of agenda.
- Approved by unanimous consent
- Activity since last meeting:
- WI waiver petitions
- Andres Gonzalez (approved)
- Brandon Camacho, waiting for completed waiver petition (pending)
- Anthony Phan (disapproved petition)
- WI recertifications
- Kwai Chiu (Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Has received checklist and waiting for more from Prof. Chiu
- Kwai Chiu (Mathematics and Computer Science)
- WI waiver petition issues
- Student waiver requests, some ideas for discussion:
- No harm in students taking additional WI courses
- Maybe at least “one WI course must be completed at QCC”
- Classes accepted from other institutions should be designated as WI
- Possibility of sending list of WI courses to academic advisors
- Who would be responsible for creating the list to be available for students and/or advisors?
- Can students/advisors just use the dropdown menu already located in the CUNY First search function to find WI courses?
- Not much frequency with student requests for WI waivers, so maybe continue to use the current system of committee review and vote on a case-by-case basis
- The number we’ve had to date seems average (3-4/semester)
- Can we make the course attribute (WI) more noticeable in the online registration system?
- Can we invite the Registrar or the Academic Advising office to share:
- What students see when they are registering for courses online
- If there is a way to modify the online registration system to make it more user-friendly for students
- Can we invite the Registrar or the Academic Advising office to share:
- Student waiver requests, some ideas for discussion:
- WI waiver petition form
- Converted to Word file.
- Suggested to put on committee website
- Student completes the form, sends it back to WID-WAC chair, committee reviews and votes, then back to Dean of Faculty, and finally, WID-WAC committee chair notifies student directly of approval/denial.
- Jeff will put together document outlining steps for future committee chair.
- WI recertifications, Spring 2021
- Do we have a list of who has been certified/recertified?
- How should we proceed with recertification?
- Artie: The WID-WAC committee has already reviewed 1/3 of faculty; move on from people who did not respond to the next 1/3 of faculty; respond accordingly (recertify or suggestions) to folks who submit; submit those responses to Dean of Faculty who will contact faculty; then move to next 1/3 of faculty.
- Remember: purely voluntary, WID-WAC committee cannot require faculty to recertify.
- Department chairs will be notified of nonresponsive recertification requests.
- For the next 1/3 up for recertification, Jeff will contact Meg Tarafdar in CETL for the list of faculty who need recertification.
- Then will contact committee to complete recertifications.
- Old business
- Proposal to Bylaws Committee (Dec. 2020)
- Revisions to WID-WAC committee charge sent to Steven Dahlke; will follow up.
- DeVor Rainey waiver (Oct. 2020)
- Returning student with 160 credits; trying to verify if student has completed any WI credits.
- Carla will check-in with the advisor.
- New business
- Be thinking about serving as Chair or Secretary next academic year
- Adjournment
- Adjourned at 1:37pm
Respectfully submitted,
Christi Saindon
Committee on Committee on WID/WAC, Secretary
Minutes typed on February 17, 2021