HA-103: Eastern Massage II

Course Information

Course, prefix, number, & title: HA-103 Eastern Massage II

Hours (Class, recitation, Laboratory, studio): 1 hour lecture, 3 hours laboratory; offered in Fall or Spring semester

Credits: 2

Pre-requisites (if any): HA-100, HA-101, and BI-301 All prerequisites must be completed with a grade of C or better

Course Description in college catalog:

This course combines lecture, focused on presenting more in-depth concepts in Eastern healing, with practicum experience in intermediate level techniques in Shiatsu. It builds upon the foundation established in Eastern Massage I as the student learns the intellectual concepts and palpatory skills necessary to develop more complex and individually tailored Shiatsu treatments. Proper body mechanics, fluidity, and stretching techniques continue to be emphasized in the practicum as students learn additional techniques to deepen their practice

Academic programs for which this course serves as a requirement or an elective:

A.A.S. Massage Therapy

General Education Outcomes: Below is a listing of General Education Outcome(s) that this course supports.

  1. Communicate effectively through written and oral forms

  2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions

Course-specific student learning outcomes:


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate advanced skills in massage therapy. Students will be able to perform client assessment and create a treatment plan. Students will be able to:

Student Learning Outcomes
Course Objectives Learning Outcomes
1. Able to explain basic theory of health and illness in CCM terms Students will apply these concepts in developing a holistic understanding of health and illness and giving a basic whole-body Shiatsu treatment
2. Practical skill in basic Shiatsu floor and table technique including moving from the Hara, Zen Shiatsu two-hand method, palming, thumbing, simple stretch and joint movement. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the performance of a whole-body framework and practice with meridians, demonstrating proper body mechanics
3. Understand and apply Zen Shiatsu theory of kyo/jitsu energetic imbalance Students will develop their palpation skills in assessing energetic imbalance
4. Understand and apply classical Chinese medical Five Element Phase (wu xing) Theory in Shiatsu Students will use 5 Element Correspondence and Support/Control Theory to formulate Shiatsu treatment plans
5. Palpate Mu and Shu (Bo and Yu) Primary Organ points and understand indications Incorporate special points into Shiatsu treatments as indicated
6. Can adapt Shiatsu to alternate treatment positions as needed, including on-site chair work. Sets up side-lying client and executes side-lying treatment. Administers short chair Shiatsu with correct form and technique
7. Practicing proper hygiene. Includes: handwashing pre/post, clean uniform Students will wear clean clothing, wash their hands before and after massage practice, and maintain the sanitation of the work space
8. Further develop clinical massage skills Interview skills: efficient use of time/gets useful information establishes rapport communicates clearly. Writes clear and concise S O A P notes

Program-specific outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge of and proficiency in the art and science of massage therapy, within a holistic health framework.

Comprehend theoretical knowledge of and apply Eastern and Western Massage Therapy Techniques.

Methods by which student learning will be assessed and evaluated; describe the types of methods to be employed; note whether certain methods are required for all sections:


Methods of instruction will emphasize demonstration, and will include lecture, reading and journaling assignments, supervised student practice, exams, and practical massage evaluation.

Class Activities

An important component of massage therapy practice is self-care. The course requirements listed above relate to body mechanics and personal comfort as well as to attitude. In HA 101, we also use contemplative practices and movement to cultivate self-awareness and compassion in preparation to offer touch therapy to others. Participation in these activities is required throughout the semester.


Table Methods
Assessment Item % Of Final Grade
Two Written Exams 30%
Written Final Exam 20%
Homework Assignments 10%
Practical Meridian Quizzes 10%
Practical Final Evaluation 30%

Academic Integrity policy (department or College):
Academic honesty is expected of all students. Any violation of academic integrity is taken extremely seriously. All assignments and projects must be the original work of the student or teammates. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any questions regarding academic integrity should be brought to the attention of the instructor. The following is the Queensborough Community College Policy on Academic Integrity: "It is the official policy of the College that all acts or attempted acts that are violations of Academic Integrity be reported to the Office of Student Affairs. At the faculty member's discretion and with the concurrence of the student or students involved, some cases though reported to the Office of Student Affairs may be resolved within the confines of the course and department. The instructor has the authority to adjust the offender's grade as deemed appropriate, including assigning an F to the assignment or exercise or, in more serious cases, an F to the student for the entire course." Read the University's policy on Academic Integrity opens in a new window.

Any student who feels that he or she may need an accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility Services in Science Building, Room S-132, 718-631-6257, to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. You can visit the Office of Accessibility Services website.

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