CS-103: Relational Databases with SQL
Course Information
Course, prefix, number, & title: CS-103 Relational Databases with SQL
Hours (Class, recitation, Laboratory, studio): 3 class hours, 2 laboratory hours
Credits: 4
Pre-requisites (if any): MA-119 with C or better, MA-114 with C or better, or Permission of the Department
Course Description in college catalog:
Principles of relational databases; data manipulation using SQL queries, as would apply to data science and related mathematical concepts: selection, insertion and deletion, aggregates, joins, views, integrity constraints, triggers; table management; database design. Emphasis is on the writing of SQL queries and PL/SQL scripts in a scalable, cross-platform, and client-server database systems (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle) with an understanding of the mathematical underpinnings.
Academic programs for which this course serves as a requirement or an elective:
A.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics and Science)
General Education Outcomes: Below is a listing of General Education Outcome(s) that this course supports.
Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions
Reason quantitatively as required in various fields of interest and in everyday life
Apply information management and digital technology skills useful for academic research and lifelong learning
Course-specific student learning outcomes:
- Students will be able to write SQL queries to extract data from an SQL database as would apply to data science and related mathematical concepts
- Students will be able to write SQL queries to insert and delete data while respecting the integrity of the database
- Students will be able to design and write SQL queries to create the table structure of databases
- Students will be able to manage users and roles in a database system through SQL commands
- Students will be able to use SQL scripting language in order to maintain databases
- Students will be able to apply abstract reasoning and programming logic to design SQL queries and code PL/SQL functions
- Students will be introduced to the mathematical underpinnings of database concepts (e.g.: tuples, relations, Cartesian products, projections, quantifiers)
- With understanding of their mathematical algebraic underpinnings students will use built-in functions to perform basic statistical analyses of data
Program-specific outcomes
1. Demonstrate proficiency in factual knowledge, conceptual understanding, and discipline-specificmethodology required for transfer to the junior year in a baccalaureate program in natural science,
mathematics, engineering, or computer science
2. Disciplinary learning:
(b) Demonstrate proficiency in acquiring, processing, and analyzing scientific information in various forms, as
related to the field of concentration.
(c) Proficiently convey information specific to the discipline, through technical writing or oral presentation.
(d) Use current technology or experimental techniques to supplement the fundamental concepts and
methodology used in the field of study.
(e) Work collaboratively to acquire and analyze data, or solve problems in the field of study.
Other program outcomes (if applicable).
Integrate knowledge and skills in the program of study
Methods by which student learning will be assessed and evaluated; describe the types of methods to be employed; note whether certain methods are required for all sections:
The general guidelines for assessing grades are as follows:
In-class examinations | 35% |
Projects, Laboratory and homework assignments | 35% |
Final Examination | 30% |
The distribution is at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic Integrity policy (department or College):
Academic honesty is expected of all students. Any violation of academic integrity is taken extremely seriously. All assignments and projects must be the original work of the student or teammates. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any questions regarding academic integrity should be brought to the attention of the instructor. The following is the Queensborough Community College Policy on Academic Integrity: "It is the official policy of the College that all acts or attempted acts that are violations of Academic Integrity be reported to the Office of Student Affairs. At the faculty member's discretion and with the concurrence of the student or students involved, some cases though reported to the Office of Student Affairs may be resolved within the confines of the course and department. The instructor has the authority to adjust the offender's grade as deemed appropriate, including assigning an F to the assignment or exercise or, in more serious cases, an F to the student for the entire course." Read the University's policy on Academic Integrity opens in a new window.
Any student who feels that he or she may need an accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility Services in Science Building, Room S-132, 718-631-6257, to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. You can visit the Office of Accessibility Services website.