Facility Hazard Guidelines
Utility Failure/Water Leak
When reporting a power outage/water leak:
- Provide the location of the incident.
- Report any noises or occurrences that happened before the incident.
Be prepared:
- Keep a flashlight handy.
- Know how to locate the nearest exit.
- If a leak threatens your work area, move items off the floor.
- Never touch fallen electrical lines or exposed electrical wiring.
- If a hazard exists, evacuation may be the next step. After consultation with the Administration, announcements regarding any building closures will be made, as necessary.
Hazardous Material Incident
When reporting a hazardous material incident:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Provide the location of the hazardous material. Should you need to evacuate an area DO NOT HESITATE – and use the NEAREST EXIT, remembering to help those who may need assistance. However, if you suspect contamination, do not leave the site until you are cleared by emergency response personnel.
- NEVER attempt to clean up a spill.
- Isolate the affected area by closing all means of access and egress.
- If you are the victim of a hazardous material incident, seek immediate medical attention!
- Do not hesitate to contact the Public Safety Dispatcher in the event that you come across any type of suspicious material or substance.
- Keep the telephone number to the Environmental Health and Safety Officer (Ext. 5148, 718-281-5148) readily available.
Gas Leaks, Odors, Fumes
When reporting an unusual odor and/or fumes:
- Provide your name and telephone number and the location of the problem.
- Provide information on the location of any suspected source of the odor.
- Under no circumstances should you should you enter a room or area from which a suspicious odor or vapor is being emitted. In fact, some dangerous gases are odorless, so do not let your safety be controlled only by your sense of smell.
- Should you need to evacuate an area DO NOT HESITATE using the nearest safe exit and avoid the elevator when possible. Remember to assist any disabled individuals in the area!
- Do not use cell phones, two-way radios or open flames – a spark can cause an ignition leading to an explosion.
- Do not pull fire alarms if you detect gas.
- It is imperative to act quickly. The more quickly that critical information is passed on to the Public Safety Dispatcher, the sooner the situation can be assessed and communicated to the appropriate internal and/or external emergency response personnel.
Fire or Explosion
When reporting a fire or explosion:
- Provide your name, location and telephone number.
- Provide the location of the fire or explosion.
- Provide information on the number of persons trapped.
- Provide information on the number of persons injured.
- When the fire alarm sounds, complete evacuation is required.
Remember the following!
- If you or someone else is on fire – Stop, Drop and Roll.
- Follow instructions of Building and Floor Coordinators.
- Close doors and windows as you leave, if possible.
- Never open a door without first checking for heat or smoke.
- Follow directions of Building or Floor Coordinators and/or Public Safety and other emergency response personnel.
- The most critical areas for immediate evacuation are the fire floor and floors immediately above.
- Do not use the elevator unless instructed to do so by emergency response personnel.
- If you find yourself in a smoke filled environment "Stay Low & Go."
- Assist disabled persons to move to a safe area preferably on/or adjacent to the landing of the closest safe stairwell and notify person(s) in authority of their location for evacuation by emergency personnel.
- Use a fire extinguisher only on small fires that can be controlled by such extinguishers.
- Identify the correct type of fire extinguisher depending on the type of fire.
- Never let the fire come between you and the exit.
Be prepared:
- Note the location of fire alarms, red emergency phones, extinguishers and other emergency equipment.
- Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and fire drill procedures.
- Note the location of landmarks which may aid your exit when visibility is reduced by smoke.
- Locate at least two emergency exits from your floor and make sure they are free from obstruction.
Hurricane/Severe Weather Preparedness
Before leaving your office:
- Turn off and unplug all electrical equipment.
- Where possible, move computers, fax machines, printers, etc., away from windows.
- Back up essential data files and documents.
- Clear desk surfaces.
- Secure or remove personal items.
- Cover your computer with plastic.
- Close window blinds and shades.
- Vacate offices, closing and locking all doors.
Remember: In any type of emergency, always assist others with disabilities.
For updates once you have left the campus:
- Listen to local television and/or radio stations.
- Call the QCC main number at (718) 631-6262 and/or the Public Safety Office at (718) 631-6320.
- Check your e-mail.
- Check your voice mail.
- Join and monitor emergency text updates from CUNY Alert
- Log on to:
Note: In the event that your work area sustains significant damage, you may be instructed to temporarily relocate to another area or to an auxiliary location.
Lock Down/Shelter in Place
A Lock Down or Shelter in Place condition occurs when it has been officially determined that it is unsafe to enter the outside environment.
- All people on campus must remain inside and be prepared to stay inside until the area is cleared of the hazard and once again declared safe to inhabit.
- The HVAC system will be turned off and buildings will be sealed if a toxic environment exists outside.
- Even if you are uncomfortable, you must not open a door or window! Doing so may jeopardize your life and the lives of others.
- You will be alerted and provided with additional information by one or more of these methods:
- Telephone/voicemail/e-mail messages
- CUNY Alert text messaging system
- Public Safety, Police or other emergency personnel
- Emergency Response Team member
- Building or Floor Coordinators
- A lock down/shelter in place situation is usually newsworthy. Advise your family and friends on how to reach the college in case of emergency:
- The main QCC number is (718) 631-6262.
- The Department of Public Safety 24 hour number is 1-718- 631-6320.
- College officials will be in contact with news media and will keep campus personnel informed via CUNY Alert, e-mail, voicemail, college intercom, voice/siren alert system, word of mouth and any other available communications tool.
Faculty and staff – be prepared:
- If possible, keep non-perishable food and water in your office or workspace.
- Have additional prescription medications available. Students should also carry extra medication.
- Keep a battery-powered radio on hand.
- Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries near your desk.
- Keep a cell phone charger at work.
- Consult with your family to develop an Emergency Response Plan so everyone knows what to do in the event of a major crisis. This applies to students as well.
Evacuation Procedures
When evacuating the building or work area:
- Stay calm.
- Do not push or panic.
- Gather personal belongings if it is safe to do so.
- Reminder: take prescription medications, keys, purse, glasses, etc. when possible since it may be hours before occupants are permitted back in the building.
- If safe, close the office door and window, but do not lock them.
- Assist disabled persons to move to a safe area preferably on/or adjacent to the landing of the closest safe stairwell and notify person(s) in authority of their location for evacuation by emergency personnel.
- Do not use the elevator unless told to do so by emergency personnel.
- Follow the instructions of Building and Floor Coordinators.
- Proceed to the designated evacuation meeting point.
- Re-enter the building only when advised to do so by police or emergency response personnel.
- You MUST evacuate an area or building when ordered to do so, whether the order comes by means of an audible/visible alarm or alert, and/or through verbal directions from Public Safety or other emergency response personnel.
- Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes.
- Evacuation techniques are carefully selected keeping safety in mind. Unknown hazards may exist so always follow directions carefully.
- If you are given a specific route to take while evacuating, take that route in order to avoid contact with a toxic spill, fire or other dangerous situation.