CRSP 2021-2022 Cohort

The CUNY Research Scholars Program at Queensborough Community College

CRSP-Closing-summer-2021.jpg(Closing Ceremony Summer 2021)

This program provides funding for students to engage in individual research projects with faculty mentors in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Social Science. Full-time associate degree students at any level of their academic career with a minimum GPA of 2.7 can participate.

Applications for the 2021-2022 cycle of the program are now closed and will reopen in August 2022. The program currently provides funding for twenty-four (24) student-faculty pairs in the form of a $4,000 stipend for each student and $1,000 for the faculty mentor. Faculty are funded to mentoror co-mentora maximum of two students.

All research projects (in-person, hybrid or remote) should include some type of laboratory/research skills training (hands-on or using videos, lab software, computations, simulations or literature analysis leading to the development/design of planned experiments if possible).

Successful student applicants are expected to participate in the laboratory (or computer laboratory) experience for one full academic year plus a summer and complete 320 hours of research/independent study. In addition to participating in research, student interns are expected to attend workshops on laboratory safety, responsible conduct in Research, and weekly research/scientific career-related workshops. Student interns are also expected to present a poster/talk at the college level in the fall semester and at the CUNY summer symposium. Student interns who do not complete the entire program and attend the program events will not qualify for the entire stipend.

STEM and Social Sciences faculty members who plan to mentor undergraduate research students this year are invited to apply for these scholarships together with their student mentees. Additional program guidelines are below. Please refer to the rubric that will be used to score applications. The deadline for submitting complete applications (including both a faculty application and a student application) with faculty and student information is 11:59 pm on Monday, September 12, 2022.

Submit a faculty application. Research students will be e-mailed a separate link to submit their information upon submission of the faculty application. However, students wishing to begin their application early may access the student application . A review process will be conducted and the recipients of the scholarships will be announced no later than Friday, September 30 th.

Applications are initiated by faculty mentors.

For more information contact:

Dr. Sharon Lall-Ramnarine, [email protected]

Dr. Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, [email protected]

*Students cannot participate without a mentor

CRSP 2021-2022 Scholars and Mentors

Student Name Research Mentor(s) Department Project Title
Bansari Patel Mangala Tawde Biological Sciences and Geology Antimicrobial production by Streptomyces- Literature Review, screening,
isolation, and Identification of new strains
Brittney Aragon Regina Sullivan & Sarbani Ghoshal Biological Sciences and Geology Effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on lung cancer cells
Cymone Grant Jody Resko Social Sciences An examination of resiliency in community college students
Elijah Bernard Sharon Lall-Ramnarine Chemistry Development of Electrospun Ionic  Liquid-Polymer Fibers
Fariya Chowdhury Andrew Bulawa Mathematics and Computer Science Integer values of generating functions for Fibonacci-like sequences
Ho Martin Yuen Sharon Lall-Ramnarine Chemistry Exploring the effect of hydrogen bonding in derivatized imidazolium ionic liquids
Jayson Rodriguez Andrew Nguyen Biological Sciences and Geology Examining Osteoclast Function regulated by STAT3 and Estrogen Hormone
Jonathan Lee Jun Shin Chemistry Determination of the Refractive Index of Sodium Acetate by the Extension Method
Kaila Pulley Kimberly Riegel Physics Urban noise propagation and public health
Kiana Korpacz Zhou Zhou Chemistry Synthesis of cyanine dyes with double activation sites
Lijie Wan Jun Shin Chemistry Thermodynamic study of esterification of propionic acid using a microwave reactor: determination of enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes
Melanie Jerez de Rodriguez Celia Sporer & Jody Resko Social Sciences Exploring the impact of COVID 19 on EMS providers
Mya Potter Rondi Davies Biological Sciences and Geology Glacial history of Long Island, NY: Mineral Provenance
Nancy Velasquez Regina Sullivan &
Sarbani Ghoshal
Biological Sciences and Geology Comparison of the effect of single-walled carbon nanotube treatment on triple-negative breast cancer cell lines
Reetu Singh Yusuf Danisman Mathematics and Computer Science Feature selection for machine learning-based stock market return prediction
Roberto Bardales Dugwon Seo Engineering Technology Data Analysis in nanoscale sensing with solid state defects in diamond
Samaragyee Dhungel Yusuf Danisman Mathematics and Computer Science Predicting the direction of stock market prices using dynamic thresholds
Shaniakay Williams Mangala Tawde Biological Sciences and Geology Antibiotic resistance in environmental bacteria post- COVID 19
Tea Plummer Rondi Davies Biological Sciences and Geology Glacial History of Long Island, NY: Zircon Ages
Tsz Wa Ellen Chu Amy Traver Social Sciences Children on the Move and in the News: Reports of Child Emigres in New York State Media, 1853-1929
Wai Cheung Tung Amos Orlofsky Biological Sciences and Geology Regulation of host amino acid transporters by an intracellular parasite
Yohrdana Calle-Palma Celia Sporer & John Schriner Social Sciences Existing connections to the criminal justice systems influence on the choice to major in criminal justice
Zircarmel Dorcely Huixin Wu Engineering Technology Improve housing design to prevent major flooding during hurricane season

CRSP Events

Summer 2022

July 25, July 27, August 1st on Zoom

Mandatory CRSP Symposium

The CRSP symposium where all students will submit videos of their presentations and answer questions synchronously will be held this year on three days. Visit the CUNY CRSP Website for Zoom meeting links:

CRSP Website opens in a new window

Friday, May 27th from 10 to 11 am on Zoom

Workshop: What is an Abstract and How to Write Abstracts? Preparing Abstracts for the CRSP Summer Symposium.

Students will review the CRSP Summer Symposium abstract guidelines and begin writing or editing their abstracts. This workshop will focus on the necessary elements of a research abstract, and students will evaluate abstracts (or their own if possible) using a rubric.

Friday, June 3rd

Submit: Draft of CRSP Symposium Abstract

Students will submit their final CRSP Summer Symposium abstract drafts for review and feedback. Feedback will be provided on Blackboard within one week.

Friday, June 17th from 10 to 11 am on Zoom

Workshop: Writing a Personal Statement

Students will read samples of personal statements and practice writing their own personal statements. Students will review discipline-specific terminology and incorporate technical terms in their personal statements.

Friday, July 1st from 10 to 11 am on Zoom

Workshop: Mock Talks to choose featured presenter from QCC at the CRSP Summer Symposium

5 semifinalists (chosen from the SSS presentation video submissions) will give 10-minute research talks and one finalist will be selected to give the featured presentation from QCC at the CRSP symposium.

Friday, July 1st from 11 to 11:15 am

How to save your presentation unlisted on YouTube and create a link to it.

Students will receive guidance on how to upload their presentation videos to YouTube.

Tuesday, July 5th on CUNY CRSP Website or link

Submit: Online Submission deadline for Final Abstracts to CRSP summer symposium

Students will submit their edited abstracts to the CRSP Summer Symposium after mentor approval and uploading to CRSP Blackboard.

Due Date: Tuesday, July 12th

Submit: Presentation video to CRSP Symposium

Students will submit their video-recorded presentations to CRSP. All presentations MUST be recorded in advance. To ensure a smooth transition between presentations, we must adhere to a strict limit of no more than 5 minutes per recorded presentation. There will be time for questions from the judges and the audience during the symposium.

Friday, July 8th on Dropbox

Submit Personal Statement Drafts

Students will submit their personal statements using strategies from the workshop on writing personal statements.

Friday, July 15th on Dropbox

Submit Final revised Resume

Students will submit the revised Resume they started in Spring 2022.

Thursday, July 28th from 12 to 2:00 pm in S-442

Closing Ceremony

Stipend checks will be distributed

Spring 2022

Monday, January 24th 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

CRSP Spring Welcome Back

Events and deliverables for the semester will be discussed.

Wednesday, Jan. 26th 10:00 am - 3:15 pm

CRSP Virtual CUNY-Wide Winter Symposium

All CRSP students will give two-minute live presentations.

All students and other attendees, register in advance. Students should upload their abstracts and choose either the 10:45 am or 12:00 pm session. All registrants will receive the Zoom link prior to the January 26th event.

Wednesday, Feb. 23rd 12:10 -2:00 pm

Resume Writing Workshop

Ms. Strauss from the Career Services Office will present a workshop on resume writing focusing on how to include your research experience and awards and explaining the difference between a resume and a CV. One-on-one follow-up resume editing and review sessions with career services will also be arranged. Please bring a copy of your existing resume if you have one.

Monday, May 16th

Deadline to upload Resume draft.

Wednesday, March 16th 12:40 – 2:00 pm

Speech Workshop

Dr. Franca Ferrari from the speech department will present a workshop on strategies used to present your research work effectively.

Friday, April 1st

SSS Abstracts Submission Due

Wednesday, April 13th

Deadline to upload draft video presentation (for Speech instructor) to Dropbox

Each student will record a 4-minute PowerPoint on their research. Dr. Ferrari will review the videos and provide individual feedback and follow-up discussions.

Wednesday, April 27th
12:10 pm to 1:00 pm

LinkedIn Workshop

Dr. Regina Sullivan will guide students to create a LinkedIn profile and link to a CRSP group for Alumni connections and updates.

Thursday, April 28th

SSS Video Submission Due

Students will present prerecorded 4-5 minutes video presentations to the college community.

Friday, May 6th

Virtual Spring Student Symposium

Students will present prerecorded 4-5 minutes video presentations to the college community.

Fall 2021

Friday, Oct. 1st from 3:00 to 4:30 pm on Zoom

CRSP Orientation

Faculty-student teams will attend program orientation and review program requirements and event schedule.

Week 1: Monday Oct. 4th – 8th

All CRSP student stipend and program paperwork due:

Upload all documents to the QCC Dropbox and email the RCR certificate to [email protected] and [email protected].

Fri, Oct. 8th from 1:10 to 2:10 pm or Fri. Oct. 15th from 3:10 to 4:10 pm on Blackboard

Library Research Workshop

Project Specific guidance. 2 groups: beginners & returning/advanced.

Presented by Prof. Christine (Miseon) Kim. Take your CRSP project title. Learn how to find scholarly sources using library databases and how to cite sources in the proper format.

Wed., Oct. 13th 12:10-2 pm or Wed., Oct. 20th 12:10-2 pm in S-415

Lab Safety Workshop

Required for chemistry and biology students only

Presented by Mr. Mel Rodriguez, Chemical Hygiene and Health and Safety Officer.

Fri., Oct. 22nd from 3:10 to 4:10 pm and Wed., Oct. 27th from 1:10-2:10 pm on Zoom

Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Workshop

E-mail certificate for Online portion by Friday, October 8th 5:00 pm.

Complete Part 1 Online by October 8th. Complete Part 2 with Ms. Jacinta Patrice-George. E-mail certificate to [email protected] and [email protected].

Wed., Nov. 10th 1:10 – 2:00 pm Location: Zoom

Presentation Preparation Tips Workshop – for Virtual UR day

Presented by Dr. Paul Sideris

Learn how to record your PowerPoint Research presentation and convert it to a video for a virtual conference

Friday, Dec. 3rd on Zoom

Undergraduate Research (UR) day Presentations

Abstracts due: November 21st

All QCC students/faculty present on UR projects

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.