QCC Space Weather Research and Education Program

Dr. M. Chantale Damas

QCC Space Weather Research and Education Program

Program Director: Dr. M. Chantale Damas
[email protected]
Location: Physics Department, Room S-343
Telephone: 718-281-5422

The Queensborough Community College (QCC) has partnered with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the City College of New York (CCNY) to design and implement a high impact practice integrated research and education program in solar, geospace and atmospheric physics under the umbrella discipline of space weather. The program is aimed at both enhancing the STEM experience of community college students, and increase the participation of groups historically under-represented in STEM fields. Students are engaged in a year-long research experience with two components: 1) during the academic year, students are enrolled in a course-based introductory research (CURE) where they conduct research on real-world problems; and 2) during the summer, students are placed in research internships at NASA, CCNY and other partner institutions. Through a strong collaboration with partner institutions, the project will train and retain women and underrepresented community college students in STEM fields.


All students as early as their first semester can participate. Students must commit to being part of the program for one full academic year plus the summer. Only US citizen and permanent residents can receive stipends. Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged.


For participation in the program, students will receive a $5,000 stipend in the summer. The pogram provides travel awards to students to attend national science conferences to present their work.

This program is mainly supported by the National Science Foundation Geosciences Directorate under NSF Award Number DES-1446704, and the NASA MUREP Community College Curriculum Improvement (MC3I) under NASA Award Number NNX15AV96A. This program is partially supported by NSF award AGS-1359293 REU; QCC US Department of Education Queensborough MSEIP (P120A140057); CUNY Research Scholars

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