Committee on Awards and Scholarships Minutes for December 10, 2021


The Academic Senate Committee on Awards and Scholarships met on December 10, 2021, 1:00 PM via Zoom

Committee Members in Attendance:

Ewa Stelmach (Chairperson),

Wei Lai (Secretary)

Stephen Atkins

Ari Fulton

Benjamin Miller

Alfred McDonald Jr. 

Mark Zelcer

Committee Members Absent

Veronica Lucas


The meeting was called to order at 3:15 PM




The agenda was distributed by Ewa Stelmach before the meeting via email.

The minutes of Sep. 22, 2021 were reviewed.


After minor revision, the minutes were approved and will be posted on the committee’s webpage.


Welcome and introduce the designee from the steering committee

Mark Zelcer from the Department Social Sciences introduced himself and greeted the committee.

He will serve as Steering Committee Designee


Change of Bylaws


The Chair contacted the Bylaws committee with proposed the changes to the Bylaws of ASC and is awaiting their decision.

The chair will send out the draft of the addendum after today’s meeting and the members will communicate via emails afterwards.


Chair will update the committee once she learns the result from Bylaws Committee Addendum will be posted online after everyone reviews it


Review Merit Scholarship Application Spring 2022

The Chair reminded the members of the grading criteria and the new change of the essay prompts. The committee expressed their dissatisfaction with the essays for Spring 22 applications. Writing prompts of the application essay were discussed and it is decided that the further improvements need to be made give the applicants clearer guidance.

The Chair will ask Dean Lucas’ office to update the application form webpage and has the ASC committee review the page (form) before the next scholarship are being announced.

The committee members inquired if they could have more time (88 essays reviewed for Spring 22 application within three days) to review the essays. The chair will discuss this matter with Ms. Lucas.


A total of 88 applications for Spring 22 Continuing Merit Scholarships were graded by the committee. 45 applications were accepted. 31 applications were voted as “Pending”.  Two applications were voted as “Pending on essay revision” and ten were rejected.

A writing example (or template) will be provided on the application webpage for the applicants. Professors Atkins, McDonald, and Fulton will compose the writing example together and Professor Miller will edit and proofread the example. The writing example is to be submitted by Feb. 28.


Future Meetings (fall 2021)


The next meeting (online) in Spring 22 is not scheduled yet. The committee will decide the date on Doodle. (a day from 9th -13th in May)


Respectfully submitted,

Wei Lai
Committee on Awards and Scholarships, Secretary

Minutes typed on May 8th, 2022

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