Committee on Awards and Scholarships Minutes for May 28, 2021


The Academic Senate Committee on Awards and Scholarships met on May 28, 2021, 10:00 AM via Zoom

Committee Members in Attendance:

Ewa Stelmach (Chairperson),

Sujun Wei (Secretary)

Stephen Atkins

Ari Fulton

Benjamin Miller

Wei Lai


Members Absent:

Alfred McDonald Jr. 

May Ann Rosa

Liaisons in Attendance:

Veronica Lucas


The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM




The agenda was distributed by Ewa Stelmach before the meeting via email.

The minutes of May 13, 2021 were reviewed.


The minutes were approved for posting.


Election of Chair and Secretary


Ewa Stelmach was nominated as the candidate to be Chair of Awards and Scholarship Committee.

Wei Lai was nominated as the candidate to be Secretary of Awards and Scholarship Committee.


Both were voted all in favor and their new terms will be effective starting fall 2021.

Outgoing members


Ewa Stelmach thanked Sujun Wei and Benjamin Miller for their commitment and service to the committee. Both Sujun and Benjamin offered to stay on the committee to help with evaluating applicants.


Since two members did not attend the last year meetings and two incoming members have very little experience in evaluating applications, the committee will send the request for either Sujun Wei or Benjamin Miller to stay on the committee for another academic year.

Review of Merit Scholarship Applications


The committee members had reviewed all the applications prior to the meeting. Ewa Stelmach briefly reminded the members the evaluation criteria. The Academic Merit Scholarship is given to all continuing students, who have a minimum 3.25 GPA, completed 24 QCC credits, and also registered for the upcoming semesters with 15 credits with two exceptions only. The committee members compared choices for all the applications one by one.


There were two waves of Merit Scholarship applications. After the combination there were 113 applications in total. 37 applications were accepted. 67 applications were voted as “Pending”. 9 applications were rejected.


Future Meetings (fall 2021)


The committee discussed possible dates for fall 2021 meetings.


Tentatively, one extra meeting is scheduled on September 22nd, 2021, 12-2pm (Wednesday) for discussing student essay issue mentioned. Our committee’s regular meeting is scheduled on December 8th, 2021, 12-2pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Sujun Wei
Committee on Awards and Scholarships, Secretary

Minutes typed on May 20th, 2021

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