Dugwon Seo is an Assistant Professor in Engineering Technology Department at Queensborough Community College. She holds Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the City College of New York and has Electrical Engineering background from her Bachelor’s degree. Dr. Seo has research interest in use of remote sensing technology applications to solve problems in the modeling of land surface processes, numerical weather prediction and global climate models. She is also interested and working on research projects in area of renewable and efficient future energy system with couple of QCC students. Dr. Seo has more than 8 years of college teaching experiences and mentoring minority student practices in various levels. She has been mentoring undergraduate students through CUNY Research Scholar Programs (CRSP) and Research Experience Undergraduate (REU) for research projects. She mentors Hispanic Ph.D students to assist their professoriate career achievement through NSF funded H-AGEP program. She also has contributed to increase the number of women students in technology discipline through Women in Technology (WiTNY) funded project.