A Statement on my accomplishments
I am a full professor in the department of chemistry at Queensborough Community College (QCC) and was a recipient of the Faculty Excellence Award in 2016. My research is in the field of nanotechnology, which involves the manipulation of materials and devices the size one thousand times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. This research has been identified as the area which will drive the world economy in the future. I have mentored thirty QCC students in this interdisciplinary area of research. They have learned how to synthesize, characterize, and manipulate materials at nanoscale and apply them in industrial setting, a rare opportunity for community college students.
My scholastic and creative achievements comprise a total of thirty published peer-reviewed articles, three book chapters, and several oral and invited presentations. My research articles have been published in international journals of very high repute, including the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Organometallics, Organic Letters, Inorganic Chemistry, Silicon, and Applied Organomet Chem. Ten QCC students have contributed as co-authors in some of these peer reviewed articles. In addition, my research mentees have presented over eighty research presentations at international, national, and regional conferences such as Silicon Symposium, an international conference where QCC students were the only community college students presenting their research, American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meetings, Mid-Atlantic (ACS) Regional Meetings, Undergraduate Research Symposium of the NY section among many others.
Since 2009, I have been serving as the Faculty Coordinator for Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Academy. As Faculty Coordinator, I organize student events and coordinate co-curricular activities between STEM departments and the academic affairs. I promote the academy and enhance its exposure, participate in and promote the programmatic assessment of the STEM Academy and help in student advisement.